I don’t know, is this a nursery rhyme, or is it an everlasting “law” in real life? If there is something delicious at home, even if it is a pack of candy, a moon cake, or a box of biscuits given by others, I will immediately What comes to mind must be the elder brother and younge

2024/06/3019:30:34 news 1940

I don’t know, is this a nursery rhyme, or is it an everlasting “law” in real life? If there is something delicious at home, even if it is a pack of candy, a moon cake, or a box of biscuits given by others, I will immediately What comes to mind must be the elder brother and younge - DayDayNews

One monk, carrying water to drink;

Two monks, carrying water to drink;

Three monks, there is no water to drink.

I don’t know, is this a nursery rhyme or an everlasting “law” in real life? I think this should be a true portrayal of real life. That's why such nursery rhymes have vitality and can be popular and sung.

As far as my family's family tradition is concerned, this law does not work. Because my father, who is "in charge" of housekeeping, implements the principle of "equal distribution" according to the size of the matter, not only in absolute terms, but also in all things that are planned for our three brothers in the family. Three new clothes, three pairs of new pants, three pairs of new shoes, three pairs of new socks, three piles of candy, three piles of bean sprouts; even a pear is divided into three, and an apple is also divided into three. Everything must be divided into three to show fairness. Even if we eat together, three people eat together, get haircuts done by three people together, and when we go to the house, three people go together. If you want to do anything "special", there is no way.

Family rules like this have cultivated the habit among our brothers that they learn to be humble, considerate, and tolerant to each other. When there is something delicious at home, even if it is a pack of candies, moon cakes, or a box of biscuits given by others, the first thing that comes to mind is the elder brother or younger brother. The father was divided into three.

is such an unwritten family rule, which is exactly in line with the principle of "equal distribution" of everything in the era of " supply and ". Except for items that are extremely in demand, in short supply, and rare, all commodities are equally accessible. Cloth stamps, food stamps, gas stamps, coal stamps, kerosene stamps, water stamps, meal stamps, and vegetable stamps are all in your hands; you live in a public house and have a public kitchen. , public corridors, public canteens, public toilets, public water, public electricity.

Such a lifestyle has certain advantages, that is, everyone coexists peacefully and is in peace. Just say a word when you go out to do errands, and someone will look after you. Even if we quarreled, fell out, or started fighting over trivial matters, there would always be people who came forward to break up the fight, comment, coordinate, and persuade us to make peace. After I finished my scolding and my anger was gone, I invited a group of people to go shopping and buy toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, water bottles, and washbasins; I watched movies, bought little books, played air guns, talked and laughed, chased and beat each other, and went crazy.

This is how ordinary people live their lives.

It must have been 1975 AD, when we moved into a new home in Nong Nong Ping, East District, Panzhihua City. It was a five-story red brick building of Type 73B with four units and 40 households. There are reed mat sheds, linoleum felt, and red brick bungalows everywhere around the red brick building. Therefore, such a "tall and majestic" red building is particularly eye-catching. Not only does it have a beautiful appearance, but all the windows are also equipped with from The "screen windows" that have never been seen before are beautiful and beautiful. The most enviable thing is that every house has installed "fluorescent lights". At night, the windows of forty households shine like forty pearls. No wonder it has attracted jealousy and criticism from some people, saying that the decoration of this house has exceeded the standard and has been "specialized". For the 40 households that benefited from this, this is an improvement in living conditions, and we should thank the leaders of the unit for their care and concern for the people.

I remember it was a cold morning. In order to train and cultivate my ability to live independently in the future, my mother asked me to wash my own clothes. Even if they were not clean, she would have to wash them for me again. Learn to wash.

Cold water, I can't help but shudder when I think of the biting and cold water. If it's ice and snow, falling snow and frost, how will I live like this? Before I went out and put my hands in the water, I put my hands to my mouth and kept breathing in the heat.

came to a large public laundry table downstairs. Four or five people each applied soap to their clothes, pants, socks, sheets , and pillow towels, then brushed them with a brush and rubbed them with their hands. In front of the faucet, boil the water, clean it, and twist it. In a short time, a basin of clean clothes will be drying on the wire. One person left, and another came. The sound of brushes washing clothes continued, the sound of clear running water continued, and people talked and laughed endlessly.The laundry table and the sink have become places for emotional connection. While doing laundry, everyone does household chores, "gossips" and spreads new news. It's so lively that you don't have to leave the courtyard. There's nothing you don't know and there's no emotion you don't know.

Laundry, if it is summer, is not a "fatal" thing. It can be done in three times, five, and two. As for whether it is clean or not, it has nothing to do with me, even if it is my mother who has not cleaned it. I'll wash it again. But as far as mothers are concerned, it is a matter of attitude whether you do it or not. As for whether you wash well or not, it is a matter of your ability.

It can't be said that the north wind is biting and the cold wind is biting. The cold wind and the cold water are still fatal. A basin of clothes is no big deal for my mother, but for a teenage me, cold water is enough to lose my "manly" will. The cold water made it impossible for me to reach out. Even the hand that I put into the basin, I retracted it in less than two minutes and put it to my mouth. My mouth kept exhaling hot air to "warm" my hand.

"Looking at your pitiful appearance, you don't look like you're doing anything. What, you're a bitch. Get out of the way and I'll wash it for you." It was a sister's voice. Are you helping? Or ridicule? Or humiliate me?

"Well - I'd better wash it myself, I don't care if others help me." Is it just to save face? Any dignity left? Although he said this, he was actually thinking in his heart, since you want to help, you should do it.

"Go, go, go. Just be less talkative and make me less angry." She pulled me aside and said, "Just lend me your hand later and help me wring it out."

I saw her pick up the My basin of dirty clothes came to the faucet, soaked the clothes with boiling water, put some soap on the washing table, rubbed it with my hands, rubbed it on the platform, and turned on the faucet. Hey, after a while, the basin of dirty clothes turned on. The water became clear and transparent, and the dirty clothes turned into clean clothes before my eyes. When she came to some long wires, she swung the sheets and quilts she washed to the left, right, up, down, patted them, and then they were ready to dry. Then I shook my clothes up and down, and as the clothes made a "puff, plop" friction sound, each piece of clothes "floated" on the wire so lightly. Then he gave me an empty washbasin: "Here - go back, remember to pick it up after dark."

's sister is a photographer in a state-owned photo studio, and she is very skillful. At the same time, my sister also told me that she is a "good swimmer" in the city. She has participated in municipal and provincial swimming competitions and won awards. No wonder my sister's movements are so light and her posture is as heroic as a female soldier without a military uniform. I sincerely sighed: It would be great if my family could have such a sister!

In fact, the desire to have a sister has been around for a long time. I saw and heard how others praised and praised my sister, what kind of mother's little cotton-padded jacket she was, how she loved and cared about her little brother and little sister. I don't have to do anything at home. My sister takes care of everything. Tsk, tut, tut, a sister is so enviable.

Yes, my brother fell down, and if it hurts, he can crawl on the ground, with tears and snot hanging from his nose, eyes closed, crying and shouting for his sister, and then he will pull you up amidst her heartache. , pick me up; my sister can hold your hand, jump and laugh, and take a dime to buy lollipops to eat; when school is over, my sister can help you carry your schoolbag, tie your shoelaces, and say Jokingly and jokingly, I take you to play hide-and-seek and handkerchief-throwing games. I pick little flowers to make you happy. From time to time, your calls are heard in my ears: Sister, sister, sister, please wait for me...

No matter how good a brother is, Compared to my elder sister, who is more attentive, except for those big things that are "upright and earth-shaking", as well as the trivial details of life, it must be my elder sister. In addition to being my mother's little cotton-padded jacket, my sister should be my brother's little vest. Without a lovely sister in your life, there will be an inexplicable secret sadness in your heart. However, when someone bullies her younger brother, my sister sometimes seems helpless, helpless and frustrated.In this situation, my brother can raise his hard fist at the "bad guys, villains". With that wave, the little villains will pee and run away with their tails between their legs. At this time, I will think again, there is still a brother Good!

I was naturally moved by the words and deeds of the sister who helped me wash my clothes. I thanked me clumsily and said: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, sister, sister, sister!"

I had never washed the clothes so cleanly, and when my mother collected the clothes, I was puzzled: "Hey—— How could this boy wash his clothes so cleanly today? "

In the early 1970s, if we talk about the Eight Model Operas and "War in the South", "Heroes", "Surprise Attack" and "Fight the Invaders" ” and a Vietnamese black and white feature film “Afu”, a North Korean color feature film “Flower Girl”, which made us all memorize the lines in the film. Then, a brand new color wide screen film "The Bridge" and "Walter Defends Sarajevo " from the former Yugoslavia simply made us stunned and opened our eyes. The slogan "Destroy fascism, freedom belongs to the people" The shouts are not only heard in the streets and alleys, but can be heard everywhere on our campus. "Destroy fascism, freedom belongs to the people" seems to have replaced the greeting "Hello". The protagonist in the film, Tiger, has deservedly become the star idol in our hearts.

Another imported blockbuster - " Zorro " was released nationwide as scheduled. Zorro, the heroic, witty, and handsome protagonist in the play who wears a mask to fight evil, has naturally become a new idol in the hearts of men.

was a little excited and anxiously waiting. The elder brother who had agreed to take me to see a new movie suddenly lied about not going because he had something to do when he was about to go out. How frustrating was that. This was also the first time I was "disappointed" by my elder brother's mistake. Although we were accompanied by our second brother, it was the first time for the three of us to be without our eldest brother. To be honest, my second brother felt just like me, feeling "lost". Both of us were disappointed and looked at the pictures on the screen absentmindedly. I couldn't read the content of the "news bulletin" because in our eyes, there was nothing that could replace the picture of our eldest brother.

What happened to Big Brother today?

What surprised and astonished me the most was that through the peripheral light of the movie projector's beam, in the dark light, I could clearly see two people, one man and one woman, walking past me, one behind the other. No need to think about it, the man's gradual movements and such a familiar figure immediately transformed into a clear image in my mind - big brother. The girl next to me couldn't keep me guessing. I almost shouted out loud: "Brother - I'm here." Unexpectedly, the corner of my clothes was pulled by the second brother. Obviously, this scene did not escape the eyes of the second brother. The irritated second brother said fiercely "Hmph——" from his nose: "Let's go home——" He took my hand and hurried home. I couldn't keep up with my steps and trotted all the way.

Sadness and loss are inevitable. We cannot use the word "resentment". There is no hatred between brothers. Besides, that is our eldest brother. He is just angry, not ordinary angry. He is quite angry.

Brother really doesn’t want us? I don’t dare to say for sure, but I don’t give up either. In order to solve the doubts in my heart, my second brother led me to use many "spy" methods in movies such as "following, lurking, and undercover". Hum, the truth finally came to light.

Haha! It turns out that someone is here to "rob" our eldest brother and "rob" our love!

I was sitting on the pulley made by my eldest brother, with Dongdong running wildly behind me and pushing me.

This kind of "pulley car" is made of a 7 or 8 cm long wooden board as the "body", and the horizontal wooden strips are used as the "steering wheel". The front and rear iron pulleys are used as drives under the car. Both feet are on the steering wheel. Control the direction to turn left and right, and push and run with someone behind you. It gives you a feeling of moving forward courageously, even if you don’t want to be awesome or majestic. Only older brothers can accomplish such a thing, while younger brothers and sisters who have older sisters can only look at the "car" and sigh. Some younger brothers and younger sisters said to me in a pleading tone: "Brother Yuening, please take me to play. I Just sit for a while. "As for me, whoever I want to sit down will sit down, and whoever I want to ask to get off will get off.Haha, I was so proud and proud at that time. The subtext must be: It’s better to have an older brother!

Today, Dongdong and I alternated pushing and sitting. After I pushed Dongdong a few times, it was naturally Dongdong's turn to push me. When I was sitting with half-closed eyes enjoying the speed and pleasure brought by the pulley, my eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't that my sister who once helped me wash clothes?

The sister who appears in front of me at this moment, I will no longer be grateful and sweet to call her "sister". Even helping me wash clothes has become a thing of the past and will not be mentioned again. It is not that I am ungrateful, she asked for it. , she has now become my "enemy". Because she "kidnapped" our eldest brother and "robbed" my eldest brother of our love, my eldest brother who came home every weekend no longer or rarely accompanied me to watch movies or play. The second brother was angry, and I was also angry.

In the distance, my sister who came home from get off work was walking towards me. As soon as I thought about it, a dark idea came to my mind. I must scare this troublesome sister. I asked Dongdong to push harder, and relying on inertia, the pulley rushed towards my sister quickly, and was about to "bump" her and press her feet. My sister yelled: "Hey - hey - —You damn guy, you scared me to death. "

scared you to death, and I wanted to "hit" you to death. This is just a way to vent and relieve hatred. Hearing the squealing sister, I felt so happy in my heart, not to mention how happy I was: "Look at how cruel you are -"

Actually, there is no need to scream. With my driving skills, it is impossible to hit or crush her. The moment I got close to her feet, my feet acted as "brakes" and I stabilized myself. Haha, I can't suppress you. I just remind you not to despise the existence of a little "man".

Relieving Qi is also a kind of emotional release, a young man's simple thinking, in order to achieve a psychological balance point. You are angry with me, but I still play with my pulley.

If people never grow up, how wonderful it would be to live a happy and worry-free life.

Those food stamps, cloth stamps, pork, chickens, ducks... everything has nothing to do with me, everything is worried about by my parents. It seems that besides eating, our tasks include rolling hoops, playing tops, pushing pulleys, and watching movies when we go to school. If we are a little lazy, we can just wash our faces before going to bed before going to bed. What else can we do?

Actually, I didn’t fall asleep as soon as I closed my eyes when I went to bed. Being ignorant, I still had to think wildly. Naturally, the one I think about the most these days is my eldest brother. What's wrong, brother? Why don't you have time to play with us? I am used to the action of my elder brother stroking my head and fixing my hair. I like the way my elder brother gently teaches me to fold paper boats and paper pigeons; , picked up rockery; and also made a slideshow for all of us to see. However, overnight, the eldest brother seemed to have changed into a different person, and all the good things became the past. The reason seems to be related to the sister who once helped me wash clothes, which made me grateful and touched.

Thinking and thinking, tears filled my eyes, thinking and thinking, until sleepiness took over my mind, and I was confused...

Thinking in a narrow sense rose out of thinking in a narrow sense, and my thoughts were about the brother who I get along with day and night. He is the elder brother who loves us deeply. On the contrary, the elder brother who is estranged from me just doesn’t love me anymore. How could you think that love can be hidden in your heart?

The advantage of having a brother is that I have a strong backing. Those naughty guys cannot ignore your existence, nor can they bully you casually. My brother is like a majestic mountain standing behind me. Who dares to move?

However, troubles and challenges only arise temporarily, and the neighbors live in peace and harmony. In this way, in ordinary life, the brother is not as good as the sister.

In addition to helping her parents with housework, her sister can also take time to take her brother to the store, buy lollipops for a few cents each, ice cream for two cents each, help her brother wash clothes, sew holes in socks, She takes her younger brother to do some gardening, helps him carry his schoolbag, etc. But the older brother does not.

I have always dreamed of having a sister.If my sister, who once cared for me and helped me wash my clothes, has won my favor and gratitude, every time we meet, I will sweetly call her sister and give her a warm smile. And if someone who is close to you takes away your love, can you still send a smile? It was her who disturbed the peaceful life of our family. How should I treat her?

Every weekend on the rest day, the eldest brother and the second brother who go home will help their parents buy rice, sell coal, and chop firewood. I will run back and forth behind the eldest brother and the second brother. Even if I can't help, that's it. Talking and laughing, even holding two briquettes, I felt extremely happy. It was such a happy time.

There is a firewood shed in front of the house. The pile of firewood is the waste branches picked up by the eldest brother and the second brother from the forest farm in the mountains by a driver they know. It is enough to provide fuel for our family for a year.

It was a morning. The weather was already relatively hot, but my eldest brother was sweating profusely. He was not going to the fields to plant rice or threshing and harvesting. Facing each piece of wood, it takes a lot of effort to cut it into sections with a wood saw, and then use an ax to split the pieces of wood. After they are fully sun-dried, they can be put into the furnace for production. firewood. Boil the water we want to drink and cook fragrant white rice.

Brother, how long does it take to chop waist-high firewood? How much effort does it take? How much sweat was shed? Normally, not only me, but also my second brother would have been chopping and piling things. The two brothers had already been busy, so I would naturally join in the fun.

is such a respectable and lovely elder brother who "offended" two younger brothers who loved him with all their hearts. It was you who made the "mistake" of inviting people to meddle in my home and take away your love for us. The life of "offending" two younger brothers is also uncomfortable, and there will never be a good ending.

The "strike" between my second brother and I today illustrates the problem, hum!

and his second brother have been tracking and investigating together, and have roughly grasped some situations. The reality that we should face will always come, and we cannot escape.

On that day, my mother got a piece of "third-tier meat" from somewhere through some unknown relationship. In those days, when you smell the smell of meat or see oily meat, your eyes will go straight. Moreover, a piece of top-quality third-line meat, cooked with my mother's skillful cooking skills, the "twice-cooked pork" and are both delicious in color, aroma and taste. The roasted white made my mouth water when I saw it, as well as the bowl of pea-shaped " meat slices soup ". Such a "quite" sumptuous dinner, I didn't even need to call, I came to the table by myself.

This should be a rare weekend. The family happily gathers together. It is supposed to be a dinner full of laughter and laughter. Unexpectedly, before the second brother comes to the table, he discovers a new trend, which can also be called a "situation". His face It becomes ugly.

How can love make people happy when there is a "knot" in the heart?

Although the three brothers have never shaved their heads like "light bulbs", in the eyes of others, they are still three monks. The family motto is that the elder cares for the younger, the younger is humble and yields to the elder, and cares and takes care of each other. In this way, the three brothers almost travel together, eat together, go to bed together, and sleep together.

are the three inseparable brothers, but the eldest brother was "distracted" from us. The most annoying thing is that he actually brought her into our house today and sat at the same table. Facing the "new" big sister, can this meal be put into your mouth and swallowed?

The second brother, who was very observant, paid no attention to the red-faced elder brother. His displeasure was immediately written on his face. No matter how good the food was, it tasted dry, and it only brought embarrassment and embarrassment to the situation.

"Let's go, Yuening, let's go play ball." Rather than saying that the "prick-headed" second brother has never made his parents angry, today's actions really angered the furious father, who made the most outrageous speech I have ever seen in my life. The biggest moment of anger was when I heard him shout angrily: "Second child, third child, you two, stop for me -"

's roar really frightened me or made me stupid. With my head lowered, my eyes squinted left and right at my father, and my eyes squinted right and left at my second brother, frozen in place at a loss.

You must be feeling uneasy. The eldest brother suddenly stood up and just said: "Second brother, listen to me——"

It's fine that the eldest brother didn't speak. This "I——" made the second brother even more uncomfortable. Angry, he held the basketball in one hand and held my hand with the other, and said to me angrily: "Let's go."

My "follow-up" brother would rather "offend" his superior father than dare to offend both of us. The second brother who goes in and out and gets along day and night. That is the second brother who some people call similar looking "twins".

It was an era when the word "love" was missing.

No matter you are reading a novel, or in a feature film on the screen, in our texts, or even around us when we are alive, you will never hear the words "love", let alone "little sister". "I miss my lover" is a "sound of ecstasy". Even the love between young men and women is called "playing friends", not falling in love. Since we are playing friends, let's call it a friendship like "revolution plus friendship, comrades plus brothers and sisters". There is no hugging or hugging.

Therefore, my mother called my second brother and me to the table that night, and what she instilled in us was not the concept of "when men get married when they are in college, and when women get married when they are college students", but she told us that "when a tree grows big, it will branch, and when people grow up, they will divide their families." reason. After saying so many words, the word "love" never came out of my mother's mouth. With this reasoning, it is impossible to elevate the relationship between the eldest brother and the sister to the level of "love". As a younger brother, I always accept that the eldest brother is our eldest brother, and no one can "rob" him away.

It was a hot summer day, and it was almost dinner time. My second brother and I had just run home from the basketball court. As soon as we entered the door, we saw two glasses of cold water on the table. There is no doubt that our mother is always thinking about us. When the sweaty brothers saw the cool water, they were as excited as returning from the desert. They picked up the teacup and drank it all in one breath. At this moment, my sister came out of the kitchen. Seeing us sweating profusely, she said, "You must be thirsty. I'm still cold after drinking this cup. I'll have dinner later."

was raising his head and opening his mouth, wanting to The second brother who poured the cold water into his mouth turned to look at me, and wow - two cups of cold water poured into the sink: "We are not thirsty." Then he led me to the cupboard and reached out to take it out. Two bowls, he reached out to the faucet, took one full bowl and handed it to me, then took another full bowl and drank it all in one gulp. He also said a line from the movie "Northern and Southern War": Alas - it's still from my hometown. The water is so sweet!

Tears burst out from my sister's face. Those sad and sentimental tears probably couldn't be filled in two bowls.

At lunch that day, my mother said to me: "The egg custard steamed in the pot should be cooked. Please take it out."

"Okay!" I took out the steamed egg custard from the steaming pot. Egg custard, the hot bowl burned my hands. Undoubtedly, my clumsy move was obviously seen by my sister who was standing by. She smiled and said to me: "In the future, when you encounter such a hot situation, put your hands on the earlobes. The temperature of the earlobes is very low and it is very suction." "It's hot, so your hands won't be hot." "

" I know, you don't have to worry about it. "How did you know? "

" My mother told me. Your mother told you. My mother knows what your mother knows, and she will tell me.

Although I rejected my sister very unconvincingly because of my face, every time I encountered this problem in the future, I tried again and again, and it worked, so I was still convinced.

On that day, I came home from playing basketball with me during the National Day, and I was talking enthusiastically about the high school students in the school who went hiking together. A girl accidentally slipped on her foot and fell off the cliff at Zhongshan . Suddenly I heard a shout. : "National Day, let's go home quickly. Mom is sick and in the hospital. Let's go home quickly and get a water bottle and wash basin to go to the hospital." The person who spoke to National Day was actually his sister-in-law rather than his sister. At this moment, his sister-in-law's words made me feel the love and delicacy of a sister-in-law.

Looking at the back of my sister-in-law and I running home on National Day, I felt something.

What followed was that my friends were all "complaining" about what happened to their brothers and sisters, and all of them were "mysterious" and "estranged" from their brothers and sisters.

As our age increases year after year, life is changing around us, changing each of our families, changing the "independent family" style of life, and changing my eternal life. Change the thinking of "loving each other will always be a family".

Finally got through the weekend. The street lights lighting up the street were on. Buses full of passengers were coming. The doors were opened again and again, but my second brother was nowhere to be seen squeezing out of the bus.

It must have been the fourth or fifth passenger bus that entered the station. Before the bus stopped and the door was not opened, there were people like "bats" attached to or hanging on the door, and others were climbing through the windows. The second brother tried his best to squeeze into the car, but it didn't help. The people who got on the bus held the door tightly, and the passengers who got off the bus were unable to get out. In the end, I had to resort to surging. The passengers who got off the car worked together to push down, and finally rushed out of a "road". When the door opened, the second brother did not get out of the car by himself. It can be said without exaggeration that he was among the crowded passengers. The people behind me were squeezing, rushing, and rushing down, and they were "flowed down" without even lifting their feet.

I picked up my second brother with a smile on my face, and naturally I was very happy. On the way home, neither of us spoke. I thought my second brother must be thinking of some "golden idea" again. This time, I don’t know what kind of embarrassment my second brother will give my sister.

went upstairs, knocked on the door, and the person who opened the door was my sister. I looked up at the expression on my second brother's face. I also have to learn to observe my words and colors, so that I can act accordingly.

Unexpectedly, the second brother smiled all over his face, opened his mouth and shouted affectionately: Sister——

I was confused, and I looked at the second brother in surprise.

"Hey——" A kind name flowed into my sister's heart like a stream of clear water, and sweet words flowed out casually: "Mom! The second brother and Yuening are back."

Yuening's voice was sweet, pleasant and pleasant. It sounds pleasant. This is another kind and warm name besides mother, which makes me feel so warm in my heart. Then I shouted from the bottom of my heart: "Sister——", and then even more guiltily and affectionately shouted: "Brother——" Then I opened the cupboard with my elder brother, took out the bowls and chopsticks, and set the table.

The family had a relaxed and enjoyable dinner that day. My mother kept putting vegetables into her sister-in-law's bowl and kept saying: "Eat, eat, we are a happy family." She kept running in and out from the kitchen to the living room, and her father drank too much wine. The sound is loud. That night, in addition to my eldest brother and my second brother, there was also a glass of wine in front of me. That night, I woke up from my dream with a smile, because in that dream there was the smiling face of the sister who washed my clothes.

A person's heart smiles and he feels much happier than drinking a bowl of honey water.

It turns out that the "change" in the second brother's thoughts originated from a long talk between the eldest brother and the second brother. After all, they are brothers with brotherly love, flesh and blood with ten fingers connected, and brothers and elders who love each other. The life experience made the second brother understand something, and the relationship between the brothers naturally became closer.

Is the second brother changing? He became as troubled and sad as his parents, and now he is as happy and cheerful as his parents. Looking back, it was a person's growth experience. The second brother at that stage did not intentionally oppose his parents. It should be caused by the rebellion of a young man in adolescence. I think it was the second brother who did not express his feelings in his books. Read the word "love".

The power of love is really great. It can break through any difficulties, twists and turns, and obstacles. It will eventually break through the fog and welcome the sun that belongs to your heart.

When I graduated from high school, in order to get a graduation photo, I had to go to a photo studio to take a standard graduation photo.

made an appointment with his classmates and came to the photo studio. A staff member told us: "The master who took the photo is sick. You can come back in a few days." In the past few days, the staff member told us: "Today, There will be a power outage tomorrow, please come back in a few days." A few days later, I came to the photo studio and saw a notice posted on the door: Due to business studies today, we will be closed for one day.

Oh my God, as the saying goes, only three things can come true. Is this photo studio still open for business? I immediately said angrily to my classmates: "I won't take pictures anymore. Even if you kill me, I won't come to this photo studio to take pictures."

I was so angry that I always had to take pictures, but where could I find a photo studio? ?

classmate spoke: "Isn't your sister-in-law in a photo studio? How about we go to her place to take pictures?"

woke up the dreamer with one sentence, yes, I don't have a person who works in a photo studio and can draw pictures. Sister-in-law?

So, without "saying hello" to my sister-in-law, we went to the photo studio where my sister-in-law worked. For our sister-in-law who came unexpectedly, she not only gave us a warm welcome, but also bought us fruits and tried her best to notify our elder brother.

In the single dormitory, which was less than fifty square meters, my sister kept talking with us and kept bringing out snacks to entertain my classmates and me. For lunch, the eldest brother used a kerosene stove to "fry" twice-cooked pork. The red pork belly, the green garlic sprouts, and the stomach-inducing aroma were not in a restaurant or a chef, but they left an unforgettable memory in the minds of my classmates. Even many years later, my classmates still mentioned that meal. Lunch: "Thank you so much for having such a warm-hearted sister-in-law. I really miss the plate of twice-cooked pork that my eldest brother made for us. I also learned to make it myself, and it doesn't taste like the one my eldest brother made."

Photo Studio Photographer's skills are First-class, the lighting, and the demeanor make everyone who looks at the photo praise them: "This is the skill of a real photographer. Look, your expression in the photo is so energetic."

My answer is: " Needless to say, the photographer’s skills are also good, my sister-in-law’s photography skills are also good.”

From the middle school graduation photo, the second brother also walked into the photo studio where my sister-in-law was.

Sister-in-law, it was from that time, from the praises of classmates and people, that you came into my heart, and I acquiesced, recognized and accepted you.

It was a day in September 1982 AD.

That day, I was learning how to cook. My mother taught me step by step how to cut the shredded potatoes. When she was teaching me how to cut the meat, someone downstairs shouted: "Sister Li, your eldest son." The call came, your wife has been admitted to the hospital. "

Don't be nervous, that is quite exciting news. I saw my mother take off the apron tied around her waist, put it on the stove, and said to me hurriedly: "Hey, you have been upgraded. Tell your dad that I won't be back this week." Then, mentioning something that had already been done for a long time. I prepared the cotton bag and went downstairs to take the bus. What does

mean? I'm still a little confused.

That day, my father and I took a car to my eldest brother and sister-in-law’s house. I was still at the top of the stairs when a voice came before anyone arrived: "Mom——" Before

stepped through the door, I heard my sister-in-law's voice: "Sister, sister, wake up, open your eyes and see who is coming. Look, look." "Grandpa, Yaoba, I see you are here."

My heart warmed when I heard my sister-in-law's voice and the word "Yaoba". Oh, I have indeed upgraded. All I hear is that I am called Xiao. Brother, Yuening’s brother’s cry, he is the first father in life, hehe, I’m sorry, my face is still red.

I looked at my sister-in-law, and there was no baby in her arms. I was in a daze when someone touched her waist lightly. I looked back, haha, that "sister" was holding her baby quietly. In the arms of the second brother.

Didn’t the second brother always claim that he never liked children? Today, he held the life wrapped in swaddling clothes so tightly with one hand, and kept stroking his "sister"'s face with the other hand.

With a pink face, a cherry-like mouth, and a cute "little fresh meat", a fresh life appeared in front of my eyes. I understood everything. It turned out that I was the father of my niece. I stretched out my hand, and the second brother, who understood, handed the "little fresh meat" to me and told me: "Hold it tight, hold it steady."

Although the room is small, the whole family is enjoying themselves. The meal included wine and meat, as well as the harmonious laughter of a family that had not been seen for a long time. The most important thing is that in the discussions and arguments, no matter how many names were thought of, no matter how many words were chosen, in the end, the name of Xiao Xianrou's "sister" was decided.My nickname is - Qian. The nickname is naturally - Sister Akane.

Sister Qian is the "angel" given by God to my elder brother and sister-in-law, and the "pistachio" brought to us by my sister-in-law.

returned to his parents' home. The peaceful family was broken by the arrival of sister Qian, a "little fresh meat". Some people say that having a baby at home means the arrival of a "crying man". Fortunately, Sister Qian's arrival has nothing to do with "Crying Night Lang", even though I have to moan and groan every night, and although Sister Qian's crying has nothing to do with me, it is my mother and sister-in-law who are busy. I can always hear my sister-in-law's slight coaxing: "Oh oh oh, our sister Qian, please don't cry, don't make trouble, look at Yao Dad is making a noise, Yao Dad has to go to work tomorrow, oh oh oh..."

Before my niece, Sister Qian, I just liked all the children and teased them. If I gave them a hug, then the joy that Sister Qian’s arrival brought to us is self-evident. It was not only a A kind of like, it is a kind of emotion, a kind of love from the bottom of my heart.

If other people's babies are regarded as flowers, blooming "overnight", then I watched the blooming of our sister Akane slowly blooming layer by layer.

Whether it is Sister Akane wrapped in swaddling clothes or Sister Akane sleeping peacefully in the cradle, her cute sleeping appearance and sleeping posture will sometimes roll her eyes at you; sometimes she will blow a small bubble at her mouth; sometimes she will blow a small bubble at her mouth; He also unconsciously gives you a smile; sometimes he waves his little fist. Every movement made me laugh and want to kiss her or hug her. I can't help but reach out and touch your lovely face, sister Qian. Every time at this time, my mother would say to Sister Qian: "Yao dad is annoying, and he is disturbing our sister Qian's nap again." My sister-in-law would smooth things over: "If Yao dad likes it, let him hug her, so that Sister Qian doesn't become a sleepyhead." "

I was still a bachelor, and my work was divided into day shift and night shift. Whenever I get off the night shift, there are no Internet cafes during the day and no barbecues at night. I occasionally watch a movie and stay at home most of the time. It was not fashionable to hire a nanny. I spent a lot of time at home, so naturally I became sister Qian's "nanny". Who asked me to go home from get off work and have nothing to do? Taking care of sister Qian naturally became an obligatory move.

Although I don't know how to wash and clean, as long as Sister Qian opens her eyes and hums, my trouble will come, and my mother will call: "Yao dad, hurry up - Sister Qian is awake, pick her up and coax her."

A pair of Sister Akane, who has black eyes as bright as black grapes, keeps following me around in the cradle, stretching her hands, kicking her legs, moving her mouth up and down, blowing bubbles from time to time, and sometimes He gave you a cute smile, and those watery eyes seemed to be saying to me: "Dad, please stop teasing me, hug me quickly." So, I couldn't help but feel happy, and I immediately embraced Sister Qian. Hold it in your arms.

After a while, Sister Qian's face became more deeply moved. In addition to continuing to act cute, she also let out a sweet and crisp laugh of "ha, ha". Later, sister Qian would make babbling sounds, as if calling me: "Dad, take me out to see the sky, the trees, the flowers, and the cars." This lovely angel, yours Yaoda can agree to any request. Let's go, pick up sister Qian and go out to the street.

Later on, no matter what my mother was doing, I would only hear my footsteps when I came home from work. Before anyone entered the house, my mother would say: "Sister Qian, Yao Dad is back. Yao Dad takes you out to play, remember Let’s go home for dinner.”

swayed like a tumbler, and the crunchy and sweet “Yaba—Yaba—” kept drifting into my ears. I picked up Sister Qian and threw her body outward. . After we left the house, I took my sister Qian, who was sitting on my shoulder "horse riding", to a kindergarten to sit on a swivel chair, ride a rocking horse, slide down a slide, and watch the children play games and sing.

Sister Qian and I’s laughter was also infected by passers-by. People who didn’t know could not help but ask: “Looking at how happy you are in raising your child, is she your daughter?”

I explained with a blushing face: "No, I don't have a partner yet, I'm her daddy, right, sister Qian."

Sister Qian's laughter became the source of happiness for our family. Only then did we realize what kind of angel our sister-in-law had given us.

In the days when my father and mother were getting farther and farther away from us, I felt deeply I deeply feel the care and love that my sister-in-law has for me and our family. The warm words are beyond words.

One day, I said to my sister-in-law, "Sister-in-law, I have wanted to have a sister since I was a child. I feel that calling you sister-in-law is a bit "intermediate and separate". From now on, I will call you sister. This way I feel more cordial and close. "

From then on, sister-in-law changed her name to sister. And sister no longer called me Yuening, but called me "brother." "

In this way, whenever I hear that close and affectionate call: Brother -

I will respond with deep affection: Zeng - Sister -

Sichuan Panzhihua·Zhuhu Garden

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