Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today.

2024/06/3019:35:32 news 1996

Hello, dear car owners! Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. But it is not as famous as the 263 project behind it. It is SU-101. So is it "making a fortune in silence", or is it really as lackluster as its reputation?

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

SU-101 This car is also called "Ulamash-1" . It is actually an improved version of SU-100. It solves a series of problems of SU-100 including the center of gravity of the vehicle by using the rear-mounted combat chamber. Increase armor thickness. This design is divided into SU-101 equipped with 100 guns and SU-102 equipped with 122 guns. They are integrated together in World of Tanks. Both designs have prototypes, which can be said to be quite good in today's World of Tanks.

Top Firepower

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

The SU-101's complete body cannon is a domineering 122mm M62-C2, which is the IS-4's complete body cannon. The biggest highlight of this gun is the penetration depth of 258/340. In an eighth-level or even a ninth-level room, the penetration depth of this gold coin bullet is enough for it to travel sideways. The single-shot of 440 is quite satisfactory in the eight-level TD, and the DPM of 2095 is a bit lower than . However, the problem of DPM runs through the 268 Project IV line, and it is not its problem alone.

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

consecutive hits and collisions

As for the gun control of the SU-101, my evaluation is that it is at the level of a Soviet heavy tank. The naked accuracy of 0.42 is very poor, and the aiming time of 2.5 seconds is also not good. It can only hit at close range, and its ability to hit weak points even at medium and close range is relatively poor. Sometimes you still have to use gold coin bullets to hit it hard. As for the black gun of ? You are really overthinking it. If you use its gun control to remove black guns, you might as well let Mr. Mouse light the lamp.

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

Is this TD?

SU-101’s firepower is basically useless except for deep penetration. The 's deep penetration at close range can also make up for its lack of gun control. It can't hit anyone at long range, so how can it penetrate deeply? It really doesn't do a very good job at dealing damage as a TD.

Heavy tank level defense

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

Heavy tank level of the same level

SU-101's defense is in a range where is neither unreliable nor . The thickness of its head is about 220mm. The can just block the silver coin bullets of most level eight heavy tanks, but it has no resistance when facing gold coin bullets. The battle room is slightly better, but not too different. If it is an eighth-level room in , it can go to the front line. In , you must remember to twist around more, otherwise the 1150 HP is really not enough.

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

Twist the opponent's shells

Medium tank-level maneuverability

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

The maneuverability of the SU-101 is not bad, and it can probably reach the qualification level of medium tanks of the same level. The extremely fast of 54/18 is enough for assault TD, and the power-to-weight ratio of 17.64 is enough for it to accelerate. The rotation speed of 26.08 is slightly worse than that of . It is not as flexible as a real medium tank. In addition, it is a turret-less vehicle. The depression angle of is only a pitiful three degrees of . Its flexibility is really not worthy of . on its speed.

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

surpasses Super Pan

field of view concealment

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

SU-101's 20.29 naked concealment is quite good, even in a black gun car, but it is a pity that it can hardly hit black guns, and its concealment is the same as that of T95 and K-91-PT It's almost useless. The field of view of 350 and is quite uncomfortable. Although the Soviet TD is blind, it would be a shame to be blind to this level at level 8.


Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

For single-shot TD, bomb feeding machine is definitely one of the best options. As for the other two I chose rotation and sight.The rotation arrangement can increase the rotation speed and reduce the circle expansion, which is very useful for close combat fire control; as for the sight, the accuracy of this car is really outrageous, I had no choice but to put on a sight to improve the accuracy, otherwise that The effect will only get worse...


Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

Among all 11 level 8 TDs, SU-101's Russian three-ring loop is ranked fifth, slightly better than its brother ISU-152. It definitely has advantages, such as high penetration depth , such as speed is good , such as armor is good , such as concealment is good , but these advantages are not enough, for example, this armor is not very reliable, such as This concealment cannot hack the gun. The feeling when playing it is probably like this: is timid on the front line and dare not carry it, and it is awkward to hit the black gun, which is so embarrassing.

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

magically bullied a wave of level nine cars

. The current version of the 268 Project IV type can still be trained as . After all, it and T110E3 are the two best silver coin TDs in the current version. However, I do not recommend that you keep these two SU-101. It can only be said to be a qualified online car, not fun or special. It's not really a trap, but how powerful and interesting is it? nothing.

Today we are going to talk about an unobtrusive eighth-level TD, which leads directly to the former No. 1 TD—the 268 Project IV that is still strong even today. - DayDayNews

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