I have seen too many puppies die in the hospital. Of course, in addition to the weak resistance of the puppies themselves and the diseases, the most important reason is that the owners had different degrees of diseases when they bought them, that is, Zhou dogs, Many owners have s

2024/07/0214:28:32 housepet 1427

I have seen too many puppies die in the hospital. Of course, in addition to the weak resistance of the puppies themselves and the diseases, the most important reason is that the owners had different degrees of diseases when they bought them, that is, Zhou Dog , many owners have spent a lot of money to buy dogs and spend a lot of money to treat diseases, but the results are still not satisfactory, so let me share how to choose a healthy dog.

I have seen too many puppies die in the hospital. Of course, in addition to the weak resistance of the puppies themselves and the diseases, the most important reason is that the owners had different degrees of diseases when they bought them, that is, Zhou dogs, Many owners have s - DayDayNews

1. Choose the right channel

According to my own experience, the order of reliability is: kennel > pet store > domestic breeding > dog market > flower and bird market > online channel. Regular kennels are more expensive but guaranteed. Domestic dogs If possible, see the dog on the spot before making a decision. It is difficult to guarantee the condition of the dog in the dog market. Buying a dog online is uneven, so it is best to go offline. Negotiate with the seller on how long to cover , canine distemper, , parvovirus, etc., and how to solve problems if they arise.

2. Look at the physical condition

What you can see with the naked eye is: whether the dog is active, whether the eyes are alert, the gums are pink and not purple or white, the teeth are white, the breath has no odor, the hair is dirty, whether the eyes, nose, Is there any discharge from the ears and is the area around the anus clean enough?

The next step is to touch the dog's nose to see if it is moist and slightly cool, smell if there is any peculiar smell on the dog (abnormally fragrant or smelly), if possible, touch the hair to determine whether the skin is healthy, and look at the dog feet. Is the pad soft and tender?

I have seen too many puppies die in the hospital. Of course, in addition to the weak resistance of the puppies themselves and the diseases, the most important reason is that the owners had different degrees of diseases when they bought them, that is, Zhou dogs, Many owners have s - DayDayNews

3. Spend time observing

puppies to see if they can eat and sleep. Healthy puppies generally have a good appetite and will eat food when they see it. Dogs with poor appetite may have problems such as parasites. Observe whether defecation is normal. Puppies’ normal poop is in the shape of mud and glue.

4. Vaccine

Don’t just listen to what the seller says about the vaccine. You must see the vaccine booklet. If necessary, you can use test strips to detect canine distemper, parvo and other infectious diseases, or take it to a pet hospital to detect antibodies.

Puppies that have not been vaccinated or have not been successfully immunized are susceptible to fatal infectious diseases - canine distemper, parvovirus and coronavirus. Among them, canine distemper and parvovirus have a high fatality rate. Canine distemper can be treated with the traditional Chinese medicine Stable Kangda Oral Liquid and parvovirus. Use the traditional Chinese medicine Xiwenling Oral Liquid.

I have seen too many puppies die in the hospital. Of course, in addition to the weak resistance of the puppies themselves and the diseases, the most important reason is that the owners had different degrees of diseases when they bought them, that is, Zhou dogs, Many owners have s - DayDayNews

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