just! According to the latest announcement issued by the Gansu Provincial Health Commission, there were 31 new local confirmed cases and 82 new local asymptomatic infections.

2024/07/0309:55:32 news 1073

just! According to the latest announcement issued by the Gansu Provincial Health Commission, there were 31 new local confirmed cases and 82 new local asymptomatic infections. - DayDayNews

just now! According to the latest notice released by the Gansu Provincial Health Commission, 31 new local confirmed cases and 82 new local asymptomatic infections were reported.

The specific situation is as follows:

From 0:00 to 24:00 on July 15, 2022,

there were 31 new local confirmed cases of new coronavirus pneumonia,

including 30 cases in Lanzhou City ( Chengguan District 24 cases, Anning District 4 cases, Qilihe District cases, Xigu District 1 cases), 1 case in Huining County, Baiyin City, including 1 case from asymptomatic infection to a confirmed case (1 case in Chengguan District, Lanzhou City)

82 new local asymptomatic infections

Among them, 58 cases were in Lanzhou City (42 cases in Chengguan District, 9 cases in Xigu District, 5 cases in Anning District, 1 case in Qilihe District, 91 cases in Yuzhong County), 99 cases in Linxia Prefecture (94 cases in Guanghe County, 94 cases in Linxia There were 2 cases in the city, 92 cases in Linxia County, 91 cases in Kangle County), 6 cases in Xiahe County, Gannan Prefecture, 5 cases in Lintao County, Dingxi City, 3 cases in Huining County, Baiyin City, and 1 case in Wen County, Longnan City.

just! According to the latest announcement issued by the Gansu Provincial Health Commission, there were 31 new local confirmed cases and 82 new local asymptomatic infections. - DayDayNews

Gansu Epidemic Prevention and Control:

In the face of the epidemic, we must unite as one, overcome difficulties, and jointly resist the virus. With firm confidence and tenacious willpower, we must resolutely win this smokeless epidemic prevention war. The epidemic is like dark clouds. Although it temporarily covers the sky, the sun will eventually penetrate through the clouds and still illuminate us. I firmly believe that the epidemic will eventually pass and victory will surely come.

The epidemic has lasted for three years, and we have only a few years of youth. We always think that the future is long, but we forget that everything is impermanent. How can there be any quiet years? You are well, and I am fine. This is the best time in the world. This epidemic has made We understand the preciousness of life better and hope that after the epidemic, life will remain as beautiful as before.

Warm reminder during the epidemic:

During the epidemic, you must pay attention to personal protective measures, and perform regular nucleic acid testing regularly to ensure your own safety.

Don’t go out unless necessary. If you go out, remember to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, avoid going to crowded places, refuse to get together, don’t try to be lively, and don’t give the virus an opportunity!

Always open windows at home, ventilate more, and keep Indoor air circulation

Do not believe or spread rumors, strengthen personal protection awareness, and jointly build a solid line of defense for epidemic prevention and control

Maintain a safe social distance, actively cooperate with temperature measurement and code scanning, and check nucleic acid negative certificates and other prevention and control measures when entering public places .

If you have been to risk areas or come into contact with risk people, please report it immediately to the community and unit and cooperate with the implementation of various prevention and control measures.

just! According to the latest announcement issued by the Gansu Provincial Health Commission, there were 31 new local confirmed cases and 82 new local asymptomatic infections. - DayDayNews

The specific details will be reported in time tomorrow

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