Do you know that there is a plot in "Do You Know" where the queen kneels down to the emperor to plead guilty? She has become a queen and still wrongs herself, so what's the use of marrying the emperor? Before I got married, I used to think that marriage was a fortress. If the goo

2024/06/2922:40:33 news 1028
There is a plot in

Do you know where the queen kneels down to the emperor to plead guilty. She has become a queen and still feels so wronged. What's the use of marrying the emperor?

Before I got married, I also thought that marriage was a fortress. If the good partner was a domineering president, he could do whatever he wanted in life. Later, after undergoing the baptism of marriage and society, I looked back at the scene of the Queen's apology.

also had respect for her. The queen who was flexible and flexible may not be as wise as Minglan . However, under the challenge of fate, she broke through herself and found the wisdom to stabilize her marriage, even stabilize her harem, and preserve her family and country. However, she was in a difficult situation because she was a queen.

Like all women in the harem, they encountered many problems, because the husband loved too many people, the emperor had to have both rain and dew, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not good, and the queen mother glared at her every day. In addition, the queen also had many external problems. pressure. He and the emperor were halfway there.

Do you know that there is a plot in

She was reminded of her every day by her old ministers, and she sat in the position of the queen with trepidation. She also had to worry about her son not making any mistakes. In short, there were internal and external troubles, and she was under a lot of pressure. Despite all the precautions, she still encountered a crisis. There was a fire in the backyard of her brother's house.

The queen's younger brother, Uncle Shen, married the daughter of an important British minister. Although it was a political marriage, it was a well-matched match.

There is a secret behind this marriage.

During the war, Uncle Shen Guo's wife, Zou, died to save the queen. In order to repay her kindness, the queen took Zou's sister, Xiao Zou, as a concubine to Uncle Shen Guo, and also gave him a royal decree. Uncle Shen Guo's two wives, One is political necessity, and the other is to repay a favor.

Xiao Zou made trouble and took the initiative to bully his first wife, Madam Zhang. He even dared to snatch away the imperial doctor when Madam Zhang was in labor, which almost made it difficult for Madam Zhang to give birth.

The British father-in-law tried his best to get justice for his daughter. The British public was backed by veterans of the dynasty, so an internal fight within the family became a national affair that affected the whole body. The emperor's position was not secure. The old and new ministers of the previous dynasty were working on their own affairs. The empress dowager in the harem hooked up with the imperial concubine and was ready to counterattack at any time.

Do you know that there is a plot in

The emperor was so anxious that he aged ten years overnight. Even though the crisis was everywhere, the queen could indeed hide behind the emperor, do nothing, and even cry for protection from the emperor.

But the queen chose to take the initiative and asked Minglan for advice. Minglan told two stories, one is about Cao Cao cutting off his hair and taking the throne, and the other is Tang Taizong angrily scolding the princess. The truth is the same. The high-ranking person put down his dignity and took the initiative to apologize, which won the resignation of the courtiers. The queen cried after hearing this. After sitting all night, I finally chose to compromise.

She ordered the Zou family to be punished, and personally took off the phoenix pearls from the phoenix crown and gave it to the British prince to apologize. Then she took off her fine clothes and hairpin, and went to plead guilty to the emperor in the eyes of the harem ladies who were looking at the joke.

So, this queen is awesome. The happiest thing in life is to have everything you want. However, the world is complicated and social relations are messy. Most people are not blessed to do whatever they want.

So how to fight against nature requires great wisdom. The queen is not a wise person. If she were wise, she could have made the little Zou her sister and find another old minister to marry her. There was one more person she could win over, but she chose to marry one of her own. It was just because she didn’t see clearly the relationship between being a queen, and she was still thinking about Xiaojia. In this case, she could ask Minglan for advice. , being able to bear the burden of guilt is already a great progress in breaking through oneself.

Do you know that there is a plot in

Of course she felt wronged, but the matter was resolved satisfactorily. The emperor was so moved that he and the empress went to apologize to the queen mother, and the empress and empress agreed.

Who in the harem dares to laugh again? The British Duke received the queen's favor and sent his daughter back to Uncle Shen's house. All the Dukes representing the old ministers' influence went to the uncle's house to congratulate her.

Suddenly, the queen had a good reputation, the emperor's position was stable, the government and the public were united, and even the queen mother silently admitted that she deserved to lose this time.

Many people say that the emperor is benevolent and righteous, but they still remember that the queen is a wife who shares the hardships with others. If you marry a man who loves his wife so much, your life will not be much different. This is the truth.The question is how do we ensure that a husband who shares the same sorrow can always enjoy happiness with his wife?

After all, no matter how deep the friendship is, it will be consumed by trivial matters. Otherwise, why would there be so many couples who can share hardships but cannot share joys?

Do you know that there is a plot in

If you allow the emperor to care about adversity again and again, the queen will only seek protection behind the emperor, and the iron-clad emperor will get tired.

So the queen can't do anything just because she is the queen. But because she did what a queen should do, she kept her position as queen.

This principle is also applicable in daily marriage and love. It is not because he loves you that you can do whatever you want, but because of what you have done, he will always love you.

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