On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said, "Hello, comrades! Good job, comrades!" Then, the camera clicked on

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On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was agitated.

A helicopter landed slowly. Amidst the continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch and waved to the audience and said:

"Hello, comrades! Good work, comrades!"

Then, the camera There were clicking sounds one after another, and the man was laughing from ear to ear.

He is Li Jinyuan.

That was the highlight of Li Jinyuan's life. He had a fortune of 40 billion, and with the title of "Tianjin's richest man", he enjoyed endless glory and wealth.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

(Li Jinyuan)

Once upon a time, a big man from a foreign country shook hands with him.

After shaking hands, he was shocked and felt that Li Jinyuan's hands were extraordinary and extremely big.

Li Jinyuan smiled and replied: "My heart is bigger than my hand."

His subordinates had an idea and immediately ran up to him and said something nice:

"Clenching it is a fist, and embracing it is the earth. Although the earth is big, Not as strong as our determination. "

However, maybe even Li Jinyuan himself doesn't know that no matter how determined he is, he can't escape the palm of the earth.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

In Tianjin Wei , Li Jinyuan is equivalent to "金元宝", synonymous with wealth.

There is a palace in Wuqing District called "Hua Palace", which imitates the Tang Dynasty palace-style building complex and covers an area of ​​100 acres.

The internal furniture is made of precious woods such as Hainan Huanghuali, Golden Nanmu, and is worth 1 billion.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

At first glance, some people may think that this is a tourist attraction, but this is just a small home in the name of Li Jinyuan.

Not far from the Hua Palace, there is an industrial park, with a shining golden flying lion standing at the door.

This is Li Jinyuan’s industrial park. The layer of gold on the flying lion weighs a full 20 kilograms.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

The reason why he works in a high profile and shows off his money is because he has experienced poverty and tasted hunger.

As a child, when Li Jinyuan was born, there were three years of natural disasters, and the only feeling he felt was not having enough to eat.

had just learned to hold a bowl to eat, but the first bowl of rice made him "hungry". Li Jinyuan was so hungry that he couldn't sleep almost every day.

In 1972, 14-year-old Li Jinyuan couldn't stand it anymore and begged his father to find him a job, which only provided food and accommodation.

Later, through his connections, his father found him a job in North China Oilfield.

But at that time, Li Jinyuan didn't have enough to eat every day and was as thin as a bamboo pole. The small-sized work clothes on him looked like they were oversized.

Naturally, he was too weak to do rough work. When he first arrived in the North China Oilfield, Li Jinyuan could only help with cleaning, washing and cooking.

At a young age, Li Jinyuan is well-behaved and obedient. He often takes the initiative to help senior employees wash clothes, buy groceries and pour water, and is particularly diligent.

The food treatment in the North China Oilfield was pretty good, at least much better than at home. Li Jinyuan finally gained a lot of weight from being fed.

Two years later, Li Jinyuan was able to do some menial work. Because he was diligent and careful, he was transferred to the logistics to help and be responsible for the meals of the workers.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

In the logistics, Li Jinyuan needs to go to the market every day to buy vegetables, and then buy them back to cook.

And the daily expenses are very tight. You can spend a penny less, but you cannot use a penny more.

Li Jinyuan needs to argue with the stall owner several times every day for a few cents.

Slowly, he also accumulated a lot of popularity and figured out the purchasing path.

He felt that by spending so much money every day, he was only saving a few cents, and he was saving it for the organization. Days like this were becoming more and more boring.

I have the ability to do great things, so why should I stick to this?

worked in the North China Oilfield for 6 years. In 1978, Li Jinyuan resigned and decided to work on his own.

He rented a train, relied on the resources he accumulated to purchase grain and bean cakes from the countryside, and then took them to the south to sell them.

After a few trips, Li Jinyuan made a lot of money and became a household worth ten thousand yuan.

Having tasted the benefits, Li Jinyuan acted more and more boldly, and his reputation for making money spread all over the country.

first sold rice and bean cakes, then went south to Guangzhou to sell watches, north to Inner Mongolia to sell furs, west to Qinghai to sell noodles and cakes, and east to Wenzhou to sell clothes.

At the same time, he also established a trading company and made a lot of money. He was only 24 years old this year.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

Although his pockets were full of money, his heart was full of loneliness. After wandering for a long time, Li Jinyuan began to envy stability.

He has a strong yearning for the system, hoping to have a decent job and a comfortable life.

So Li Jinyuan returned to the enterprise and became the director of a plastics factory and a protein powder factory.

However, some birds are destined to be unable to be contained, and every feather of them shines with the brilliance of freedom.

What’s more, Li Jinyuan is greedy for novelty and pursues making quick money.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

In 1992, Li Jinyuan was still the director of the Cangzhou Bohai Feed Protein Powder Factory. He felt that living a regular life was really boring.

The small Cangzhou could no longer accommodate his full talent, so he decided to try again.

No matter what the outcome is, you can never let your youth go to waste. So he resigned decisively and went into business.

Based on the inspection of the market, Li Jinyuan established a company to enter the real estate market.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

But Li Jinyuan was mistaken. At that time, real estate was under state control and was not suitable for blind entry.

Li Jinyuan's business has already declined a lot before he even started. Li Jinyuan wants to cry but has no tears.

At this time, he accidentally met a professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences . The professor showed off his achievements to him and accidentally revealed that he was researching a high-calcium powder.

When Li Jinyuan heard this, his eyes were bigger than Jin Yuanbao. He felt that a business opportunity was knocking on his door:

"Every day I call for calcium supplements, but I don't see anyone giving them calcium supplements. If I get them, wouldn't it?" Make a lot of money? "

Moreover, with the endorsement of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, why worry about the lack of sales of the product?

So, Li Jinyuan spent 800,000 yuan and bought the precious formula of high calcium powder from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

At the same time, he registered biomedical company, borrowed 12 million yuan to build a factory, and focused on the field of health care products.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

However, the biggest flaw is the lack of professional talents.

Li Jinyuan struggled for more than a month, but still could not produce qualified high-calcium powder.

Seeing that tens of millions of investments were wasted, Li Jinyuan wanted to die.

At two or three o'clock in the night, Li Jinyuan was so anxious that he went shirtless and jumped into the lake at the door to take a cold sauna to calm down.

After being stimulated by the cold water, Li Jinyuan seemed to have been opened up to the Ren and Du channels.

He suddenly remembered that when he bought the formula, the middleman who was responsible for communication, if he could help introduce a top student to him, then the matter would be solved.

thought so, and it was indeed true. He could find a top student. When the top student heard about it, he felt that Li Jinyuan's simple factory building really hindered him from using his talents.

He proposed that a batch of production equipment must be purchased, otherwise he could not guarantee whether the quality of the products produced would pass the standard.

Right now, Li Jinyuan was in a dilemma, so he had to bite the bullet and borrow another 4 million yuan to buy a batch of equipment.

Everything is ready, the east wind has arrived, and with the day and night research of top students, the product has been successfully launched.

This high-calcium powder has been well received since it was released, and many dealers came to visit.

Having business come to your door is naturally a good thing, but helping with the money-making business first makes the money a bit uncomfortable.

The dealer played a trick of "getting goods on credit" with Li Jinyuan, leaving Li Jinyuan with nothing.

Business continued, but Li Jinyuan made a lot of money and had empty pockets.

By doing this, the start-up company collapsed before even taking two steps, and the company fell into a " triangular debt " crisis.

At that time, it happened to be the Spring Festival, and relatives learned of his predicament and reminded him in advance that they no longer need to visit each other during the New Year, fearing that he would come to borrow money.

When everyone passed by his house, they would rather go around in a big circle than be afraid of running into him.

No one was willing to help him, and Li Jinyuan suddenly didn't know what to do.

Now, he has been burdened with tens of millions of debts, and there is no way to turn back. He has only one way: to move forward.

He was wondering if there was a way to bypass dealers and directly connect with consumers.

In this way, there is no middleman to earn the price difference, and it can also prevent being credited, killing two birds with one stone.

No matter how bold a person is and how rich the land is, Li Jinyuan found a way to get rich.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

After determining the basic idea, Li Jinyuan hired professional lecturers and built a strong team.

He even attended in person to give lectures to employees. In class, he shouted a few slogans to boost morale.

Li Jinyuan wrote his own book, arranged "propaganda" words, and then distributed them to employees to learn and recite.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

Because he had the experience of being a factory director for several years, Li Jinyuan has a good grasp of people's hearts.

said it was a class, but in fact it was a disguised form of brainwashing for employees, and the company instantly became a pyramid scheme.

In the second month, Li Jinyuan earned back 1 million.

Li Jinyuan, who had tasted the benefits, accelerated his pace and rapidly expanded his staff.

Soon, the team expanded to 3 million people, and the annual revenue exceeded 2 billion.

Li Jinyuan was lying in the pile of money, smiling from ear to ear. However, he almost choked on his saliva when he smiled.

In 1998, the state cracked down hard and banned all bad behavior, which undoubtedly cut off Boss Li's financial path.

Li Jinyuan, who was gaining momentum, was naturally unwilling to take action. He immediately tried his best to turn the tide.

At this time, the clever subordinate gave Li Jinyuan a trick, "If it doesn't work at home, you can always go abroad."

This awakened Li Jinyuan, who promptly turned around and aimed at foreign markets.

This year, he went to Russia and completely copied the MLM routine to Russia.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

At that time, there happened to be a fellow who opened a restaurant in Moscow.

Li Jinyuan even saved the space and directly rented other people's venues to train employees, promote himself, and attract local entrepreneurs to join.

As a result, when the entrepreneur came to the scene and took a look, he had never heard of the company name and the product was not famous, so he turned around and left.

There was only a group of old Russian ladies, sitting in the audience and patiently listening to the whole thing as if they were listening to a play.

Seeing the enthusiastic applause from the audience, Li Jinyuan was inspired and immediately gave away all the products originally intended for entrepreneurs to the old ladies for free.

Not long after, one of the old Russian ladies came to his door and asked him to buy the last nutritional supplement.

Li Jinyuan thought that his nutritional supplements were particularly effective, and happily asked the old lady, "How are you eating?"

As a result, the old lady looked confused and said:

"I eat? I don't eat, my dog ​​can eat it. I like it very much, so I’m going to buy more this time and give it to him.” Co-authored by

, people take his nutritional supplements and use them as dog food. After

learned about it, Li Jinyuan realized that Russia had been suffering from counterfeit and shoddy products, so it was particularly resistant to products of unknown origin. The origin of

is unknown. To put it bluntly, it is not famous and too niche.

As a result, Li Jinyuan no longer had the time to delve into production, and turned to brand marketing.

Li Jinyuan spent 200 million to invite the ballet troupe to perform a classic Swan Lake, interspersed with his own product promotions.

Relying on this trick, Li Jinyuan quickly broke through the Russian defense line, and the product became an instant hit.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

This year, Li Jinyuan’s income exceeded US$12 million.

Major media have reported on this magical product and the big boss behind it.

In just two years, Li Jinyuan transformed into an outstanding entrepreneur in Russia.

In the spotlight, Boss Li is generous and generous. At the company's annual meeting, each outstanding employee will be rewarded with a BMW , plus a bonus of 500,000.

After winning the first battle in Russia, Boss Li extended his tentacles to other countries and frantically raided the health care products market.

is getting richer and richer, and Boss Li is becoming more and more high-profile in his work.

In 2002, at the annual meeting of the German branch, Li Jinyuan presented 100 BMWs, 43 yachts and 32 aircraft.

In 2004, at the Kuala Lumpur annual meeting, Li Jinyuan gave away 21 villas, 54 private jets, 71 yachts and 260 BMWs.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

At this point, Boss Li is very good.

not only uses financial resources to support employees, injects blood for them, and lets them continue to work hard for him, but also tells the world:

"Follow me, and you will also have endless villas to live in, endless BMWs to drive, and lying on yachts." Go out and bask in the sun..."

In this way, Li Jinyuan gained a reputation as a "good boss" without spending a penny, and also attracted a wave of fans who followed him wholeheartedly.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

In 2005, Li Jinyuan pushed the company to go public, and the stock price soared to US$11 per share that day.

With this, Li Jinyuan successfully became the richest man in Tianjin with a net worth of US$700 million.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

In this year, Li Jinyuan has a "base" in more than 90 countries around the world, established a firm foothold, and became a giant in the direct selling industry .

However, no matter how bright the moon is abroad, the moon is bright in my hometown.

Even though countless foreign fans follow him, Li Jinyuan’s heart is still the big fat domestic one.

With the gradual deepening of WTO cooperation, in 2005, China decided to liberalize direct selling operations.

As everyone knows, if you let it go too far, mice will get in.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Jinyuan immediately drove back to China and soon spread his tentacles throughout China.

After swallowing up the huge domestic market, Li Jinyuan's net worth rose again and again, and finally his net worth exceeded 40 billion, making him a well-known rich man in Tianjin.

In 2015, Boss Li’s “showing off wealth” has reached a new level.

He invited 6,500 employees to go on a four-day luxury trip to France, all expenses paid by the company.

In Nice, a city in southern France, employees spontaneously spelled out the words "Tiens 's beautiful dream on the Côte d'Azur" together with their human bodies.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

Boss Li was wearing a white suit and standing on an open-top jeep.

Behind the jeep, more than 70 vehicles escorted Boss Li. Everywhere the jeep passed, deafening cheers could be heard.

Boss Li stood on the jeep, holding his head high and looking down at the world, confidently waving hello to everyone.

He thought that he had stood at the pinnacle of life and enjoyed the supreme happiness.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

Little did he know, that was just the last victory God gave him before he was punished.

He fired the guns of victory into every corner of the world, but he did not expect that the last time the guns were pointed at himself.

In 2017, Li Hongfeng met a girl named Yangyang through online dating.

As a result, when they met in Benxian, they found that "Yangyang" was just a group of gangs disguised.

As soon as he entered Yangyang's house, his mobile phone and ID card were taken away, and he was locked in a small dark room to receive "training."

"They also said they wanted to chop off one of my fingers. I made my choice at the time. If I had to chop it off, it would be the little finger of my left hand.

I kept irritating them. I would rather they kill me than be blind or disabled. .”

And all of this is the activities of Li Jinyuan’s gang.

As a result, Li Jinyuan was torn off the last layer of sheepskin, and the ferocious image of the werewolf was undoubtedly exposed.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

Major media outlets rushed to report, exposing Li Jinyuan's money-making routine and Li Jinyuan's company's false deception.

Various civil disputes have also come to our door one after another, and there are constant doubts from the outside world.

But Li Jinyuan ignored it at all. Under the temptation of money, he could not convince himself to stop and stop.

Under his deception, batches of disciples joined this carnival one after another.

Surrounded by his disciples, Boss Li strives to become the richest man in Tianjin again and again.

However, no matter how high you climb, you will fall hard.

In the year when Boss Li became the richest man, his favorite disciple's nest was taken away first. Boss Li got scared and ran away overnight.

At that time, Boss Li demolished the Hua Palace that took more than a year to build in just two days.

In May 2020, 62-year-old Li Jinyuan appeared again. However, at this time, the company was unable to recover, and its former glory had long been gone.

On September 16, 2006, the stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia was in a state of excitement. A helicopter landed slowly. Amid continuous cheers, a middle-aged man jumped out of the hatch, waved to the audience and said,

In order to make money, Li Jinyuan accidentally found a shortcut, but he did not expect that if he took too many shortcuts, he would end up in endless hell.

In this torrent of money, Li Jinyuan thought he was the winner and had the last laugh.

As a result, when the flood passed by, no one was the final winner, and he was also swallowed by the flood.

Those who dream of controlling money can only become cannon fodder for money in the end.

In this game, there is only one winner from beginning to end, and that is desire.

Author: Zhu Xiaochang & Luo Xiaojie

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