"Squirrel and Son Read the Western Han Dynasty" series of stories (18): Liu Bang's entry into Xianyang/Squirrel Dad (Note: After opening this article in the Toutiao APP, you can click on the "headphones" in the upper right corner to automatically play the voice. #松丝 Father and So

2024/07/0210:01:33 news 1068

"Squirrel father and son read Western Han Dynasty " series of stories (18): Liu Bang into Xianyang

text/Squirrel Dad

(Note: After opening this article in Toutiao APP, you can click "Headphones" in the upper right corner to automatically play the voice. #松草fathersonreadshistory# Original article, reprinting is prohibited)

Liu Bang

People who are destined to meet again will definitely meet again.

Liu Bang attacked Xianyang in the west. It was difficult to describe all the difficulties. After finally marching to Yingchuan, he suddenly found a familiar figure in another team and shouted excitedly: "Isn't this the ovary?"

The ovary is the ovary. Zhang Liang . Zhang Liang was shocked: " Marquis of Wu'an ?"

"Marquis of Wu'an" is a marquis awarded by Liu Bang. Even he himself couldn't remember: "Zifang, you should call me ' Peigong ', listen." Very kind."

"Pei Gong, I'm so happy to see you."

Zhang Liang

"Why are you here? "

" Zhang Liang sighed.

"Come, sit down, have a drink and chat for a while."

Zhang Liang hit it off with Liu Bang in the early days of his army and immediately joined him. But later, when Korea was restored, Zhang Liang temporarily left him to help his friend Han Wang Han Cheng regain his country.

After being separated for more than half a year, they did not expect to meet again on the way west to Xianyang.

We don’t meet each other anywhere in life. We only meet because of strong connections.

The westward route planned by Liu Bang

The reunion of Liu and Zhang was a critical moment for Liu Bang's westward attack and also Zhang Liang's "darkest moment".

It turns out that Zhang Liang followed Han Cheng to regain Korea and finally captured several cities in the old areas of Korea. However, under the counterattack of the Qin army, they lost them all and had to fight " guerrilla " everywhere. can be seen guerrilla warfare is not a modern invention, it existed as early as the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony.

Liu Bang then joined forces with Han Cheng and Zhang Liang to capture more than a dozen cities in Korea and left them to Han Cheng to guard.

Han Cheng finally took over Korea’s old territory , and Korea was “basically restored”. In order to repay Liu Bang, he decided to let Zhang Liang help Liu Bang march west to Xianyang.

Zhang Liang's two major ideals in life, "destroying Qin" and "restoring Korea", were halfway achieved, so he naturally obeyed his orders happily and followed Liu Bang to attack the west.

From this moment to Liu Bang's capture of Xianyang, Zhang Liang made many clever suggestions for Liu Bang. The most exciting thing among them is to outsmart the two lines of defense in the southeast of Xianyang - Wuguan and Yao (yáo) Pass .

Liu Bang's actual route into Qin (red arrow)

Wuguan is not only the southeast gate of Xianyang, but also the place where a "major crime" occurred during the Warring States period .

During the Warring States Period, King Huai of Chu was kidnapped by King Zhaoxiang of Qin to Qin State on the pretext of meeting in Wuguan, and finally died in Xianyang. In the eyes of Chu people , this is a great shame and a great insult .

Liu Bang adopted Zhang Liang's plan and sent Li Shiqi and Lu Jia to persuade the Qin generals to surrender, promising them benefits, and easily captured Wuguan.

The Chu army led by Liu Bang captured Wuguan, which meant that the Chu people finally avenged their revenge.

When Xiong Xin, a descendant of King Huai of Chu who is far away in Pengcheng and the current King of Chu, Xiong Xin, heard the news, he should have mixed feelings, shed tears, and burn incense to worship his ancestors.

The next step is to capture Aoguan between Wuguan and Xianyang. Aoguan Pass is closer to Xianyang. If you finish this pass, Xianyang will be right in front of you.

With victory in sight, Liu Bang thought that Aoguan was a piece of cake, so he sent only 20,000 troops to attack Aoguan, but Zhang Liang stopped him on the spot.

Zhang Liangdao: "Pei Gong, Qin's soldiers are very powerful. You must not underestimate the enemy. I heard that the guard at Yaoguan is particularly easy to be bribed. You stay there for now and lead the army to spread suspicion on the mountain. You can send Li Shiqi to attack him. He paid a lot of money to bribe the Qin general . "

When Liu Bang passed by Chenliu County , he picked up a senior lobbyist Li Shiqi (lì-yì-jī) and easily captured Chenliu without any blood. This time, Li Shiqi took action again, shaking his tongue and saying that should be dropped.As expected, the Qin general rebelled and expressed his willingness to work with Liu Bang to defeat Xianyang.

Li Shiqi

Liu Bang thought he was done, but he didn't expect Zhang Liang reminded again: "Pei Gong can't do it! This time, it's just the general who wants to rebel. I'm afraid his soldiers may not agree. If the soldiers don't obey, then we will be in danger. It's better to take advantage of their slackness and get rid of them in one fell swoop."

Zhang Liang has a thorough understanding of human nature and uses tricks to make people come and go. Liu Bang can only obey his words. Sure enough, the Qin army was defeated and the barrier was broken.

Ziying surrendered to Liu Bang

In October of the first year of Han Dynasty (206 BC), one month later, Liu Bang's army arrived at Bashang outside Xianyang. At this time, Qin II and Zhao Gao had been killed one after another due to internal fighting. King Qin Ziying held the emperor's jade seal (xǐ) talisman in his hand and surrendered to Liu Bang.

The once invincible Qin Empire was destroyed only 15 years after its founding.

The "Xianyang Cup Marathon" triggered by the "King of Chu's Covenant" also ended. Liu Bang was the first to break through the line before other princes, entered the Guanzhong , and became the marathon champion .

Liu Bang was the first to enter Xianyang. Although it is inseparable from the bloody battles of Cao Shen, Zhou Bo, Fan Kuai, Li Shang, but in terms of strategy, the heroes should be Zhang Liang and Li Shiqi.

After Zhang Liang returned, he replaced Li Shiqi and became Liu Bang's chief adviser.

Squirrel and his son read the Western Han Dynasty: Why is Guanzhong called "Guanzhong"?

The little squirrel asked: "Dad, why is Guanzhong called 'Guanzhong'? Where is it?"

The squirrel's father answered: " Guanzhong, as the name suggests, is in the dangerous pass. The Guanzhong area is located in the central part of today's Shaanxi Province, including Xi'an, Baoji , Xianyang and other places. There are natural terrain barriers on all sides of Guanzhong, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Since ancient times, there has been a saying of "four fortresses". Specifically, there are four dangerous passes outside Guanzhong. ? "

Guanzhong Siguan

"East Hanguan, Xisanguan, Nanwuguan, Beixiaoguan. After the Eastern Han , 'Hanguguan' was replaced by 'Tongguan', or the four passes. "

"Zhang Liang left Liu Bang before, didn't he want to help Han Cheng restore Korea? Why did he follow Liu Bang to attack Xianyang? "

"Zhang Liang did want to help Han Cheng restore Korea, but they were in the process of regaining Korea's old territory? Among them, it may be found that the Qin army is very powerful, but Han Cheng is weak, and his leadership quality and military talent are also far behind Liu Bang. If you want to realize the ideal of restoring Korea, you need Liu Bang's help. I guess, Zhang Liang's help is needed. Through the matchmaking, Liu Bang and Han Cheng reached some kind of strategic cooperation or offensive and defensive alliance"

Liu Bang and Zhang Liang

"What is his relationship with Liu Bang?"

Squirrel Dad smiled slightly:"Zhang Liang returned to Liu Bang's camp this time. , it doesn't feel like a real joining, but more like Han Cheng 'seconding' him to Liu Bang , as a think tank consultant, helping Liu Bang enter Guanzhong and win the championship of ' Xianyang Cup Marathon ' "

. "A seconded think tank consultant?" The little squirrel wondered, "Do I still have to pay it back?"

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