01 Reasons for recommending "I Am a Weird Circle" "Thirty years ago, I didn't understand the difference between mental modeling and artificial intelligence. Now I understand that the two are completely different, and focus on understanding the human mind through computer modeling

2024/07/0208:10:33 news 1741


《I am a strange circle》

01 Reasons for recommending

Recommendation reason

"Thirty years ago, I did not understand the difference between mental modeling and artificial intelligence . Now I understand that the two are completely different and focus on computer modeling. Understanding the human mind. I consider myself a cognitive scientist, not an expert in artificial intelligence. "

The phenomena that "emerge" in our brains—such as thoughts, hopes, consciousness, and free will—are rooted in a kind of cycle. A self-reinforcing "resonance" between levels. "I Am a Strange Loop" believes that the nature of self and consciousness is a "strange circle", which resides in our brains as an abstract feedback. The book integrates philosophy, linguistics, psychology, cognitive science , computer science, brain science and mathematical philosophy, and discusses how self-reference is fully explained in Gödel's incompleteness theorem. Shapes our minds.


"The Bait of Luck"

01 Reasons for recommending

Reasons for recommendation

With nearly two decades of in-depth field work and the pungent vision of an anthropologist, the author presents a panoramic view of the gambling industry, individual gamblers and the basic concepts of modern society layer by layer:

· In order to continue to make profits and control consumers, the gambling industry strives to study every detail: machine algorithms, road shapes, indoor lighting, screen angles, withdrawal methods, member tracking technology and even first aid measures...

· Burdened with life pressure, physical and mental illness, emotions How do gamblers who have changed step by step fall into the psychedelic situation created by gambling machines and cannot extricate themselves, even if they are casino employees or even gambling machine designers;

·Atomized modern individuals are in the endless world of "taking full responsibility for themselves" Under heavy pressure, you may be unable to resist the temptation when it comes to shopping, sports, chatting, watching TV shows, smoking, drinking, taking drugs, working overtime, etc. However, the way to quit gambling is the same as the way to fall into gambling addiction The road...


"The Sinking Age"

01 Reasons for recommending

Reasons for recommendation

As if overnight, the world collapsed. All old-school rules and ethics were thrown aside, there were more lobbyists than politicians in Washington, there were no more taboos in the New York trading desk, house prices in Florida were at rock bottom, steel plants in the Rust Belt were closing, and the South of farms no longer cultivate tobacco . The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

George Parker, winner of the National Book Award , tracks four Americans born in the 1960s from different classes - white southern farmers pursuing the American dream, African-American female workers who have lost their factory jobs, and elites who shuttle between Wall Street and Washington. , the Silicon Valley boss who made his fortune through the Internet economy - shows four periods of ups and downs in life, reveals the pain of four classes, and writes about the anger and sorrow of a generation.

This is the only generation of Americans whose lives are constantly sinking: they were born in the golden age of postwar economic growth. After struggling for half their lives, they ushered in the collapse of traditional social structures.

In addition to the story of the protagonist, this book scans the social changes in the United States in the past thirty years like a movie lens, painting a panoramic and flowing scroll of intertwined culture, economy, and politics.The author is a biography of politician Newt Gingrich , writer Raymond Carver, Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton , rap singer Jay-Z and others, with ten idols of the era. It reflects ten kinds of spirit of the times that either echo or sink; it also records the thousands of speculators lost in the real estate market, the thousands of protesters occupying Wall Street , and the thousands of people struggling to survive. The silent ones write about the thirty years since the American dream was shattered.

Reading "The Sinking Age" is like sitting in the front row watching the midnight funeral of the American dream. This is a requiem for every American, and it is also a current apocalypse about the turning of the times and the drastic changes in the world.

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