[Source: Dongtou Youth_League News] In order to further activate the cultural life of the youth in our district and promote a healthy, civilized and progressive lifestyle in the whole society, on the afternoon of July 14th, the Working Committee of the Organs Directly Under the D

2024/07/0112:46:33 news 1006

[Source: Dongtou Youth_League News]

In order to further activate the cultural life of the youth in our district and promote a healthy, civilized and progressive lifestyle in the whole society, on the afternoon of July 14th, the Dongtou District Committee directly under the Working Committee and Dongtou District Committee The Youth Friendship Activity "Fragrance Meets Early Summer·Youth Aesthetics" jointly organized by the Toutuan District Committee was held at the Half Screen Cultural and Creative Center. 35 young singles from all walks of life gathered at the seaside and started an aromatic journey following the aroma of plants.

[Source: Dongtou Youth_League News] In order to further activate the cultural life of the youth in our district and promote a healthy, civilized and progressive lifestyle in the whole society, on the afternoon of July 14th, the Working Committee of the Organs Directly Under the D - DayDayNews

At the beginning of the activity, through the ice-breaking game "Do I have you or not", everyone gradually became familiar and quickly got to know each other in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, and deepened their impression of each other amidst laughter and laughter.

The young people learned in-depth knowledge about aromatherapy and aromatherapy under the teacher's in-depth explanations, and started their DIY "first experience" with great interest, making personalized mosquito repellent incense according to their personal preferences.

Under the guidance of the teacher, everyone further understood the various effects of plant aromatherapy. They not only learned a lot of practical knowledge, but also released fatigue and stress, and created unexpected sparks.

It is reported that this Youth Culture Festival is based on youth interests and hobbies, combined with current popular elements, aiming to create a warm and healthy dating environment, build a friendship and interaction platform for young people, and guide more young people to take root in Dongtou and love Dongtou. Contribute youthful energy to innovatively build a maritime garden of common prosperity.

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