The lion bit the wild dog's neck fiercely. At this time, the wild dog looked as if it was dead and had no intention of resisting. If you really think so, you are totally wrong. Don't look at it, it's soft. It turns out that it was all pretending. It has been looking for opportuni

2024/07/0214:32:33 housepet 1601

The lion bit the wild dog's neck fiercely. At this time, the wild dog looked as if it was dead and had no intention of resisting. If you really think so, you are totally wrong. Don't look at it. It's so soft. , it turns out that it was all pretending. It has been looking for opportunities and wants to escape. Do you think a smart lion will be fooled?

The lion bit the wild dog's neck fiercely. At this time, the wild dog looked as if it was dead and had no intention of resisting. If you really think so, you are totally wrong. Don't look at it, it's soft. It turns out that it was all pretending. It has been looking for opportuni - DayDayNews

The lioness didn't believe this wild dog at all, so she died like this. Wild dogs are very cunning animals on the grassland. In order to avoid being deceived by this wild dog, the lioness kept biting all parts of its body, but the wild dog was very strong and kept this posture without even moving, as if it was really dead. The lioness still didn't want to believe it, and started to use her hands, feet and teeth to really end its life. Now for the wild dog, it was really painful. After all, the lion's bite force was there, and there was a sharp The teeth were also there. In order to survive, it could only continue to endure the pain and cooperate with the lioness to bite its neck one by one.

The lion bit the wild dog's neck fiercely. At this time, the wild dog looked as if it was dead and had no intention of resisting. If you really think so, you are totally wrong. Don't look at it, it's soft. It turns out that it was all pretending. It has been looking for opportuni - DayDayNews

After the lioness bit again for a while, she saw that the wild dog had no reaction at all, so she He simply held it in his mouth and wanted to return to his home. Seeing this situation, the wild dog really panicked. Once it returned to the lion's den, it would definitely be cold. At this moment, Tianwu On the road to death, the companion of the wild dog saw the lion holding his friend in his mouth, and rushed in this direction, constantly making noises to provoke the lion. The lion did not pay much attention at first, but as time went on The wild dog's voice became louder and louder, and he even wanted to rescue the wild dog. This really angered the lion. Thinking that this wild dog was probably really dead, the lion immediately let go and rushed towards the other wild dog that was provoking it. And at this moment At that time, something unbelievable happened. The wild dog was torn and bitten by the lion before. It actually resurrected with full health. After seeing the lion leaving, it stood up immediately and escaped from this place as fast as possible.

The lion bit the wild dog's neck fiercely. At this time, the wild dog looked as if it was dead and had no intention of resisting. If you really think so, you are totally wrong. Don't look at it, it's soft. It turns out that it was all pretending. It has been looking for opportuni - DayDayNews

This lion did not catch up with the wild dog in front of it. It thought of coming back to eat another dead wild dog. But when it looked back, it actually found the dead wild dog before. It was resurrected and escaped from it at an extremely fast speed, which really left the lion confused. The companions of the wild dog also rushed up one after another. They were very happy to see that their friend was not injured. The lion knew that he had really been fooled this time. He was filled with regret, but he had no choice but to watch the wild dog. Go away. Do you think this wild dog is smart? Welcome to leave a message below the video. See you in the next issue for more exciting content.

The lion bit the wild dog's neck fiercely. At this time, the wild dog looked as if it was dead and had no intention of resisting. If you really think so, you are totally wrong. Don't look at it, it's soft. It turns out that it was all pretending. It has been looking for opportuni - DayDayNews

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