In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program "Tan Tan Traffic" that was launched 17 years ago has been removed from the entire network. As expected, it is now difficult to find relevant videos when you search for "Tan Tan Traffic" on the entire Inte

2024/06/2909:29:33 news 1559

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In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program " Tan Talks about Traffic " that was launched 17 years ago has been removed from the entire network.

Almost overnight, Tan Qiao, who was filming safety promotional videos in other places, was informed by netizens that a large number of his videos involving the incident on a short video platform had been removed from the shelves.

Tan Qiao quickly opened the backend and saw that the 345 videos in the original account had been reduced to 79. There are also many bloggers who have created videos based on "Tan Tan Traffic", or even just edited and forwarded videos, which have also been removed from the shelves due to complaints. The reasons why

complained about the removal were very similar, they were all copyright infringements.

And, this is just the beginning.

Tan Qiao said that complainants who successfully appeal and taste the benefits will use this as a successful case to clean up one platform at a time.

As expected, it is now difficult to find related videos when you search for "Tan Tan Traffic" on the entire Internet. Why has this program, which has been popular for 17 years and is known as "public science popularization", reduced to this?

Even Tan Tan, the sole host of this show, may face tens of millions in compensation.

html On July 10, he said on his social account that for more than ten years, your public welfare legal education videos have been watched and redistributed on the Internet for free. Your Sir Tan may have lost his pants in the end, and he did not forget to laugh at himself in the end. One voice: What a good idea!

Although this sentence seems to continue Tan Qiao's humorous style, there is too much helplessness and irony behind it.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program 1

Tan Qiao’s beloved Chengdu

stabbed him in the back this time

I have to say that even though this show has been off the air for so many years, the popularity still exists.

Shortly after Tan Qiao posted this news, related topics rushed to the hot search list, and the number of reads soon exceeded 600 million.

Because even in today's era of rampant new media and proliferation of UP owners, "Tan Qiao Traffic", which was launched in 2005, is still a god-like existence.

Although it is a local traffic warning program in Chengdu, due to its humorous program style, heart-warming program tone, and real records of walking on the streets, the audience can't stop watching it, and it is as good as any current network program. Red drama.

Therefore, rather than saying it is a program to popularize the law, it is better to say it is a "life apocalypse" that gathers people from the bottom of Chinese society.

In it, you can see many vivid people. They are not packaged, do not have excessive post-processing, have no lines or scripts, and the stories they tell are the stories that really happen around us.

Even though more than 10 years have passed and this program has been off the air for many years, many people in it will still be talked about.

For example, "Uncle Erxianqiao" who walks on Chenghua Avenue;

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

For example, "Balloon Brother" who just became famous some time ago;

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

and " Uncle Fugui " who made countless people cry;

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

Showing his "waist" in public The young man who is "horse in one"...

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

Only by popularizing science traffic laws for these people can the original intention of this program be implemented as much as possible.

And after so many years, relevant legal education programs are by no means exclusive to Chengdu, but almost all of us have not left any impression, but "Tan Tan Traffic" is still unforgettable.

is not only popular in Chengdu, but also across the country. Just how popular is it? No one can tell.

I recently heard a very popular joke about this program. It was a little boy from Chengdu who just turned 7 years old. Everyone knows that to go to Erxian Bridge, you have to take Chenghua Avenue. On a platform known for its harshness,

has a score as high as 9.5, and it has killed many film and television works by famous directors.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

Even Tan Qiao himself said that when the show was at its most popular, he would be recognized wherever he went. He is the streets of Chengdu, a beautiful scenery.

In 2021, Tan Qiao, who has left the system and no longer works as a traffic policeman, joined the self-media industry.

He started to pay attention again to this public welfare legal education program that he had hosted for many years, and even had the idea of ​​​​looking for the ordinary citizens in it again.

He went to find the ill-fated but optimistic "Uncle Fugui", and also went to find the "Balloon Brother" who became famous again... It suddenly evoked the memory of this program among netizens.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

Soon, Tan Qiao, who was still a newcomer in new media, had nearly 4 million fans on a short video platform. His certification was still that he was the host of "Tan Tan Traffic" in Chengdu.

Later, as he entered the public eye again, he was invited to appear on many popular domestic variety shows.

Even CCTV, Beijing TV, Hunan TV, etc. have extended an olive branch to him, but they were all rejected by Tan Qiao.

He explained that his idea was very simple and he couldn't bear to leave Chengdu.

But this time, he was stabbed by his favorite city.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program 2

Chengdu TV station actually awarded the important task of protecting rights

to a "leather company"?

I mentioned earlier that a program that was launched 17 years ago and has been suspended for 4 years was actually complained of infringement and even removed from the entire network. What happened behind this?

After Tan Qiao made many inquiries, he learned that the complainant behind the incident was a company called Chengdu Youshu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. .

It can be seen from the relevant complaint documents provided by this company that this company has the copyright to the "Tan Tan Traffic" program.

Tan Qiao, on the other hand, published videos related to this program or even made secondary creations without the authorization of this company, which is an infringement and should bear relevant legal liability. Removing the

video from the entire network is only the first step. Next, as Tan Qiao said in the news, he may face huge compensation or even jail time.

What everyone and Tan Qiao didn't understand at first was that people familiar with "Tan Talks about Traffic" knew that this program was produced by Chengdu TV Station and the Traffic Management Bureau of the Chengdu Public Security Bureau at that time, with the purpose of popularizing the newly promulgated Traffic law, how come the copyright fell into the hands of a cultural communication company?

It was not until the day after the incident came out that a statement issued by a law firm commissioned by Chengdu TV Station made the "mystery" clear.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

It turns out that Chengdu TV Station entrusted the rights protection work related to the program to Youshu Company, so Youshu Company enjoyed the copyright of the program.

Finally, the statement also said that rights protection only targets company operators who make improper profits without permission, and does not target any individuals, let alone "claiming tens of millions of dollars" against individuals.

Although this had to make everyone, even Tan Qiao, breathe a sigh of relief. But as more and more details behind this incident emerged, netizens continued to criticize Chengdu TV Station and Youshu Company for being ugly.

What is the secret behind this that makes this matter more popular than less? Even Chengdu TV station was questioned by netizens and responded publicly?

Let me first talk about something that everyone knows: Chengdu TV station actually awarded the important task of safeguarding rights to a "leather company"? After the

incident came out, some netizens checked the qualifications of this company.

According to online data, this company was registered in 2018, the year "Tan Tan Traffic" stopped broadcasting, with a registered capital of 500,000 yuan, but the number of insured persons every year is 0. Everyone knows what the current registered capital of

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

is. In other words, at least from the data point of view, this company is not a powerful company, it can even be said to be a "leather company".

But for such a company, there are 61 court announcements against others or companies in a short period of time recently:

B station, Douyin , Migu, Xiaohongshu, iQiyi, Tencent , Kuaishou, Baidu , Sohu , LeTV , Youku, Huawei , etc. are all among those it sued.

Moreover, many companies filed the cases on the same day, and the causes of the cases were all "disputes over infringement of the right to disseminate work information online."

Therefore, many netizens who know some legal knowledge or are experienced netizens know that there is a new term on the Internet recently called "intellectual property hooligan". The professional explanation of

online is:

Through deliberate misrepresentation, forged credentials and malicious registration of trademarks, some intellectual property agency companies have launched a large number of malicious and false complaints against legitimate merchants.

There are also patent trolls, trademark trolls, etc.

What they have in common is that they use one reason to sue multiple companies or individuals together and make a living from it.

To use a more vivid explanation, it is "touching porcelain". If you can win, you win. If you can't win, there is no loss.

Moreover, their usual method is to "fatten them and then slaughter them."

Just like what Tan Qiao said in the follow-up video:

After watching leeks grow for more than ten years, I finally waved the sickle to harvest them. Can I eat them more dignifiedly?

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

Indeed, although it cannot be said that some people have had the idea of ​​cutting leeks for more than 10 years, judging from the time when this company was registered, whether it has something to do with the suspension of "Tan Tan Traffic", and whether some people at that time Do you have such an idea in your mind? We don't know.

But what Tan Qiao said about "eating looks ugly" is deeply understood in the details that were exposed later.

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The profit distribution was determined before the lawsuit was started.

was sold at least three times in the "matryoshka style" rights protection.

obtained a "Planning Plan for Copyright Services for Chengdu Radio and Television Station's "Traffic Light" Column from Phoenix Finance through connections. 》, we can clearly see that the licensor and the prosecutor have clearly distributed the benefits before filing a lawsuit:

35% belongs to Chengdu Radio and Television Station, and 65% belongs to Chengdu Youshu Company . As for the income from copyright use, 40% belongs to the TV station and 60% belongs to the company.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

It is difficult not to doubt that the real purpose behind the prosecution is purely "bad motives."

From the words of Chengdu TV insiders in interviews, we also learned the "real reason" why they removed Tan Qiao's platform videos:

Tan Qiao has personally obtained a lot of benefits for a long time through infringement, which is recognized. does not mean that anyone can infringe upon it at will.

Immediately afterwards, Tan Qiao explained the matter of "obtaining large amounts of benefits" in the video.

He said that his starting point for disseminating excerpts of the "Tan Tan Traffic" program on new media and doing secondary creations was not to make money at all, but to popularize the law for public welfare.

Moreover, when he started doing it in 2021, he had no idea that there was incentive income from the platform. This was what fans told him later. After

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

found out, he discussed with the cameraman and properly handled the platform's incentive income and part of the live broadcast rewards, and posted the chat records between the two at that time.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

Moreover, Tan Qiao also said that regarding this matter, no one or any organization contacted him or communicated with him from beginning to end, and directly prosecuted him. And when he went to understand the situation afterwards, the other party was still very arrogant.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

Coincidentally, in the comment area of ​​this matter, some netizens posted what they suspected was Chengdu TV’s attitude towards this matter: After being questioned by netizens, and netizens began to fight each other.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

A provincial TV station, I didn’t expect that it would use emotions to deal with problems.

What’s even more funny is that Tan Qiao encountered a “matryoshka-style” rights protection and was sold at least three times.

html On July 13, it was revealed that after Chengdu TV Station awarded the program rights protection work to Youshu Company, Youshu Company turned around and entrusted the matter to Chengdu Meizi Culture Media Co., Ltd., and Chengdu Meizi Culture Media Co., Ltd. It was then entrusted to Beijing Xiyan Intellectual Property Agency.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

is really a showy operation. It is conceivable that if the lawsuit is won, the profits will still be very objective. After all, just like what Youshu Company said: it will claim tens of millions from the entire network.

But now rights protection can be outsourced layer by layer? I really blame myself for reading too little.

Moreover, this is not the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing is that through relevant software query, Chengdu Meizi Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Beijing Xiyan Intellectual Property Agency Company, like the Youshu company outsourced to them, both They are two "shell companies" with zero paid-in capital and zero insured persons. The incredible thing about

is yet to come.

After knowing the relationship behind this matter, Tan Qiao wanted to communicate with the people from Youshu Company face to face. He even brought a camera with him. As a result, he went to the registered address of Youshu Company and found that it was an unknown company. An eye-catching street clothing store.

The proprietress has opened a store here for several years and has never heard of any gaming companies. According to netizens, 201 companies are registered at the address of this store, covering the entire industry.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

is really scary to think about.

Therefore, some netizens turned around and reported this gaming company. Relevant parties have responded and will investigate.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

If true, Youshu Company will also face corresponding fines.

Not only is the registered address of Youshu Company fake, but also the registered address of the Chengdu sister company he outsourced is also fake, it is a coffee shop.

The clerk had no idea what kind of company the Chengdu girl belonged to. In the end, he even treated Tan Qiao to a piece of melon, which was quite meaningful.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program

As for the company in Beijing, Tan Qiao couldn't go, and he didn't know if it would be outsourced in the future.

Anyway, it is: once you enter the matryoshka, it is as deep as the sea, and you can't hold on to the traffic.

In the past two days, everyone must have heard the news that an old program 4

Does Chengdu TV own all the copyrights?

Where should "Tan Tan Traffic" go from here?

Finally, the copyright issue of the program is also the issue that everyone is most concerned about.

Tan Qiao said in the video that "Tan Talks about Traffic" is a video originally created by him, with the attribute of news dissemination, and has been used to popularize the law for more than ten years. Neither he nor the recording party have ever claimed the existence of the so-called copyright. Just to disseminate traffic law knowledge more widely.

is such a program, but the copyright was granted by Chengdu TV Station to a company with questionable qualifications, and a batch of complaints were made about related videos on the entire network and removed from the shelves.

As mentioned earlier, the producer of "Tan Tan Traffic" was not only Chengdu TV Station, but also Tan Qiao's superior management department at the time. It is precisely because of this relationship that Tan Qiao can host this program as the host.

But from the tone of Tan Qiao's many videos, it can be concluded that basically all the content of this program at that time was not designed in advance. After all, this kind of "live broadcast" program on the street is basically improvised and improvised, and it is impossible to design the script in advance.

As the host, Tan Qiao's handling of illegal traffic and punishment of illegal persons are entirely dependent on his "performance".

Although Tan Qiao is not from a major, judging from the popularity of this show, it can indeed be said that he played an important role, and it can even be said that he is the soul of this show.

And according to him, he did not receive any extra compensation for hosting this show except his normal salary.

So there are different opinions on who owns the copyright of this program:

First of all, according to the law, if it is an audiovisual work, it belongs to the TV station; if it is an oral or video work created by an individual, it belongs to the individual.

Therefore, some people believe that "Tan Tan Traffic" is an oral work written by Tan Qiao alone, and the copyright should belong to him.

However, those who hold opposing views believe that Tan Qiao wore a police uniform and a police cap when he went out of the country, and passers-by saw that he was a traffic policeman so that he could cooperate with the work and it was within the scope of his work. Therefore, Tan Qiao is equivalent to being "seconded" to the TV station. He personally has no copyright and only enjoys the right of signature.

If you say so, the Traffic Management Bureau where Tan Qiao works should also enjoy part of the copyright.

Moreover, Tan Qiao did not receive any remuneration from the program team when he recorded the program. Does anyone else need to obtain his consent and pay him relevant remuneration when using these videos?

Although these questions have not yet received a reply from the relevant professional departments, judging from the first verdict on this matter, Youshu Company won the case, and many professionals are also worried about Tan Qiao.

But Tan Qiao said that this case will definitely become a typical case after the introduction of the new copyright law. He just hopes that some companies and TV stations can look better in the process.

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