There is a young man in our village, whose surname is Li. His parents named him Li Shuo. Xiao Li’s academic performance has been very good since he was a child. In 2018, he was admitted to a well-known university as he wished, and he graduated successfully last year.

2024/07/0215:16:32 news 1389

There is a young man in our village, whose surname is Li. His parents named him Li Shuo. Xiao Li’s academic performance has been very good since he was a child. In 2018, he was admitted to a well-known university as he wished and graduated successfully last year.

There is a young man in our village, whose surname is Li. His parents named him Li Shuo. Xiao Li’s academic performance has been very good since he was a child. In 2018, he was admitted to a well-known university as he wished, and he graduated successfully last year. - DayDayNews

Last year, the county happened to be recruiting government clerks. , Xiao Li signed up, and everyone in the village had great hopes for Xiao Li. The exam lived up to expectations, he passed the test smoothly, and entered the political review. Xiao Li was dismissed. The department staff told Xiao Li that when he was young, Xiao Li’s father was because of his relationship with others. There was a fight in the village over farming, and Xiao Li's father was sentenced to one year in prison.

There is a young man in our village, whose surname is Li. His parents named him Li Shuo. Xiao Li’s academic performance has been very good since he was a child. In 2018, he was admitted to a well-known university as he wished, and he graduated successfully last year. - DayDayNews

Xiao Li went home and had a big fight with his father. Xiao Li's father said: "I was young at that time and didn't understand the law. I really didn't expect it to be like this. serious". Lao Li still regrets that he has caused his children to suffer. Because of his recklessness back then, it not only affected Xiao Li, but even Xiao Li's future children would be affected. To this day, there is still a gap in the relationship between father and son. I also hope that Xiao Li can put down the burden in his heart and forgive his father for the mistakes he made before.

There is a young man in our village, whose surname is Li. His parents named him Li Shuo. Xiao Li’s academic performance has been very good since he was a child. In 2018, he was admitted to a well-known university as he wished, and he graduated successfully last year. - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, one person is responsible for one thing, and the next generation cannot be implicated. Moreover, if you have already been punished for the wrong things you have done before, as long as you sincerely change your mind and never commit another crime, it is not a particularly bad crime and should be punished. A fair chance for a generation, what do you think?

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