On July 16th, the latest news about the epidemic in Zhuhai came out. Tell me. I hope it is good news about the situation, so that I can settle down properly. Now it is a hot weather again, and I am extremely depressed. Especially after looking at the new data updated in Zhuhai ye

2024/06/3019:33:33 news 1806

On July 16, the latest news about the epidemic situation in Zhuhai came out. Tell me. I hope it is good news about the situation, so that my hanging heart can settle down properly. Now it is a hot weather again, and I am extremely depressed. Especially after looking at the new data updated in Zhuhai yesterday, I felt depressed for a long time. Yesterday, Zhuhai reported 9 new locally confirmed cases and 229 asymptomatic infections. Today, Zhuhai has designated a number of risk areas, starting from July 11th. As of 00:00 to 12:00 on July 15, a total of 80 positive cases of infection have been reported, including 43 confirmed cases and 37 asymptomatic cases. It can be seen that the epidemic situation in Zhuhai is still quite serious.

On July 16th, the latest news about the epidemic in Zhuhai came out. Tell me. I hope it is good news about the situation, so that I can settle down properly. Now it is a hot weather again, and I am extremely depressed. Especially after looking at the new data updated in Zhuhai ye - DayDayNews

I don’t know how many people are like me these days. The first thing they do when they get up every morning is pay attention to Zhuhai, update the new data, and see if there is a downward trend. In fact, the epidemic has made everyone uncomfortable in the past few years. We used to live a good life, but in the past two years, we have become a good life. Since the epidemic occurred, the ordinary life that we didn't care about before now feels extremely precious. In the current epidemic situation, money is hard to make, the future is thorny, and the road is long. Rent has to be paid, mortgages have to be repaid, and we are all waiting to make money. It is difficult to say a word. So I hope the epidemic in Zhuhai will end soon.

On July 16th, the latest news about the epidemic in Zhuhai came out. Tell me. I hope it is good news about the situation, so that I can settle down properly. Now it is a hot weather again, and I am extremely depressed. Especially after looking at the new data updated in Zhuhai ye - DayDayNews

The epidemic in Zhuhai is now affecting the hearts of the Chinese people. I did not expect that the epidemic in Zhuhai would be so serious in just a few days. Now I don’t know when the turning point of the epidemic will occur? When will the dawn of hope for the people come true? We can only hope that the epidemic in Zhuhai will be cleared as soon as possible. However, it is recommended that Zhuhai should find the source of infection as soon as possible, try to cut off the source of infection, strive to control the source, protect susceptible people, and at the same time reduce the accumulation of nucleic acids to avoid spatial aggravation. When a villain talks about state affairs, it's just a personal opinion. If you don't like it, don't criticize it. If you think it's reasonable, just give it a thumbs up and leave a lingering fragrance in your hands. Let's see who is worried about Zhuhai in the comment section.

On July 16th, the latest news about the epidemic in Zhuhai came out. Tell me. I hope it is good news about the situation, so that I can settle down properly. Now it is a hot weather again, and I am extremely depressed. Especially after looking at the new data updated in Zhuhai ye - DayDayNews

The current epidemic situation in Zhuhai is at a critical moment. We must work together to help each other and tide over the difficulties. At the same time, I personally suggest that Zhuhai once again improves the level of epidemic prevention and control. It is necessary to seize this time window and race against the virus to defeat the virus quickly, detect it early, control it early, and isolate it early. This will definitely enable more effective dynamic cleaning. Zero goal, what do you think?

On July 16th, the latest news about the epidemic in Zhuhai came out. Tell me. I hope it is good news about the situation, so that I can settle down properly. Now it is a hot weather again, and I am extremely depressed. Especially after looking at the new data updated in Zhuhai ye - DayDayNews

Okay, I’ll share it here today. During the epidemic, everyone must pay more attention to personal protection, wash hands frequently, wash clothes frequently, disinfect more often, gather less, and don’t wander around without firsthand. For the sake of your own health, you must be patient. Next, just hold on, open your mouth, steady your legs, actively cooperate with the relevant policies issued by the country, and take every step calmly. Don’t be anxious or stop, just wait for the next dawn. The epidemic in Zhuhai will definitely be resolved In the past, although not now, it will definitely be soon, Zhuhai, come on.

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