Title: A drunk woman lay down in the sewer and vomited. She kept twisting her body in pain. All her drinking friends had already fled. There is tea, wine, and many best friends, but it is hard to see anyone.

2024/06/2909:28:32 news 1210

Text/Pirate King (Plagiarism is not allowed, any misappropriation of the pictures produced will be investigated)

Title: A drunk woman lay down in the sewer and vomited. She kept twisting her body due to discomfort, and her drinking friends had already disappeared.

There was tea, wine, and girlfriends. It's hard to see anyone.

There is nothing in this world that makes you drunk. For most ordinary people, the magnanimity at the wine table is directly proportional to the embarrassment after drinking. The magnanimity at the wine table is the same as the embarrassment after drinking.

Although everyone knows that drinking will make you feel uncomfortable, there are still many people who choose to drink, take the initiative to drink, or have to drink.

Title: A drunk woman lay down in the sewer and vomited. She kept twisting her body in pain. All her drinking friends had already fled. There is tea, wine, and many best friends, but it is hard to see anyone. - DayDayNews

At the entrance of a hotel in the north, a woman was drunk and felt extremely uncomfortable. She lay on the sewer, twisting her body and vomiting.

In the eyes of many people, drinking is an exclusive behavior for men. Little girls will drink whatever they want, and how can they like drinking, let alone take the initiative to drink.

However, in real life, drinkers do not distinguish between men and women. Some women like to drink more than men, and many women are even better at drinking than men.

However, being able to drink is one thing, but being drunk is another.

We all have mortal bodies. Even after a glass of wine, we cannot resist the effects of alcohol, and we will do many embarrassing things.

Title: A drunk woman lay down in the sewer and vomited. She kept twisting her body in pain. All her drinking friends had already fled. There is tea, wine, and many best friends, but it is hard to see anyone. - DayDayNews

It was around 3 o'clock in the morning on the night of the incident. The young woman was very uncomfortable because she had drunk a lot of wine.

Because she was in a drunken state, the woman had no idea what she was doing and just wanted to vomit out the contents of her stomach. Because every time she spits out something, she will feel more comfortable.

Because she felt uncomfortable, the woman lay on the ground and twisted her body to make herself more comfortable. The place where she lay happened to be on a sewer manhole cover. I don’t know whether it was lucky or unlucky.

Fortunately, it is very convenient for her to vomit, and the dirt will be spit directly into the sewer, which not only reduces the workload of the sanitation workers, but also prevents the dirt from getting on herself.

Title: A drunk woman lay down in the sewer and vomited. She kept twisting her body in pain. All her drinking friends had already fled. There is tea, wine, and many best friends, but it is hard to see anyone. - DayDayNews

Unfortunately, sewers manhole covers are usually dirty. If a woman is awake, she will never allow herself to lie on the manhole cover.

But who told her to be drunk now?

Now she has become a drunkard who has no ability to protect herself and can only roll and vomit according to her instinct.

We don’t know why the woman drank, but it was obvious that after she was drunk, none of her drinking buddies took care of her, no one cared about her safety, and no one stayed with her to put her in a safe place. place to keep her safe.

None of the so-called besties, Lan Yan, friends, colleagues, and even the customers who drank alcohol came forward.

Title: A drunk woman lay down in the sewer and vomited. She kept twisting her body in pain. All her drinking friends had already fled. There is tea, wine, and many best friends, but it is hard to see anyone. - DayDayNews

It is very dangerous for a woman to be drunk.

The first level of danger comes from being unconscious after drinking, falling into the water while walking, sleeping in the middle of the road, etc. These are all things that may happen.

The second level of danger comes from the sequelae of drinking, such as choking when vomiting, alcohol poisoning, etc., which all need to be sent to the hospital in time.

The second level of danger comes from the lack of resistance after drinking. This woman is young, beautiful and dressed very coolly. She is so drunk on the street. If a bad guy violates her, she has no ability to resist at all, even after she wakes up. If you know who the other party is, you can neither protect yourself nor defend your rights against the law.

Title: A drunk woman lay down in the sewer and vomited. She kept twisting her body in pain. All her drinking friends had already fled. There is tea, wine, and many best friends, but it is hard to see anyone. - DayDayNews

When the woman was writhing in pain, two men noticed her lying on the roadside and came over to check the situation. One of them was suspected to be a taxi driver. I hope the woman is lucky and that she meets good people who can help her.

Look, after being drunk, women can only leave everything that happens to them to fate. Instead of hoping for good luck, it is better not to put themselves in such a dangerous situation.

This is not to say that women cannot drink, but women must leave their own "escape route" before drinking.

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