On July 13, the Henan Provincial Administration for Market Regulation issued a notice of unqualified food testing (No. 34 of 2022), which showed that the detection value of procymidone in a batch of leeks sold by Songxian Baipinyou Trading Co., Ltd. was 2.68 mg. /kg, the standard

2024/06/3019:29:32 news 1492

On July 13, Henan Provincial Market Supervision Administration issued a notice of food testing failure (No. 34 of 2022) showing: A batch of leeks sold by Songxian Baipinyou Trading Co., Ltd. Propylene chloride was inspected The output value is 2.68mg/kg, and the standard stipulates that it is not more than 0.2mg/kg. The inspection agency is Henan Provincial Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute.

On July 13, the Henan Provincial Administration for Market Regulation issued a notice of unqualified food testing (No. 34 of 2022), which showed that the detection value of procymidone in a batch of leeks sold by Songxian Baipinyou Trading Co., Ltd. was 2.68 mg. /kg, the standard - DayDayNews

Procymidide is a low-toxic systemic fungicide with dual protective and therapeutic effects. It is mainly used for the prevention and control of gray mold on vegetables and fruit trees. The "National Food Safety Standard Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Food" (GB 2763-2021) stipulates that the maximum residue limit of procymidone in leeks is 0.2mg/kg.

The Henan Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has transferred the problems found during random inspections to the local food supervision department for investigation and handling according to regulations, and ordered them to find out the batches, quantities, and flow directions of unqualified products, recall unqualified products, and take control measures such as removing them from shelves. Risks, analyze the causes, make rectifications, and investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law.

specially reminds consumers to pay attention to food safety. If you encounter food safety problems, please actively participate in food safety supervision and call 12315 or 0371-6128 6289 to make a complaint or report.

Public information shows: Songxian Baipinyou Trading Co., Ltd. was established on March 16, 2021. Its registered address is located on the first floor of Panshan Yujingyuan, at the intersection of Jincheng Road and Cuisan Street, Chengguan Town, Song County, Luoyang City, Henan Province , the legal representative is Qian Jianhui. The business scope includes general items: sales of daily necessities; sales of knitted textiles and raw materials; sales of health food (prepackaged).

On January 6, 2022, he was punished by the Song County Urban Management Bureau for violating the "Luoyang Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management Regulations" (Decision No.: No. 202103028).

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