Today is another sunny day, and I am lying comfortably in bed taking a nap. Suddenly, a sharp car horn sounded in the community. It was Saturday, and someone was probably going out for a vacation. Another car blocked his car from going out, so he had no choice but to honk the hor

2024/07/0215:44:32 news 1257

Today is another sunny day, and I am lying comfortably in bed taking a nap. Suddenly, a sharp car horn sounded in the community. It was Saturday, and someone was probably going out for a vacation. Another car blocked his car from going out, so he had no choice but to honk the hor - DayDayNews

Today is another sunny day, and I am lying comfortably in bed taking a nap. Suddenly, a sharp car horn sounded in the community. It was Saturday, and someone was probably going out for a vacation. Another car blocked his car from going out, so he had no choice but to honk the horn, trying to get the other car owner to get down and move the car. Who would have thought that the other car owner never got out, so the driver who was about to go out had no choice but to keep honking the car horn. The trumpet sounded without stopping.

At the beginning, I felt sorry for the driver who kept honking his horn: The car owner who blocked others from driving out was so shameful. He had been honking his horn for so long and still didn't get down to move the car. Could it be that he was deaf? However, as the honking driver honked his horn longer, my mentality gradually changed - what was going on? It's been honking for ten or twenty minutes, making everyone agitated, dizzy and deafened. Can't you, the honking driver, stop and take a break? The residents in the noisy community can't sleep well, and their good weekends have been ruined by you.

When these thoughts flowed out of my mind, I became aware of these thoughts. If I look at them from a moral perspective, these thoughts should be incorrect: the driver who keeps honking is himself a victim. , he wanted to get out in a hurry, but someone blocked his way, so he could only honk the horn. The blame lies with the person who did not get down and move the car when he heard the horn. We should condemn the latter. It’s just that the bad nature of human beings is that we will not deal with anyone who infringes on our interests. In this incident, the driver who honked his horn (the former) directly violated his own interests (stayed in bed on weekends); the driver who was stuck in the traffic jam (the latter) did not directly violate his own interests (he did not block his car), but did not condemned. Most of the time, most people are simple-thinking animals.

A big shot once said something that left a deep impression on me: "Touching interests is harder than touching souls." Sometimes I feel that this world is an animal world, and many people have become animals chasing interests. People have animal characteristics. It is becoming more and more obvious that the glory of human nature has dimmed and disappeared. What best embodies the brilliance of human nature is the philosophy and art produced by human society. It seems that these two categories are gradually declining. How many people still talk about philosophy now? I myself am a non-philosophical person. At the same time, there was not much real art. It seems that the current film and television dramas are very prosperous, but many of them are mediocre and boring. In fact, when I come back from get off work every day, I will also watch TV series, but only those that are relaxing and do not require my mind. I watch " Menghualu " that is broadcast all over the Internet every day. I really don't have time to watch it. I only watch one episode at most every day. I have watched it for almost a month and I still think it is good. But if you say this is real art, I will definitely shake my head like rattle . Real art can shape a person's soul. Using this standard to compare the current culture and art industry, how many of them meet the standard?

This topic is a bit far-fetched. Let’s get back to the topic we want to discuss. The driver who keeps honking his horn for a long time is really annoying because he makes others sleepless during weekends. But I looked back and thought about it again - is the driver who honked the horn a person who likes to use his brain? Most likely I don't think so. Because he honked the horn for ten or twenty minutes, he never thought of asking the real estate agent for the phone number of the person stuck in the traffic jam. The property management company will register the car owner's contact information. Since I moved into the community, I have received calls from the community property security guard asking to move the car. Why did you keep honking the horn for so long when you could ask the community property management office about a matter that could be solved with just one phone call?

Even if you take another ten thousand steps back and there happens to be no phone number from the owner of the traffic jam in the residential property, you can still call 110 to ask for help.In response to this very special situation, the 110 alarm service desk will transfer the request to the traffic police department. The traffic police 12123 car moving service platform will automatically transfer the car moving request to the other party’s contact phone, and the matter will be resolved quickly ( Of course, the car moving service in the community is generally the responsibility of the property management company and should not occupy 12123 public service resources. The 12123 service can only be used in the community under extreme circumstances, otherwise it will cause the 12123 system service to collapse).

The driver who kept honking his horn in the community today made me think of several associations in my head. It is indeed quite interesting. I estimate that when I get older, I will be less likely to get Alzheimer's disease , haha!

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