Introduction: As soon as the dog days of summer entered, God came with a powerful blow. The high temperature was 36 degrees for three consecutive days. The heat was really unbearable. The hot and muggy weather makes many people "lost in energy and have poor appetite." Even some e

2024/07/0300:24:32 news 1884

Introduction: As soon as entered the dog days of and , God came with a powerful blow. The high temperature was 36 degrees for three consecutive days. The heat was really unbearable. The hot and muggy weather makes many people "lost in energy and have poor appetite." Even some elderly people and children with poor health always catch a cold in the hottest dog days of summer. There are also some people who are afraid of heat and stay in air-conditioned rooms almost from morning to night, which will increase the moisture in the body. Therefore, in the dog days of summer, I suggest that you eat more foods that can "strengthen the spleen and stomach, remove moisture, and enhance physical fitness." "food, so that we can spend the whole dog days of summer safely.

Introduction: As soon as the dog days of summer entered, God came with a powerful blow. The high temperature was 36 degrees for three consecutive days. The heat was really unbearable. The hot and muggy weather makes many people

In the dog days of summer, there is a dish that is not only a treasure, but also has extremely high nutritional value. Some elderly people who know how to maintain good health will cook more of this dish and feed it to their families during the dog days of summer. It is "young ginger". According to research, ginger has the effects of repelling cold and warming the stomach, detoxifying and sterilizing, and strengthening the spleen and stomach. Moreover, The Southern Song Dynasty Zhu Xi said in " The Analects of Confucius ": "Ginger can communicate with the gods, remove evil and evil, and can help forever. Li Shizhen also praised the magical effects of ginger in "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Ginger, hard but not laborious, It can be vegetable, harmonious, fruit, and medicinal. "So in the dog days of summer, it is better to eat less watermelon and more ginger.

Introduction: As soon as the dog days of summer entered, God came with a powerful blow. The high temperature was 36 degrees for three consecutive days. The heat was really unbearable. The hot and muggy weather makes many people

Today I recommend to you how to eat ginger. You only need to soak it casually to relieve heat, remove dampness and strengthen the spleen and stomach. Eat it as you go, it is very convenient. Next I will share with you the method of soaking ginger in vinegar . The ginger soaked in vinegar will not go bad for a year. It is very convenient to eat as you like!

[raw material preparation]: 500 grams of young ginger. , 500ml of mature vinegar, 150g of rock sugar.

[How to soak ginger in vinegar]:

Step 1: First soak the young ginger in water for 3 minutes, then scrub the ginger clean, and then rinse the ginger with running water. It is ready for use. Do not peel off the ginger skin , because ginger skin is a cold substance, and eating it with ginger meat can prevent getting angry.

Introduction: As soon as the dog days of summer entered, God came with a powerful blow. The high temperature was 36 degrees for three consecutive days. The heat was really unbearable. The hot and muggy weather makes many people

Step 2: Put the young ginger into a steamer and steam it for 5 minutes. , and then cut the young ginger into medium-sized slices. Steaming the young ginger can remove the spiciness of the young ginger, making it more fragrant. If you like spicy ginger, there is no need to steam it. .

Introduction: As soon as the dog days of summer entered, God came with a powerful blow. The high temperature was 36 degrees for three consecutive days. The heat was really unbearable. The hot and muggy weather makes many people

Step 3: Put all the young ginger, rock sugar, and mature vinegar into a water-free and oil-free glass bottle and stir evenly, then seal the glass bottle and place it in the refrigerator, then wait patiently for 2 days before soaking the ginger in vinegar. You can eat it. The longer you soak ginger in vinegar, the better the taste will be. It is recommended that you soak it for a week before eating it.

Introduction: As soon as the dog days of summer entered, God came with a powerful blow. The high temperature was 36 degrees for three consecutive days. The heat was really unbearable. The hot and muggy weather makes many people

[Master Hu has something to say]:

Introduction: As soon as the dog days of summer entered, God came with a powerful blow. The high temperature was 36 degrees for three consecutive days. The heat was really unbearable. The hot and muggy weather makes many people . As the saying goes: "Eating ginger early is better than ginseng." "Eat Ginger at Night", I suggest you eat 2-3 slices of ginger soaked in vinegar every day after breakfast, and do not eat ginger before going to bed at night, otherwise it will cause people to suffer from internal heat and insomnia.

2, make vinegar soaked When making ginger, if you like vinegar-based ginger that is not particularly sour, you can use rice vinegar instead. If you like it sweeter, you can add more rock sugar. When making vinegar-based ginger, be sure not to touch raw water or oil. Otherwise, ginger soaked in vinegar will easily become moldy and stale.

Introduction: As soon as the dog days of summer entered, God came with a powerful blow. The high temperature was 36 degrees for three consecutive days. The heat was really unbearable. The hot and muggy weather makes many people

In the dog days of summer, eat less watermelon and more "ginger" to relieve heat, dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen and stomach. Soak it once and store it in the refrigerator, so you can eat it anytime. You also know how to eat ginger! , everyone is welcome to leave comments and let’s learn from you together! This article is the original picture and text of Master Hu. In the future, Master Hu will explain more cooking tips and the latest recipes to you. Thank you for watching. If today’s article is right If it is helpful, please give it a follow and a like. Thank you for your support.

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