It’s hot~hot~hot~ and tomorrow (July 16) will officially usher in the ambush, the hottest, humid and sultry day of the year. The period of the Dog Day this year is: the first day of the Dog Day: July 16 to July 25, a total of ten days. Zhongfu: July 26 to August 14, a total of tw

2024/06/2922:01:32 news 1092

It’s hot~hot~hot~ and tomorrow (July 16) will officially usher in the sweltering day, the hottest, humid, and sultry day of the year.

The period of the Dog Day this year is: Chudu: July 16 to July 25, a total of ten days. Zhongfu: July 26 to August 14, a total of twenty days. Mofu: August 15th to August 24th, a total of ten days. Dog Days has a total of 40 days.

There will be hot weather for a long period of time after the weather begins. If you are not careful, you will easily suffer from heatstroke, so everyone must pay attention to heatstroke prevention. At the same time, it is necessary to eat more heat-relieving foods. At the same time, it is necessary to go out when the weather is hot. You sweat a lot, so hydration is also important.

What to eat after entering the ambush? Don’t miss these delicacies.

1. Eat pasta

As the saying goes: "Dumplings are eaten in the first volts, noodles are eaten in the second volts, and eggs are rolled in pancakes in the third volts." History books record that as early as the Wei and Jin Dynasties, people chose to eat dumplings in the Futian, "Futian eclipse soup cakes" and "June Futian" Solar eclipse soup cake ”.

After the dog days of summer, it is the season of wheat harvest. In the dog days of summer, the human body's metabolism will speed up. The body will sweat a lot and lose a lot of protein and amino acids. It will also lose a lot of B vitamins and minerals such as potassium and sodium. Increased demand for energy. Pasta, represented by dumplings, noodles, and pancakes, contains sugars, B vitamins, and a variety of minerals, which can provide sufficient calories for the human body.

Toufu dumplings: Eating dumplings in Toufu not only appetizes and relieves cravings, but also because the dumplings are shaped like ingots, and "Fu" has the same pronunciation as "福", so Toufu dumplings are said to be "ingots treasure blessings", which is people's vision for a better life. Almost all kinds of vegetables and meats can be stuffed into dumplings. There are many seasonal vegetables in summer, such as eggplant, beans, zucchini, cucumber, fennel, etc. You can try them.

It’s hot~hot~hot~ and tomorrow (July 16) will officially usher in the ambush, the hottest, humid and sultry day of the year. The period of the Dog Day this year is: the first day of the Dog Day: July 16 to July 25, a total of ten days. Zhongfu: July 26 to August 14, a total of tw - DayDayNews

Erfu Noodles: Noodles are often eaten during this season in northern areas. This season is when the new wheat1 is harvested. The new wheat is ground into flour to make hot soup noodles. Eating a bowl of it often makes you sweat. You can also eat cold noodles. After the noodles are out of the pot, run them through cold water several times.

Sanfu pancakes: Pancakes are a common food in the north. San Fu chose to eat eggs from the pancake stall because the weather turns cooler after the beginning of autumn, and eating hot noodles with soup is easy to sweat and catch a cold. In addition, the eggs and pancakes are round, which means that the whole summer will be spent happily. In addition to the nutrients in the noodles, pancakes can achieve a diversified and nutritionally balanced diet by adding eggs.

In some areas in the south, such as Shanghai, you have to eat wontons with your head down. There is a saying among Shanghainese people that "the first one is wontons and the second one is tea".

2. Eating mutton

The best thing about mutton is to remove dampness, so you should eat mutton in the dog days of summer. As the saying goes, "A bowl of soup for Fuyang does not require a prescription", which is enough to show the effectiveness of mutton in Futian. Some areas in Jiangsu and Shanghai like to "eat sheep" during the dog days of summer. People in Xuzhou specially set up a " Fuyang Festival" to eat sheep in summer.

There are many ways to cook Fuyang in Xuzhou, such as mutton in rich soup, braised mutton, spicy sheep hooves, roasted lamb chops, roasted sheep head, five-spice mutton soup, fried mutton, roasted mutton...

There is something special about eating mutton: sheep meat It is hot in nature and should be eaten in winter, such as hot pot; goat meat is warm in nature and can be eaten in summer, such as mutton stew. The mutton in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai is mostly goat.

It’s hot~hot~hot~ and tomorrow (July 16) will officially usher in the ambush, the hottest, humid and sultry day of the year. The period of the Dog Day this year is: the first day of the Dog Day: July 16 to July 25, a total of ten days. Zhongfu: July 26 to August 14, a total of tw - DayDayNews

You can add carrots to remove mutton, which can remove the fishy smell, supplement vitamins, and make the soup sweeter; you can also add rice wine . Rice wine can also help warm the cold and replenish the deficiency, quench thirst and relieve heat. You can also add sesame oil, walnuts, etc. to remove the smell.

3. Eating chicken during the dog days of summer

Eating chicken is basically indispensable during the dog days in the south. The summer climate in the south is hot and humid. The ancients believed that roosters have the effect of removing dampness. This has formed the folk custom of eating chicken during the dog days of summer. Among them The most solemn ceremony is to bow down with one's head.

Hangzhou has "Ham on the head and two chickens on the second"; Yangzhou, Jiangsu has "Saturday in the summer, a pair of chickens on the first" and so on. In Nanchang, Jiangxi, "Tou Fu eats chicken and second Fu ducks". Hunan and Jiangxi are adjacent, and Tou Fu also eats chicken.

It’s hot~hot~hot~ and tomorrow (July 16) will officially usher in the ambush, the hottest, humid and sultry day of the year. The period of the Dog Day this year is: the first day of the Dog Day: July 16 to July 25, a total of ten days. Zhongfu: July 26 to August 14, a total of tw - DayDayNews

Many people like to use chicken to make soup. Cantonese people who love health use pork belly to wrap a whole chicken, put it in a pot with cold water, and then cook it with wolfberry, Polygonatum , and Codonopsis pilosula . Coconut chicken soup is the "best" among many chicken soups and is especially popular in Guangdong. Coconut meat is rich in protein, carbohydrates , etc.; coconut water is rich in various glucose , vitamins and minerals, etc., which can promote body fluids and remove internal heat, while chicken is warm and nourishing to the spleen, relieving summer fatigue.

4. Eat duck

"To prevent bitter summer, eat duck." Duck meat is cool in nature, so you should eat more of it during the dog days of summer. It has the benefits of nourishing the stomach, promoting fluid production, clearing away heat and strengthening the spleen.

There are various ways to eat duck in various places. Dishes based on duck are mainly divided into three major factions: smoked and roasted, stewed and braised. Representatives of the smoked roast pie include: Beijing roast duck , Fujian camphor tea duck , Guangdong roast duck, etc.; the more famous stewed pie is Sichuan Taibai duck, Shandong fairy duck, Zhejiang old duck, and Jiangsu three sets of duck; The braised pie has to be the duck neck from Hubei.

It’s hot~hot~hot~ and tomorrow (July 16) will officially usher in the ambush, the hottest, humid and sultry day of the year. The period of the Dog Day this year is: the first day of the Dog Day: July 16 to July 25, a total of ten days. Zhongfu: July 26 to August 14, a total of tw - DayDayNews

5. Eating pig trotters

will cause you to sweat more during the dog days, and the human body will lose a lot of various vitamins. in pig trotters is rich in protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B, C, E, etc., , appropriate amount Edible to supplement nutrition. And the pig's trotters are connected with rubber bands, which makes it so delicious that you can't stop eating it.

It’s hot~hot~hot~ and tomorrow (July 16) will officially usher in the ambush, the hottest, humid and sultry day of the year. The period of the Dog Day this year is: the first day of the Dog Day: July 16 to July 25, a total of ten days. Zhongfu: July 26 to August 14, a total of tw - DayDayNews

6. Eat eel

"Compendium of Materia Medica" records that "eel meat is sweet and warm in nature and has the effect of nourishing the body and blood, and treating deficiency".

As the saying goes, "Eat a piece of ginseng in winter and an eel in summer." The eel meat is delicious and thornless. It is rich in vitamin A, which can enhance vision and promote the metabolism of skin membrane . It is also rich in DHA and lecithin (both are indispensable nutrients for brain cells). Eel is warm in nature and has good effects on removing dampness and dispersing cold.

Eel can be cooked in porridge, steamed, braised in oil, stir-fried, salt and pepper. The cooking method of eel is very unique in each region. For example, people in Guangzhou like to make a pot of shredded eel claypot rice; Sichuan people like Stir-fried, boiled, or served in hot pot; Jiangnan people like a bowl of seasonal eel noodles.

7. Eat three melons

"Eat roots in winter and melons in summer." Eat three melons in the dog days of summer: bitter melon, loofah, and winter melon.

Bitter melon is the first melon to reduce fire. Everyone often says: "You have to endure more hardships in summer." Because bitter foods can increase appetite, "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that bitter melon can "remove evil heat, relieve fatigue, clear the mind and improve eyesight." Bitter melon is cold and slightly bitter, and has the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, relieving heat and reducing fire. Bitter melon is rich in vitamin C, containing 56 mg in 100 grams. Bitter melon contains , bitter melon, , and bitter melon saponin, which are also known as "fat killers."

Luffa is the most hydrating melon. It is known as "Melon and Fruit Medicinal Material" and "Plant Jellyfish". . Luffa is rich in vitamins, minerals, plant mucilage, xylan gum and other substances. It is a "good helper" in clearing away heat and reducing fire in the dog days of summer. According to measurements, every 100 grams of luffa contains 115 mg of potassium and a water content of up to 94.3%. It contains a large amount of luffarin, , xylan, and other substances, which are of great benefit to maintaining the body's metabolism and improving human immunity.

Winter melon, the first melon to remove dampness, has a very high water content. 100 grams of winter melon has a water content of up to 96.6g, a very low sodium content, and 0.9 grams of dietary fiber.

It’s hot~hot~hot~ and tomorrow (July 16) will officially usher in the ambush, the hottest, humid and sultry day of the year. The period of the Dog Day this year is: the first day of the Dog Day: July 16 to July 25, a total of ten days. Zhongfu: July 26 to August 14, a total of tw - DayDayNews

8. Eat ginger

"Eating ginger in summer is better than ginseng soup ". For people who suffer from loss of appetite in the hot summer, eating ginger in summer can help digestion and warm the stomach.

Ginger is pungent and warm, and its effect is to warm and nourish. Ginger has a certain antibacterial effect. Add some ginger when cooking or adding it to soup to enhance the flavor and warm the stomach. Ginger contains gingerol , which can stimulate taste buds and promote the secretion of digestive juices, thus increasing appetite.

It’s hot~hot~hot~ and tomorrow (July 16) will officially usher in the ambush, the hottest, humid and sultry day of the year. The period of the Dog Day this year is: the first day of the Dog Day: July 16 to July 25, a total of ten days. Zhongfu: July 26 to August 14, a total of tw - DayDayNews

9. Drink Three Bean Soup

When the dog days arrive, I feel bad all over. I sweat a lot, have a poor appetite, and feel weak all over. A bowl of soup can not only replenish the lost nutrients, but also clear away heat and relieve summer heat. .

In the dog days of summer, drink less ice water and cold drinks. Eat three bean soups during the dog days. Three bean soup is made from three ingredients: mung beans, adzuki beans, black beans.

As a "magic tool" for relieving summer heat, mung beans are cool in nature and sweet in taste. They contain a lot of sodium and potassium and are very suitable for drinking in summer. Adzuki bean has the functions of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, diuresis and dehumidification, and can neutralize the cold nature of mung beans. Black beans, in addition to clearing heat and detoxifying, also have the effects of improving eyesight, replenishing qi, and eliminating edema.

How to make three bean soup: 1) Wash the beans and soak them for 1 to 2 hours; 2) Put them in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat for 1 hour; 3) Beans After boiling, add appropriate amount of rock sugar and cook for 5 minutes before drinking.

10. Drinking tea

On the hottest day of the year, people's heart energy is easily depleted. Eating warm food can enhance the body's ability to resist disease and drive away summer dampness . Drinking tea is a good way to relieve summer heat.

Green tea is a great product to relieve summer heat and quench thirst. Tea contains more potassium ions , which can reduce heat and internal heat, reduce dryness and promote fluid production. tangerine peel Pu'er tea , dehumidification. Pu'er ripe tea The tea is mild in nature and has the effect of dispelling dampness; tangerine peel can regulate qi and strengthen the spleen, remove dampness and resolve phlegm . Kuding tea , bitter at first and then sweet, has the effect of clearing the head and eyes and eliminating polydipsia.

In summer, it is also suitable to drink herbal tea that can relieve summer heat and quench thirst. You can choose according to the properties of the tea.

It’s hot~hot~hot~ and tomorrow (July 16) will officially usher in the ambush, the hottest, humid and sultry day of the year. The period of the Dog Day this year is: the first day of the Dog Day: July 16 to July 25, a total of ten days. Zhongfu: July 26 to August 14, a total of tw - DayDayNews

In the dog days of summer, you should mainly eat a light diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, and increase your intake of vitamin C.

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