Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y

2024/07/0101:50:33 news 1000

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. The recent incident of Xiuyu being replaced in college is even more irritating. Her parents forced her to sign a settlement agreement to compensate her 300,000 yuan. Xiuyu wanted Wang Qingzhi to help find a solution, but Qingzhi also wanted her to reconcile, because then he would have money and His girlfriend got married, Xiuyu signed a settlement agreement, and the money was basically given to Wang Qingzhi. Wang Qingzhi went too far. I was watching Beijing Satellite TV in the afternoon, and I haven’t seen anything about Xiuyu being replaced.

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

Let’s see what netizens say:

The more I see my brother Qinglai, the more angry he becomes. Fei Chongtou said that the director is his uncle, and he also promised his colleagues to find a job for his brother. How can he be so good at pretending? He is not like him in rural areas. Ah, I don’t understand anything [slap in the face]. This drama is mainly to highlight the protagonist He Xingfu. If you let a No. 4 character show up to solve the problem, it does not meet the needs of the plot. If you want to blame it, blame the screenwriter.

brought his girlfriend back when he had the compensation money. When asked about marriage, he said he had nothing to do with the house. It was clear that he wanted his family to help pay for the house.

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

Which child nowadays doesn’t need help at home?

If there are two children in the family, give one to each, and ignore that one. You can’t be so biased.

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

Because of my personality, when my brother went to Tibet to serve as a soldier, I still had illusions. Now it’s better. When my brother comes back, people in the village will stop bullying our family [face covering] As a result, the day after I returned from the army. It’s just like before. I’m a coward. My neighbor built a wall on the ground of my house. He went to find my cousin. My cousin smashed the wall with a big hammer. Then the neighbor threw garbage at the door of my house. My sister-in-law’s elder sister Even if he was arguing with others on his stomach, he would still sit at home. . It is true that character determines destiny.

He did it, and the report letter that was the trigger for forcing the brother and sister-in-law to go to the city was sent by him [laughing and crying] The real thing was indeed not done.

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

It is not easy for rural children to work in the city. A boy has his own dignity. His girlfriend’s mother looks down on him and he has low self-esteem. Especially the living habits of rural people suddenly make the new house a mess. When his girlfriend breaks up with him, he is helpless. Yeah, why is he so bad? The situation at that time was like that, how could he straighten up? Are you attracted to him? Why do you always criticize this person? The two brothers

together are not as good as Wan Chuanjia.

Yes, I felt that Wan Chuanjia was angry with Lucky in the beginning, but the more I watched it, the more disgusting it became. At least he has a responsible side, and Wang Qinglai is the most hateful. If something happens, he will say that his wife is in charge and let his wife take care of it. If something goes wrong Just blame this and that, this kind of people are the most annoying in reality.

Qingzhi is selfish but has a moral bottom line. He is submissive in doing things and unrealistically wants to do both well but things go against his expectations. This is more due to the Wang family's extreme selfishness and narrow vision. It is quite realistic.

Everyone in this drama is a microcosm of society. In reality, the elder brother bought a house, a car, and got married on his own. The younger brother and his mother confidently asked the eldest son to give all the house and car to the younger brother, and even thought about taking over the company. How annoying!

I wanted to watch this TV series! But some plots are purely contradictory. First of all, the TV mentioned that they were happily married in 2009, and also mentioned WeChat payment... and their village already has a collective dividend model. Logically speaking, the people in this place should be aware and thoughtful. of!

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

But when I saw Qinglai’s appearance of people from the countryside moving into the city, I felt like I was seeing the appearance of farmers entering the city in the millennium, so it felt inconsistent with the time! ! The timing of the characters in the storyline is very contradictory! !

Yes! ! There was a scene in more than ten episodes where Wang Qing came to look for a job and had no response for a long time. He bought cigarettes and alcohol and was about to go find Qingzhi’s father-in-law. The boss asked me: Pay via WeChat? Or cash? …It’s so confusing! !

html WeChat was not popular in 209/10!

is a great screenwriter who vividly and vividly depicts social reality, especially rural areas. The director is also great and the actors were chosen very accurately. Especially Liu Wei, Zhao Liying, Li Gongan and the happy parents-in-law acted really well.

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

For every person who slaughters dogs for his righteousness, most of them are scholars who are unfaithful. My level of

is limited, it’s not easy for my brother! He has been trying to balance the two families, which is not easy.

I just want to ask, Wang Qingzhi has done everything, why does he need the heroine to do it?

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

is right. In fact, from the perspective of Yani and his family, they are both right. What is wrong is Qingzhi’s attitude and the way he handles communication! [picking nose].

There are people like Wang Qingzhi in real life. If the actor plays the role according to his identity, he will achieve his goal.

Two other men. Only

, who is arrogant at home, is really not as good as Wan Chuanjia [face covering].

Jiani is a very good girl, but she has fallen in love with him, but she still doesn’t see through it!

Nothing is as easy as I thought. It can only be said that society is too realistic.

I don’t like Wang Qingzhi in the play, He Lucky [呲ya]. The power of screenwriting is very close to real life. Only when reality comes from life can we get ratings.

Qingzhi's image is very typical. He is timid, cowardly, and bookish, and he shrewdly hides his calculations, selfishness, and ambitions.

Heirloom is a very real person, not to mention a bad person. He scolded the general manager for the sake of environmental protection, and knelt down to the Wang family for the sake of his sister.

This is caused by your dissatisfaction. You cannot ask too much of a person. The so-called loyalty and filial piety cannot have both, that is, you cannot ask that a person must be a perfect person, and no one can compare with others. The best part of this drama is To create the authenticity of the characters, there are many of these people around, real people, selfish people, there are many such people in life, it seems that they are in trouble, but in fact they are always taking advantage.

Wang Qingzhi is a true portrayal of many similar people in reality. He is like this at home and is also a two-faced person at work, but he will be reused.

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

I only watched a few episodes and I got so angry that I didn’t have the willpower to watch anymore. I was afraid that I would smash the TV [face covering].

except Wang Qinglai and Lucky! Others acted well.

Family Heirloom This person is not bad in nature, he is just domineering. He has been used to seeing his father since he was a child.

With Qingzhi’s emotional intelligence and way of dealing with people, can he become the secretary-general? Is there a problem with this?

Only a selfish person like him can be a selfish person. He did this to his family before.

thinks too much, he has a very high emotional intelligence, but he is selfish. Look at what he does, he gets the benefits, and others are the unlucky ones. Take the matter of my brother's work, he is the good guy, his brother is the bad guy, and Ya is the unlucky one. Ni's dad [covers face], it was originally the most difficult, but in the end, he was the most innocent [picking nose].

is the secretary, not the secretary-general. This is the emotional intelligence that

screenwriters can understand.

To be a secretary, only those who are well-rounded and have real abilities will be able to do it. Qingzhi didn't even think about it [covering his face].

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

may be able to write short essays. There are many secretaries to leaders, but he doesn’t even have to think about the secretary-general. Secretary-generals are generally really smart, so what are their abilities?

It was right not to find a job for his brother. His brother's mentality was really bad at that time, but he couldn't take the money from his brother and sister-in-law. Normally, when something happens at home, he is a part of the family and should not just leave it to his brother and sister-in-law to take care of it.

Brother is still okay at first. It is better to teach a man how to fish than to teach him how to fish. If you want to have a good family and be able to arrange a long-term and decent job, it is the right way. The question about

is whether his brother can do it? If you can't even work as a motorcycle driver, how can you work in the city?

My younger brother is really not good at doing ideological work. His brother has a problem with his father-in-law, so he should explain it to his brother. If he fails to get to the point, the conflict still remains unresolved. In fact,

can help you find a job. You don't have to break the law to do it. You can even be a consultant and help your brother think about a suitable position.

people have to rely on themselves. I think his brother has told him before that people who don’t live up to expectations will be disliked wherever they go. It's better to go back to farming. Some people are better off in any position. People should do what suits them.

He can help his brother go to the labor market or a platform for companies to recruit workers, without having to use relationships. It's not like he didn't call his classmates and ask them to help him find a job.He was so lucky to not be able to find a college student, let alone him. Can

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

be the same? He Xingzhi is looking for a white-collar job, while Qing is looking for an operator. Qingzhi’s classmates must know few operators.

The company you asked someone to find a job for is the company you asked him to work for. Qingzhi’s classmates cannot know companies that run factories or require security guards. Did the Director find him a job as a security guard? Does the Director know more of the security guards?

The key is that his classmates didn't find him. Qinglai is clumsy and talkative. Qingzhi can take him to the labor market to see operators. There are many operators in the factory. His classmate didn't find

, it's not that he didn't find it. Did Wang Qinglai still use Wang Qingzhi to take him to the labor market? Later, when he went to work on the construction site, didn't he find it by himself in the labor market? Couldn't he find it by himself? Why was He Xingfu able to find a job in an early education institution, and no one took her to find it. How to say

? It is difficult to communicate if the children at home are not on the same level.

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

The leadership secretary must first be a smart person who can handle crises in both directions.

His brother has a hard time finding a job, so he is too arrogant and has too little eyesight.

is too biased. Don’t you think the screenwriter made all the men into timid and selfish people who only care about themselves? Is this how independent women view men? He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do you dare to recommend a job? Isn't his father-in-law an example? He harms others and himself. It was reasonable for him not to help his brother, but the compensation for his vampire sister was simply shameless.

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

lacks courage and is a sophisticated egoist, but with the support of his father-in-law, he is likely to have a smooth journey to a high official position.

I really don’t believe it. It’s not that difficult to find a job. You can just go to a factory and work as a general worker for two to three thousand.

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

Qingzhi didn’t bother to help his brother. He didn't want to find a job with his brother because he didn't want his brother to hinder his promotion!

His brother is suitable for farming in rural areas, he knows very well [covers face]. How can a person like

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

be a secretary? Unreasonable. The TV series is very inconsistent with the reality of rural areas. Very fake!

A talent like this is suitable for being an official. His father-in-law obviously thinks highly of him because he feels inferior to him.

Wang Qingzhi, who graduated from graduate school, is the most selfish and self-interested person. He only wants to marry Director Xu's daughter and get promoted and make a fortune. He should know what his brother is like. I'm just asking you. If you have a brother like this, do y - DayDayNews

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