As the saying goes: "It's cold in the 39th month and hot in the 3rd month." Since the beginning of summer, the temperature has remained high. In fact, it's not really hot before the weather begins. From today onwards, the hottest weather of the year will slowly arrive. , the Dog

2024/06/3019:32:32 news 1439

As the saying goes: " It's cold at 39 and hot at 3 volts." Since the beginning of summer, the temperature has remained high. In fact, it's not really hot before it starts to fall. Starting from today, it will be the hottest weather of the year. Slowly coming, the dog days of summer last for 40 days, including the first, middle and last days, many of which are hot, humid and muggy.

As the saying goes:

Faced with the arrival of the dog days of summer, how should we face it calmly? In addition to replenishing water in time, of course, dietary adjustments are indispensable. As the old saying goes: " Don't eat from time to time, eat in accordance with the season." Today, remember to eat more "three treasures" and less "three things" to stay safe. Survive the dog days of summer.

As the saying goes:

Eat more of the "three treasures"

one, chicken

There is a folk saying: " chicken for two days, dog for two days, fish and red date belly for three days." Eating chicken has a very good tonic effect on the body. It can nourish qi and replenish deficiency, prevent heatstroke and remove dampness, improve the function of the spleen and stomach, and enhance the body's immunity.

As the saying goes:

Recommended recipe: [Ginseng Stewed Chicken Soup]

1. Prepare 101 chickens, wash them and chop them into small sections, a piece of old tofu, cut into diamond-shaped pieces, put a small handful of enoki mushrooms, green garlic sprouts, and coriander into a small pot and chop them separately. , put 3 red dates and a few wolfberry seeds in a small basin, and soak them in water for 5 minutes.

As the saying goes:

2. Cut a small piece of ginger into slices; cut half a green onion into sections; prepare 2 star anise and a few peppercorns, put them together in a small basin, and one ginseng, wash them and put them into a small basin for later use.

As the saying goes:

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add the chicken under cold water, add cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, push it a few times with a spoon, skim off the floating residue after the water boils, blanch the water for about 2 minutes, and pour out the water.

4. Add a little cooking oil to another pot, add onion, ginger and aniseed and stir-fry until fragrant, add chicken, add 2 grams of salt, stir-fry quickly and evenly.

As the saying goes:

5. Add an appropriate amount of water, turn up the heat and bring the soup to a boil, skim off the foam, add ginseng, add 2 grams of salt to taste, 1 gram of pepper to remove fishy smell and add fragrance, stir to dissolve the seasoning, add jujube, Skim off the foam again and turn off the heat.

6. Then pour the chicken and soup into the casserole, cover the pot, and continue to simmer for 25 minutes. Boil water in a separate pot. When the water boils, add the tofu cubes and blanch them for 2 minutes to remove the beany smell from the tofu. Then take them out and put them into a small basin for later use.

As the saying goes:

7. After 25 minutes, open the lid of the pot, add tofu, continue to simmer for 10 minutes, add enoki mushrooms and cook for about 2 minutes, then turn off the heat. Put garlic sprouts and coriander into the soup basin to make the base, then pour in a little sesame oil, pour the stewed soup into the soup basin, sprinkle with a few wolfberry seeds for decoration, and it is delicious.

As the saying goes:

2. Lotus root

Lotus root is a common " water treasure " in summer. It has the functions of clearing away heat and cooling blood, strengthening the spleen and appetizing. During the dog days of summer, it is humid and muggy, and people lose their appetite. You can eat more lotus root, which is good for your health.

As the saying goes:

Recommended recipe: [ Red Dates and Lotus Root Soup]

1. Prepare a section of peeled lotus root, cut it from the middle, then cut it into thick slices, put it in a basin, put 8 red dates in the basin, add water, Add a handful of wolfberry berries and soak for 3 minutes. Take a small basin, pour 30 grams of brown sugar and 10 grams of rock sugar and set aside.

As the saying goes:

2. Take a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, add soaked red dates and wolfberries, add brown sugar and rock sugar, cover the pot, turn on high heat and bring the water to a boil.

As the saying goes:

3. After the water boils, add the cut lotus roots, then add a few slices of ginger, cover the pot, simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes, turn off the heat when the time is up, and add the stewed red dates and lotus roots into the soup. In the basin, add a green vegetable to garnish, and it's delicious.

As the saying goes:

三, Bitter melon

Bitter melon is one of the common vegetables in summer. As the saying goes: "Eat buds in spring, eat melons in summer." Entering the third volt, it is the season when various fruits and vegetables are on the market. It is especially suitable to eat some in hot summer. Bitter gourd vegetables can clear away heat and reduce internal heat, relieve heat and quench thirst. It can also supplement essential vitamins for the human body, which is very good for health.

As the saying goes:

Recommended recipe: [Fried bitter melon with fungus]

1. Prepare a bitter melon, cut it in the middle, remove the inner flesh, cut it into quarters and then cut it into diagonal slices. Soak it in light salt water for 5 minutes to remove the bitter taste inside. , fungus Soak a small handful in advance, then prepare an appropriate amount of ginger and garlic and cut into thin slices, cut half of the red pepper into slices, put it in a bowl and set aside.

As the saying goes:

2. Boil water in the pot in advance, add a few drops of vegetable oil, after the water boils, pour in the cut bitter melon slices , blanch the water for 30 seconds, remove and control the water.

As the saying goes:

3. Add half a spoonful of cooking oil to another pot, add ginger and garlic slices and sauté until fragrant, then pour in fungus and red pepper slices, add appropriate amounts of light soy sauce, oyster sauce, and cooking wine, stir-fry a few times quickly, and then add a little salt. Chicken essence and sugar.

As the saying goes:

4. Pour in an appropriate amount of water, continue to stir-fry for a few times, then add the bitter melon slices, turn up the heat and continue to stir-fry for a few times, then turn off the heat and put the pot into a plate.

As the saying goes:

Eat less "3 things"

one, spicy and irritating food

Entering the dog days of summer, the temperature rises significantly, the weather is hot and humid, you should try to eat less spicy and irritating food to avoid excessive heat, improves the digestive function of spleen and stomach Imbalance, endogenous dryness, heat and dampness, causing various diseases.

As the saying goes:

二, Cold Food

Although it is hot in the dog days of summer, you should eat less cold food. Many people will drink some cold drinks or eat some ice cream or ice cream immediately after exercising. In fact, this has a great impact on the body. , can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction and be detrimental to health.

As the saying goes:

3. BBQ, greasy food

Midsummer is coming, and many people have the habit of going out for barbecue at night, ordering a few bottles of cold beer, and chatting with friends over drinks. Life is very comfortable.

As the saying goes:

However, it is recommended that you eat less of roadside barbecues at night snack stalls, especially greasy food. After all, the temperature in summer is too high, and it is difficult to meet hygiene standards for meat-based foods. High-temperature barbecues are prone to produce heterocyclic amines. , benzopyrene and other harmful substances, regular consumption has no health benefits.

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