We are about to enter the "Dog Days". "Dog Days" are the hottest days of the year. "Fu" means that Yin Qi is forced to hide underground by Yang Qi. "Sanfu" is the collective name for the first, middle and last days. Folks call this the "bitter summer". At this time, the climate i

2024/07/0116:04:32 news 1213

We are about to enter the

is about to enter the " Dog Days ". "Dog Day" is the hottest day of the year. "Fu" means that Yin Qi is forced to hide underground by Yang Qi. "Sanfu" is the collective name for the first, middle and last days. Folks call this the "bitter summer". At this time, the climate is hot and humid, which is most likely to induce various summer epidemic diseases.

"Dog Days" Health Principle

1, Mental Care

Summer belongs to fire, which corresponds to the heart. Therefore, in the scorching summer, we must pay attention to the care of the mind, and the mind will be calm and naturally cool.

2, daily maintenance

We are about to enter the

The general principle is to avoid summer heat. In summer schedule, it is advisable to go to bed later and get up earlier. When arranging labor or physical exercise, avoid the scorching sun and pay attention to strengthening protection. After lunch, a nap needs to be arranged. One is to avoid the heat, and the other is to recover from fatigue. In the hot summer, taking a warm bath once a day is a fitness measure worth advocating, which can eliminate fatigue, improve sleep, and enhance resistance.

In summer, you are susceptible to wind, cold and dampness. It is not advisable to use fans to provide air while sleeping, and it is not advisable to sleep in the open at night. In air-conditioned rooms, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not be too large. Summer days are hot and sweaty, so clothes should be washed and changed frequently. Wearing wet clothes or clothes that have just been dried for a long time can make people sick.

3. Dietary conditioning

We are about to enter the

During the dog days of summer, dietary conditioning should be the main focus, focusing on clearing away heat, replenishing qi, nourishing yin and promoting fluid production. In particular, vitamins, water and inorganic salts should be supplemented. In addition, appetite decreases in summer, and the function of the spleen and stomach is relatively poor. If you eat too much fatty, sweet, and greasy food, it will easily damage the stomach and spleen, affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients, and harm your health. Therefore, mung beans, coix kernels, vegetables, fruits, lilies, Polygonatum odorifera, etc. are all good foods in summer.

4. Exercise and conditioning

Summer exercise is best done in the early morning or evening when it is cooler. The venue should be in a park, near a river or lake, or in a courtyard with fresh air. The best exercise programs are walking, jogging, Tai Chi , Qigong, and radio exercises. If possible, it is best to go to the mountains, forests, and seaside areas for recuperation.

It is not advisable to do excessively strenuous exercise in summer. When you sweat excessively, you can drink salt boiled water or mung bean salt soup appropriately. Do not drink a large amount of cold boiled water. Do not rinse your head or bathe with cold water immediately, otherwise it will cause cold-dampness syndrome and other diseases.

5. Prevention and treatment of " scabies "

We are about to enter the

Xiaxia is mainly characterized by chest tightness , poor appetite, weakness of limbs , listlessness, thin stools, slight fever and lethargy, excessive sweating, and weight loss.

To prevent summer heat, before summer , you can take products that nourish the lungs, strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, and eat less greasy and thick food to reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach. In the summer, it is advisable to take aromatic remedies to dispel turbidity and relieve dampness and heat, such as fresh fenugreek leaves, peilan leaves, talc, fried malt, licorice, etc., decoction in water instead of tea.

Pay attention to the "dog days" of traditional Chinese medicine to prevent disease intervention

1, summer ointment prescription

"Nei Jing: A Treatise on Adjusting the Spirit of the Four Seasons" says: "Spring nourishes Qi, summer nourishes and grows Qi, autumn nourishes and collects Qi, and winter nourishes and stores Qi." . It shows that a person’s true energy, which is the basic subtle substance, needs to be maintained throughout the year, and each season has its own emphasis. This is the law of nature, and nature and man are one. It is understood that the nourishment of the human body will also have the same effect throughout the year. If you take supplements during the summer, the human body’s Qi and blood will be strong.

" Nei Jing " also mentioned that "nourishing yang in spring and summer, and nourishing yin in autumn and winter." Nourishing yang in spring and summer can include various methods of treating winter diseases and summer . It can also be reflected in the supplementation of ointments to achieve the effects of improving the body's immune function, preventing and curing diseases. Various pathological changes in the human body can exist throughout the year. The depletion and dysfunction of the body can be adjusted through supplementation in winter, and can also be adjusted in other seasons, and the same is true in summer.

We have found that the effect of winter supplements generally lasts for about half a year. Some people report that in the second half of the year, the effect of the ointment is no longer visible, the body feels powerless, and some chronic diseases are difficult to control. Therefore, it is necessary to take another "treatment" in the summer. "Supplement" to keep you in a healthy state all year round.

We are about to enter the

2, summer physical conditioning

People with different physical constitutions have different manifestations and symptoms in the "dog days". People with qi deficiency constitution , phlegm-dampness constitution , dampness and heat constitution , yin deficiency constitution are particularly uncomfortable. The discomfort symptoms cannot be improved through diet and daily conditioning, and they need to go to a specialized traditional Chinese medicine hospital for summer physical conditioning. Different from winter health care, we pay special attention to the following three principles:

Principle 1: Replenishing qi and promoting body fluids

The nature should be mild and slightly cool, and greasy and warm products should be avoided. This is because the weather is hot in summer and excessive sweating consumes energy and damages body fluids. This is especially true for the elderly and those with weak constitutions.

Principle 2: Strengthens the spleen and stomach

First, the qi of summer dampness is strong; second, dampness traps the spleen, which can easily hinder the yang qi of the spleen and stomach; second, people eat a lot of cold food in summer, and coldness hurts the stomach; Third, drinking too much water in summer dilutes the gastric juice and reduces the bactericidal power of the gastric juice, making it easy for pathogenic microorganisms to breed.

Principle 3: Treat winter diseases in summer

Traditional Chinese medicine health experts have found that chronic diseases that often occur in winter and some yang deficiency and yin excess diseases can often be improved through nursing in the summer. Among them, chronic bronchitis, asthma , emphysema , frozen shoulder , chronic diarrhea , recurrent colds, rheumatoid arthritis have the most significant therapeutic effects.

We are about to enter the

3. Treating winter diseases in the summer is the main method.

As the saying goes, "Winter treatments are strong with supplements, while summer treatments are busy with acupuncture." Winter diseases have been treated in the summer for a long time. Dog days are when the yang energy in nature is the most abundant. With the help of this external force, yang medicine is applied to the corresponding acupuncture points of the human body. At this time, the pores of the human body open, which is conducive to the penetration and absorption of the medicine, thereby removing the cold and dampness of the human body. removal to achieve the purpose of curing the disease.

There are many ways to treat winter diseases in summer. In addition to the common Dog Day patching , there are also Dog Day acupuncture , Dog Day cupping , acupoint injection , ginger-partitioned moxibustion , moxibustion and so on. Doctors choose one or two of these methods to use based on the patient's symptoms and constitution.

"Winter disease and summer treatment" treat diseases involving asthma, allergic rhinitis , chronic pharyngitis , tonsillitis , bronchitis, children's colds, etc., as well as some diseases with deficiency and coldness, such as stomach pain and arthritis. , kidney deficiency low back pain, etc.

Generally speaking, during the "dog days", you should eat less greasy and spicy food, drink less alcohol, and smoke less. In addition, you must make good psychological adjustments, calm your mind, calm your mind, avoid irritability, and calm down your anger. You must also combine your own different physiques to scientifically spend the "dog days" of trouble.

You must know these things in the dog days of summer. Even friends who don’t usually have health habits should know these key points! Show it to everyone you care about!

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