Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare?

2024/07/0214:27:33 housepet 1025

Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare? Today, the editor will share with you the things you need to prepare before raising a cat. I hope it will be helpful to all you poop scrapers~

1, tableware

Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare? - DayDayNews

Tableware is an indispensable daily necessities for cats. It is recommended that owners choose one that is sturdy and durable. Cutlery with reasonable capacity. Common tableware materials on the market include plastic, stainless steel, and ceramics. Among them, plastic tableware is not recommended because this kind of tableware is generally not of food grade, and long-term use may cause certain harm to the health of cats. Most ceramic food bowls are not strong and easily broken. Therefore, it is recommended to choose stainless steel tableware for cats. Pay attention to buying stainless steel tableware that is anti-knock, easy to clean, and very strong, which is more suitable for cats to eat.

2, cat food

Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare? - DayDayNews

Food is the most important thing for people, and the same is true for cats. When we choose cat food for our cats, we don’t necessarily have to choose expensive ones, but we must choose the right ones. Generally speaking, a good cat food should have a protein content of no less than 25%, a crude fat content of between 14% and 20%, and a crude fiber content of no more than 7%; it should also contain a certain amount of taurine. Acid .

Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare? - DayDayNews

Based on the above points, the editor here recommends this product to everyone - McFudi Fresh Meat Natural Grain.

This cat food contains 35% fresh meat. The ingredient list shows that a certain amount of taurine and vitamins E and C are added. Taurine is the essential amino acid and that cats cannot synthesize themselves, and can effectively prevent cat retinal degeneration. On this basis, McFoodie cat food uses a zero-grain formula, which will not cause cat allergies, and the formula contains prebiotics . When I opened the package, there was a strong smell of meat, which the owners seemed to like very much. In addition, this cat food is the king of cost-effectiveness. Not only does the nutritional value meet the daily needs of cats, but the price is also very affordable. It’s the perfect choice for cat food!

1, cat litter box

Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare? - DayDayNews

Cats are very clean pets. After excreting, they will bury their feces, so the owner must prepare a litter box and cat litter for the cat in advance. Generally speaking, cat litter boxes are divided into open, semi-enclosed, fully enclosed, etc. The editor here recommends a semi-enclosed cat litter box. Because such a cat litter box is easy to clean and breathable, and at the same time ensures the privacy of the cat's excretion, it will make the cat feel very safe, reduce the smell of the cat's excretion, and reduce the amount of litter brought out by the cat. Case. Very suitable for clean-loving cat families.

2, cat nest

Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare? - DayDayNews

Cats like to sleep in a relatively safe environment, so the cat owner must prepare the cat nest in advance before taking the cat home. It is best to choose a semi-enclosed one, which will make the cat feel very safe and reduce the stress response of a new cat arriving home. In addition, the cat's nest should be placed in a quiet and undisturbed environment as much as possible, and it is best to be exposed to the sun to prevent the growth of bacteria.

3, cleaning supplies

Necessary cleaning supplies for cats include cat nail clippers, hair combs, pet wet wipes, and disinfectant.

nail clippers, as the name suggests, are used to help cats trim their nails. This not only protects the furniture at home from being scratched by cats, but also protects the owner from being scratched by cats. Be careful not to use human nail clippers to cut your cat’s nails!

Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare? - DayDayNews

Although cats clean their bodies by licking their fur, at the same time, the cat's hair will also enter the cat's stomach. Over time, the cat will develop hairball disease. This requires the owner to regularly use a hair comb to comb the cat's hair. It can not only prevent the cat's hair ball syndrome, but also effectively reduce the cat hair in the home. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare? - DayDayNews

We all know that cats cannot bathe frequently, otherwise it will easily lead to stress reactions and skin diseases. This requires the owner to prepare pet-specific wet wipes for the cat in advance to help the cat clean.

Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare? - DayDayNews

Disinfectant is indispensable for cat-raising homes. Disinfectant is diluted with water and sprayed. It can not only remove odor, but also effectively kill various viruses, bacteria, fungi and pathogenic microorganisms.

Before people welcome the arrival of a new life, they will prepare all supplies in advance, such as clothes, diapers, milk powder, etc. And when you are ready to take your cat home, what do you need to prepare? - DayDayNews

The above are the necessary supplies for novice cat owners. In fact, the editor wants to say that having a heart that loves cats is more important than anything else. Dear scrappers, what do you prepare before raising a cat?

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