Recently, the TV series "Happiness to the Wanjia" once again aroused heated discussions because the younger sister of the Wang family, Xiuyu, was replaced by someone else, and the person who replaced Xiuyu was her former classmate, the youngest daughter of the Wan family, Wan Chu

2024/07/0104:49:33 news 1605

The recent TV series " Happy to Wanjia " has once again caused heated discussion. The reason is that Xiuyu, the younger sister of the Wang family, was replaced by someone else, and the person who replaced Xiuyu was her former classmate, Wanjia My little daughter is so beautiful.

Recently, the TV series

In fact, when the Internet was not yet developed, in many remote rural areas, due to underdeveloped transportation and communications, many students could not receive their college admission information in time, and had to take the initiative to go to the post office to get the notification letter. There are undoubtedly big loopholes in this process, which gives criminals an opportunity to take advantage of it. Such incidents are not uncommon in China. In Shandong Province alone, in the past two years, hundreds of people were suspected of impersonating others to attend university. This was only discovered in one province within two years, and there are many victims who are still unaware of it across the country.

In 2004, Chen Chunxiu was impostered to attend college, and he learned the truth 16 years later.

In 2004, Chen Chunxiu from Shandong was admitted to Shandong University of Technology through hard work. However, a local boss, Chen Jupeng, together with the mayor and director of the admissions office, replaced Chen Chunxiu with his daughter Chen Yanping and went to the university in his place.

In order to support his family, 20-year-old Chen Chunxiu went to work alone in , Yantai City, and experienced countless hardships. By chance in 2020, I discovered that I had been replaced by someone to go to college. Even after being exposed by the media, the process of verification was extremely difficult. The local Education and Sports Bureau wanted to inquire about my college entrance examination information, but was told that I needed to provide my identity. Proof of identity other than ID card to prove “you are yourself”.

Although more than ten criminals were eventually punished accordingly, the one who suffered the most damage was Chen Chunxiu herself. She could have gone to college and had a better future.

Recently, the TV series

was impostered twice by Xun Jing, and the operator behind it was actually his own class teacher.

Xun Jing took the college entrance examination in 1997. After the college entrance examination, her class teacher replaced her student status file through unknown channels, and eventually the class teacher's own daughter went to college instead of Xun Jing.

What's even more annoying is that follows the formal college entrance examination enrollment and admission process. Once a candidate is admitted to a university, his or her student status file will also be transferred to the university where he/she belongs. This means that after Gou Jing was replaced by the first college entrance examination, her student status and files have been removed from the local education system, and she went to a university in Beijing with her class teacher's daughter. In other words, after she passed the exam for the first time, she was destined not to go to college, but she still repeated the exam for a year. In her second year of re-study, Xun Jing, who had always had excellent academic performance, only received a very low score after the college entrance examination, and ended up going to a poor technical secondary school. Later, because she could not accept the atmosphere of the school, Xun Jing chose to drop out of school after one and a half years.

Six years after Xun Jing finished her first college entrance examination, she received a letter of apology and learned that she had been replaced by the daughter of her class teacher. However, for some unknown reason, she did not report this first. incident, but chose to expose the matter after the Chen Chunxiu incident in 2020.

Recently, the TV series

Screenshot of Xun Jing’s Weibo

After ten years of hard work, what changed was the fate of others. The replaced Wang Nana , the arrogant replacement

In 2015, Wang Nana, a Henan girl who had never attended college, went to the bank to apply for a credit card, but the bank teller told her that her education was a college degree, not a high school. She also realized that the university she had worked so hard to attend had been faked.

The situation was already irritating enough, but the arrogant attitude of the replacement made it even more difficult to accept.

In order to find out the truth of the matter, Wang Nana obtained the contact information of the "fake Wang Nana" through the university, and called the "fake Wang Nana" and asked her to cancel her diploma. However, the other party not only had no guilty conscience, but also said that Wang Nana had gone too far. .

shouted at Wang Nana: "It's just a broken school, do you think you got admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University?" The father of "Fake Wang Nana" also threatened Wang Nana, "You can call the police and file a complaint to the higher authorities!"

"Fake Wang Nana" Zhang Yingying Wang Nana couldn't bear her attitude and chose to use the law to defend her rights. In the end, the nine relevant responsible persons were punished as they should be.

Recently, the TV series

CCTV host Kang Hui had his college entrance examination results replaced by someone else, but his father found out and regained his admission qualifications.

Kang Hui's grades were very good when he was in high school. After passing the college entrance examination, Kang Hui's grades were also extraordinary, and his grades even reached the score line of Peking University's .

Teachers and parents all believe that Kang Hui will definitely be admitted to his dream university this time - Beijing Broadcasting Institute ( Communication University of China ). It turns out that Kanghui only received an admission notice from a business school in Tianjin. But this is definitely impossible. Kang Hui's cultural courses are very good and he ranks first in the province in his art exam. He will definitely be admitted to the Communication University of China.

Kang Hui's father immediately went through various investigations and finally discovered that it was the leader of the telegraph department of Communication University of China who used his position to let his daughter take Kang Hui's place. In the end, Kang Hui got the admission notice from Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

This experience is mentioned by Kang Hui in his new book "Average Score". Unlike other people who were replaced, Kang Hui's father believed in his son and chose to investigate to find justice for Kang Hui.

Recently, the TV series

For those who have been replaced, their lives have been stolen. Just like Wang Xiuyu in "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Families", her whole life has been ruined. Even after discovery, it is difficult to get due compensation.

It was not uncommon in the past for people to pretend to be fake to go to college, but in today's era of advanced information, the college entrance examination is a fair and transparent platform. It gives every candidate a chance to change their destiny, and every effort of the candidate will be rewarded. No more imposters to get into college.

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