When it comes to the job of a teacher, many people's first reaction is that the job is stable, they have a job, they don't have to worry about unemployment, and they are respected. If they hear someone is a school teacher, they will take a high look, especially because of the tra

2024/07/0115:03:32 news 1564

When it comes to the job of a teacher, many people's first reaction is that the job is stable, they are established, they don't have to worry about unemployment, and they are respected. If they hear someone is a school teacher, they will take a high look, , especially those who are respected by the tradition of respecting teachers. Influence.

However, teachers’ salaries are not fixed, because the salary standards in different regions are different. Teachers’ salaries in first- and second-tier cities will be higher, and their spending power is also very strong. Teachers’ salaries in ordinary towns and even rural areas are lower. Yes, is probably between 3000-5000.

When it comes to the job of a teacher, many people's first reaction is that the job is stable, they have a job, they don't have to worry about unemployment, and they are respected. If they hear someone is a school teacher, they will take a high look, especially because of the tra - DayDayNews

This is well known to everyone, so every move of the teacher has also attracted much attention. Previously, a teacher was reported for wearing mink at work, and it was suspected that the purchase was made with illegal income. Although the truth was finally found out, was used by several teachers. I bought with my monthly salary, but the impact is still huge. Coincidentally, this happened again.

Teacher Zhang and his wife, who work in a third-tier city, have only been married for a few years. Since they are not locals, they have been renting a house near the school. But recently, Teacher Zhang proposed a new house and felt very happy. and his wife worked together and finally With their own house.

When it comes to the job of a teacher, many people's first reaction is that the job is stable, they have a job, they don't have to worry about unemployment, and they are respected. If they hear someone is a school teacher, they will take a high look, especially because of the tra - DayDayNews

At this moment, Teacher Zhang received a call from the Education Bureau. A parent reported that he was suspected of secretly running classes to make up lessons or accepting gifts. Teacher Zhang could only accept the investigation.

Mainly because some parents in the class suspected that Teacher Zhang was "crazy for money." Parents said how could they buy a house in full with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan?

When it comes to the job of a teacher, many people's first reaction is that the job is stable, they have a job, they don't have to worry about unemployment, and they are respected. If they hear someone is a school teacher, they will take a high look, especially because of the tra - DayDayNews

The Education Bureau can only suspend the teacher first, but it will not wrongly accuse the teacher for no reason. When the results come out, it turns out that the teacher has not committed any misconduct, because the couple usually lives a very frugal life, plus the help of both parents after marriage , I was able to buy a house with full payment. Later, the parent apologized, but the teacher still felt aggrieved.

When it comes to the job of a teacher, many people's first reaction is that the job is stable, they have a job, they don't have to worry about unemployment, and they are respected. If they hear someone is a school teacher, they will take a high look, especially because of the tra - DayDayNews

In fact, although teachers’ salaries are low, it is not ruled out that some teachers do things that are insulting to teachers’ ethics, but the job of teachers does not seem to require much expenditure. Basically, the school has a canteen, medical treatment and medical insurance. Daily life requires expenses, and saves a little, and can also afford a house in a third-tier small city.

This incident is a misunderstanding, but it is not good for parents to report the teacher based on their own understanding without evidence. Not only does it wrong the teacher, it will make it embarrassing to meet the teacher in the future. It affects the children's learning in the class and returns to the children. Sets a bad example.

When it comes to the job of a teacher, many people's first reaction is that the job is stable, they have a job, they don't have to worry about unemployment, and they are respected. If they hear someone is a school teacher, they will take a high look, especially because of the tra - DayDayNews

Parents speak and act without evidence. Children with will be more likely to follow suit. will be more likely to cause trouble in the future. Moreover, parents doubt that the teacher is so confident. How can the teacher better manage the children in the future?

If the teacher really insults the teacher's ethics and makes up lessons in violation of regulations, or collects red envelopes from parents, then parents can report it if they have evidence. After all, this kind of thing is not allowed. If there is no evidence, don't spread rumors. can easily affect children's judgment, people Terrible words also hurt the teacher and affect the teacher's reputation.

When it comes to the job of a teacher, many people's first reaction is that the job is stable, they have a job, they don't have to worry about unemployment, and they are respected. If they hear someone is a school teacher, they will take a high look, especially because of the tra - DayDayNews

For the sake of children's learning, parents and teachers should respect and understand each other. Communication should be the main thing when it comes to matters. Everything should be evidence-based. Everyone should "do not exceed the rules" in doing things, which will create a good environment.

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