Upgraded edition of unread science fiction classics (set of 9 volumes) The legacy of the world's top science fiction master! All the science fiction masterpieces you haven't seen are here! Have science fiction predictions about the future come true? "100: The Book of Science Fict

2024/07/0208:23:32 news 1758

Unread science fiction classic upgraded edition (set of 9 volumes)

Upgraded edition of unread science fiction classics (set of 9 volumes) The legacy of the world's top science fiction master! All the science fiction masterpieces you haven't seen are here! Have science fiction predictions about the future come true?

The legacy of the world's top science fiction master! All the science fiction masterpieces you haven't seen are here! Have science fiction predictions about the future come true?

"100: The Book of Science Fiction (set of 4 volumes in total)": A set of "100: The Book of Science Fiction", where you can read the masterpieces of science fiction masters from all over the world! 100 world-class science fiction masterpieces, from "Star" to "Sand King" to "Poetry Cloud" and "The Story of Your Life", presenting a panoramic view of the 100-year development history of science fiction.

"Galaxy Realm Trilogy": Liu Cixin has publicly recommended several science fiction must-read classics, a milestone in the history of science fiction literature. The representative writer of hard science fiction , the five-time winner of Hugo Award , and the master among science fiction masters. He created the miracle of space opera , laid the foundation of cyberpunk , and foresaw the present and future of technology.

"Real Names": Read it to keep up with the pace of 5G! Liu Cixin has repeatedly praised the science fiction masterpiece that predicted the Internet and gaming era 40 years ago. The first people to understand it shaped today's world. Attached are 9 interpretations by top figures in the technology circle. Over the past 40 years, some people have "understood" it and regarded it as a revelation. In the end, these people changed the world.

" Rainbow's End ": A well-deserved master of hard science fiction, winner of five Hugo Awards! Classic cyberpunk by Verno Vinci, a representative writer of hard science fiction.

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