Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing is 37 degrees. While struggling with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophies of life - why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work? Well,

2024/06/3012:04:32 news 1152

Today, the highest temperature in Beijing is Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing is 37 degrees. While struggling with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophies of life - why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work? Well, - DayDayNews7 degrees.

Between the mental struggle with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophy of life -

Why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work?

Hmm, do I really need this job? Why should I go out to work in the Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing is 37 degrees. While struggling with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophies of life - why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work? Well, - DayDayNews7 degree sunshine! ! !

In the repeated useless self-questioning, the morning passed quickly and ruthlessly. Slowly getting up, I started to choose the coolest clothes in the wardrobe to cope with the inhumanly terrifying summer...

Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing is 37 degrees. While struggling with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophies of life - why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work? Well, - DayDayNews

"Haijie Diary", I also want to blow the fan like this! !

Then, the problem occurred again.

As we all know, everyone has hair on their body. Yes, women also have body hair. Although the girls you usually see are as flawless and hairless as hard-boiled eggs, that is because they work silently for this every day...

However, in the fierce summer, Under the burning sensation, I looked at the suspenders and shorts on my hands, and then at the innocent furries all over my body that were safely functioning.

The heavenly question about " hair removal " is stirring in my mind, restless, spreading, and turning over and over again -

"Why do I need to remove my hair???"

Today, let's put these The questions about "hair" are thrown to myself, and I also want to throw them to you.

was born with fur, it is sorry.

asked: Where does the girls’ sense of mission for “hair removal” come from? ?

Time goes back a long, long time, and those stories about "hair removal" came wildly and suddenly.

One day, a girl in the dormitory bought a tube of " hair removal cream " from nowhere and smeared it on her white arms. In full view of the public, the hair and white foam were flushed into the sewer, which completely changed my young mind.

Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing is 37 degrees. While struggling with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophies of life - why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work? Well, - DayDayNews

"The Naked Director", the black wood fragrance featuring "no armpit hair removal"

Looking back now, "hair removal" is like a game task that appears at a fixed point, and has penetrated into everyone's life and social space during the "limited time" of adolescence.

In short, we will meet an NPC with the same destination by different paths at about the same age, and receive a task of unknown origin:

"Girl, you have grown up, it’s time to remove your hair."

From doing it voluntarily to having to do it, we secretly and Perform this task magnificently and personally open "A Disliked Life" for the body hair people who work diligently.

So far, they (your furries) probably don’t understand what mistakes they have made. They only understand one thing:

The birth of Mao is also like the birth of a human being. Their lives are divided into three, six and nine. wait.

If there is an afterlife, if you have a choice, I must be reincarnated as your hair in the next life;

instead of the armpit hair that has been tirelessly protecting your health but has been repeatedly rejected.

Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing is 37 degrees. While struggling with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophies of life - why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work? Well, - DayDayNews

"Schrödinger" body hair? ? ?

When we were children, we also assumed that (including women) humans are born with hair.

However, when I grow up - no joke, some boys will really ask: "Why don't you girls have hair?"

The moment I heard this question, I thought to myself: Haha, you have only seen this world. The seemingly hairless surface has no idea how many great women are working silently for it...

Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing is 37 degrees. While struggling with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophies of life - why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work? Well, - DayDayNews

An advertisement for a women's hair removal knife published in "Harper Fashion " in 1915

As a woman, when asked about "hair removal", Just like the Sword of Damocles in life - has never disappeared in everyone's heart, and no one can give a perfect answer.

As we all know, human beings have evolved to this day, and there is not a single hair on the body that is superfluous.

However, for modern women, all body hair except hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows seems to be redundant.

In other words -

While we want our hair to grow dark and dense, we also want our body hair to be naturally soft and invisible.

On the one hand, we hope that our eyelashes will flutter like small fans, and on the other hand, we hope that our armpits will be as smooth as the white clouds on the horizon. Party A's request of

is comparable to the "colorful black" of .

From the perspective of a worker, I have deep sympathy for those employees of all colors who work diligently and conscientiously.

Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing is 37 degrees. While struggling with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophies of life - why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work? Well, - DayDayNews

"I want to dye this thing colorful!"

Oh, some people will say, "But I don't remove the hair, I always feel so embarrassed!"

I think this is probably the new generation of "chicken lays the egg, "Egg lays a chicken" problem -

Did we come first with the concept of "being embarrassed by having hair", or did we come first with the emotion of "being embarrassed by hair"?

Mao: No one loves you more than me

Some people say that "hair removal" is the ultimate pursuit of beauty by human beings -

If you don't believe it, go and see the most beautiful, classic and breathtaking paintings. The men and women in the paintings They are all smooth and hairless!

So, my question is:

If this is the case, when will we be able to treat "hair removal" equally?

Since "hairlessness" is the ultimate beauty recognized by mankind, why do only women (and a small number of men) seem to be participating in this life-long work of "the more hairless you are, the more lush you are" and "you can't stop if you take it off"?

If human beings must complete the important task of "hair removal" for the sake of aesthetic progress, why does this responsibility only fall on women?

Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing is 37 degrees. While struggling with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophies of life - why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work? Well, - DayDayNews

"17.3 About Sex"

If you don't agree, then please (along with most men) cherish your hair -

After all, it is born in you and stays in you, it is essentially just for protection. your health.

Nowadays, it has received countless infamy, and also bears the heavy responsibility of distinguishing biological gender...

Once upon a time, everyone said "Women are emotional animals" .

So, girls, don’t give way and don’t let men be the ones who cherish the friendship with their body (specifically body hair here) !

Calm down and think carefully -

In this ruthless colorful world, what else can love you more than the fur on your body?

Even if you kill it again and again, it will be reborn again and again, just to embrace you and your physical health again.

You must know that it was born to love you.

Today, the maximum temperature in Beijing is 37 degrees. While struggling with the temperature, I collapsed on the bed, thinking about the modern philosophies of life - why do people go to work, what counts as a complete life experience, and what is the rationality of work? Well, - DayDayNews

Before writing this article, I did a small survey on "female hair removal" and received a reply like this:

"On the one hand, I support girls voluntarily not shaving their body hair, but on the other hand, I insist that they must shave - —It’s an ambivalent attitude of ’I support XX, but my children must not be XX’. I hate myself.”

I think many women have a twisted attitude towards “hair removal”.

As a somewhat solid part of modern human aesthetics, the custom of "hair removal" is obviously not so easy to change.

But at the same time, we call on everyone to treat their body hair the same way they treat "double eyelid surgery".

Accepting it or not accepting its existence can be our free choice - Our body hair should not be decided by the outside world, nor should it be subject to any criticism.

Finally, please remember:

All the hair on your body exists to "love you".

They are not something that should be "shameful".

Source: Dongqimen

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