The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is still fresh in people's memory. Her feelings for Emperor Yongzheng are real. Nian Shilan's "The Legend of Zhen Huan" So, who was the real concubine Nian in history? Concubine Nian

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" The Legend of Zhen Huan " The arrogance and domineeringness of the middle-aged concubine is still fresh in people's memory. Her feelings for Emperor Yongzheng are true.

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in

Nian Shilan's "The Legend of Zhen Huan"

So, who was the real Nian Fei in history? Concubine Nian was from Hubei, and her posthumous title was: Noble Concubine Dunxiao

During the Kangxi period, the courtier Yinzhen fell in love with the middle-aged clan and married Nian Gengyao's sister.

Nian's father was years old and served as governor of Hubei. As early as Yongzheng was still the fourth prince, Nian's daughter married into the Yongzheng Prince's Mansion as Fu Jin. In history, she is gentle, kind, smart and virtuous.

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in

Concubine Nian in "The Legend of Zhen Huan"

In "The Legend of Zhen Huan", the emperor used incense on Concubine Nian so that she would not have any heirs. However, the real situation is that Nian not only has children, but also three sons and a daughter. Originally, all this was considered a relatively happy thing, but Concubine Nian's four children all died one after another.

In 1703, during the Kangxi period, Yongzheng was still secretly competing for the throne. Something important happened at this time, what? suo'etu was imprisoned by Emperor Kangxi. This is incredible, who is Suo Etu? Suo'etu is the crown prince's uncle. This also means that the prince is in trouble. Once the prince fell, Yongzheng himself had the opportunity to seek the crown prince.

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in

Yongzheng's "The Legend of Zhen Huan"

However, Kangxi was suspicious by nature, and it would certainly not be easy for Yongzheng Yinzhen to gain his trust.

At this time, the role of Xifu Jinnian came into play. In the 42nd year of Kangxi's reign, the fourth elder brother Yinzhen obtained the zuoling where his daughter-in-law's natal family, the Nian family, lived.

He was favored and had three sons and one daughter, but they all died young.

According to the regulations of the Qing Dynasty, every prince could get a subordinate as his servant when he reached a certain age. In 1703, the fourth year of Kangxi's reign, In the twelfth year, the fourth elder brother obtained the assistant collar where the Nian family was located.

The power of the Nian family should not be underestimated at that time.

html In 0 years, Yaoling had two sons, , Nian Xiyao, , and Nian Gengyao. Both are outstanding and are rare talents. And Nian Gengyao is even more proficient in all kinds of martial arts.

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in

Nian Gengyao's "The Legend of Zhen Huan"

Since the Nian family's daughter married Yinzhen, the Nian family has been tied to Yinzhen.

Some people say that Yongzheng did not love Concubine Nian, but just wanted to take advantage of the Nian family. However, historical data says that the Nian family was deeply favored by Yongzheng because of her late entry into the government and her beauty. In fact, since the Nian family's daughter married into the family, she has been favored by Yinzhen alone, so much so that she has stayed at the Nian family's daughter's house every day since then.

Of course, there is also a relationship with Nian's brother Nian Gengyao, and it is a considerable relationship.

When the Yongzheng Dynasty was first established, many people suspected that Yongzheng had snatched the seat of the Fourteenth Prince and wanted to make the Fourteenth Prince the emperor. However, Nian Gengyao and Longkodo united to suppress those people.

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in

Nian Gengyao's "The Legend of Zhen Huan"

Although Emperor Yongzheng was suspected, his two capable assistants, Nian Gengyao and Long Keduo, enabled Yinzhen to secure the shaky emperor's throne in his early years.

Therefore, Yongzheng doted on Nian Gengyao and Longkoduo very much, which led to Yongzheng having to dote on Nian's side Fujin in order to appease Nian Gengyao.

htmlIn the Nian family, Nian's father and his other son, Nian Xiyao, were promoted to high positions, and Nian Gengyao was awarded first-class merit.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, soon after Qinghai's Mongolian and Heshuote's Taijiluobuzangdanjin took advantage of the Junggar tribe's defeat by the Qing army to dominate the western frontier and launch a rebellion. At this time, Nian Gengyao It was General Fuyuan from the northwest.

html In the 0th year, Gengyao fought all the year round and made great achievements. From the beginning, he was an ignorant and ignorant boy, and then he forgot his original intention.

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in

Concubine Nian "The Legend of Zhen Huan"

At this time, Nian was also promoted to Concubine Nian, and her status was second only to the queen - Uranala . that time. Niu Colu's princess who gave birth to Hongli was only named Concubine Xi.

It can be seen that in the early days, Yongzheng's trust in the Nian family reached its peak.

html After Gengyao achieved great military exploits in the fifth year, he paid less and less attention to the emperor Yinzhen. His arrogance and rudeness were widely spread among the people and the court.

Although at that time, Concubine Nian did not see Yongzheng having an attack, nor did she see Yongzheng checking her brother Nian Gengyao, but from the details, Concubine Nian knew in her heart that her brother Nian Gengyao had fallen out of favor.

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in

Nian Gengyao's "The Legend of Zhen Huan"

However, Nian Gengyao, who was so proud of himself, could not see it, let alone realize that the good days were coming to an end.

Historically, Yongzheng's evaluation of Nian Gengyao was very high in the early period. Therefore, it was natural for Nian Gengyao to be unscrupulous, self-centered, and do all kinds of wrongful things under the eyes of Emperor Yinzhen.

html Nian Gengyao was a martial artist who had never studied at all. So much so that apart from knowing how to fight, he doesn't know how to serve as a subject.

Yongzheng began to try to get rid of Nian Gengyao, who had made great achievements in war.

1715, Yongzheng publicly blamed Nian Gengyao. Yongzheng formally reprimanded Nian Gengyao in Zhu Biao:

"It is easy for a mortal to seek merit, but it is difficult to succeed; it is easy to succeed, but it is difficult to keep the merit; it is easy to keep the merit, but it is difficult to achieve the final result." "If you rely on merit to make a mistake, you will have to return the favor. Yongzheng's pen turns to blame the ministers for their "ultimate success". He "saw the opportunity when you were in charge and refused to take the dangerous path." ".

html Nian Gengyao didn't take it seriously. He felt that he was the emperor's hero. How could an emperor kill a hero? Besides, my younger sister Nian is also the emperor's concubine, so she will enjoy the glory and wealth for the rest of her life.

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in

Yongzheng's "The Legend of Zhen Huan"

Therefore, Yongzheng's criticism did not make Nian Gengyao restrain himself, but instead made him more arrogant. Even his sister, Concubine Nian, couldn't stand it, and even advised his brother to respect His Majesty the Emperor. Otherwise, if His Majesty gets angry one day, let alone you, even if I am Concubine Nian, our family will suffer!

html Did Nian Gengyao listen? No? He just comforted his sister and told her not to think too much, to go to his brother if she had any problems, to be a noble concubine in the palace, and to say more kind words in front of the emperor's husband.

htmlThe 0-year-old concubine is helpless. She can't talk to her brother anymore, what should she do?

How did Yongzheng get rid of Nian Gengyao's

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in Yongzheng created a lot of public opinion and even had people secretly write nursery rhymes about Nian Gengyao and send people to sing them

Nian Gengyao's eldest brother was Nian Xiyao, who was the governor of Guangdong at that time. Even he felt Yongzheng's dissatisfaction with his younger brother Nian Gengyao, and wrote a letter to warn his younger brother Nian Gengyao to be careful, but Nian Gengyao still didn't take it seriously and went his own way when he met the emperor.

Emperor Yongzheng was not a common man on the street. When he faced Nian Gengyao, who was still unruly in front of him, he did not give him a slap in the face, but did something else.

2 Transferred Nian Gengyao to Hangzhou General

This matter was to transfer Nian Gengyao to Hangzhou as a general. What does this move mean? In fact, it was Yongzheng who sent Nian Gengyao to Hangzhou to monitor him.

As an emperor, Yongzheng was the most respected emperor in the 95th century. How could he tolerate a minister who acted carelessly and arbitrarily over and over again?

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in Collect and create evidence, whether true or false, to pin Nian Gengyao on his head.

During this period, Yongzheng ordered people to collect evidence of Nian Gengyao's crimes.

What was Yongzheng’s determination to eliminate Nian Gengyao? As long as they are rumors, any rumors about Nian Gengyao, whether they are true or false, whether there is evidence or not, are all based on facts and placed on Nian Gengyao.

This is very miserable.

Nian Gengyao basically has no way to survive.

htmlThe 5-year-old concubine saw all this happening, and was helpless. Eventually she became depressed and became ill.

The arrogance and domineering character of the middle-aged concubine in htmlThe 0-year concubine "The Legend of Zhen Huan"

It can be said that Nian Gengyao was good to this sister. In the past, the noble concubine saw her brother Nian Gengyao being raped by the emperor. When I personally designed the arrest but could not plead for my brother at all, I felt depressed day after day.

After all, Emperor Yongzheng was determined to get rid of Nian Gengyao.

Coupled with the death of four children at an early age, Nian Guifei was basically running out of money. When he was dying, Yongzheng Yinzhen accidentally discovered that the Nian family was alive again, so he named her, Imperial Concubine .

However, none of this could save Nian, who died at a young age. Nian passed away the same month he was granted the title.

After her death, Emperor Yongzheng immediately eliminated Nian Gengyao and others. It's surprisingly fast.

Only one month after Nian's death, Emperor Yongzheng gave Nian Gengyao death.

1725, the coffin of the Nian Emperor's concubine entered the underground palace of Tailing and was buried with Yongzheng.

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