——Thinking Psychology of Caishenyuan Most people believe that ideas are the seeds of behavior, and behavior is the result of the seed! For practitioners, thoughts are actions, which directly lead to success or failure! If you don’t believe it, you can do a little experiment: Whe

2024/06/3019:31:33 news 1089

——Thinking Psychology of Caishenyuan

Most people believe that thoughts are the seeds of behavior, and behavior is the result of the seed!

For practitioners, thoughts are actions, which directly lead to the success or failure of and !

If you don’t believe it, you can do a little experiment:

Whether you are cursing others or blessing others, the stronger the intention, the better.

Let’s see what happens after 3 months?

may scare you, because your curses and wishes will come true one by one like a prophet.

The power of evil thoughts will eventually rebound on yourself or your family;

The power of good thoughts will eventually bring you incredible good luck and miracles. It depends on how you use your thoughts.

Therefore, we are serious about " moving to ". We must maintain a sense of respect for and , and we cannot easily move to .

——Thinking Psychology of Caishenyuan Most people believe that ideas are the seeds of behavior, and behavior is the result of the seed!  For practitioners, thoughts are actions, which directly lead to success or failure! If you don’t believe it, you can do a little experiment: Whe - DayDayNews

must follow the natural growth laws of the universe.

There is a natural phenomenon, that is, "If you sow melons, you will reap melons, and if you sow beans, you will reap beans." Melon", this is a universal law of crop growth,

So, is this law also valid for people?

The answer is quite thought-provoking. We can see the clues from some examples in daily life:

Think about it, who will help you when you are in trouble?

If so, it may be because you helped others when they were in trouble before and planted the seeds of "help".

On the contrary, if there is always a lack of "noble people" around you to help, then you have to reflect on whether you often stand by and do nothing when others need you, and never help?

Look at yourself again, what do you have the most?

For example, care, attention, knowledge, emotion, etc., maybe you will find that that is what you have given the most,

Look at yourself again, what do you have the least?

Usually that’s what you want most but pay the least for, isn’t it?

When I am short of money, I want to borrow some money from friends, or my own business wants to borrow some money. If it goes smoothly, it can be realized.

That is because in the past, when others asked me to borrow money, I was quite generous. On the contrary, I was very generous. Too stingy.

Therefore, if you cannot borrow money, you should take a good look at the past to see if you have often lent money to others.

If you have an older parent and a younger child, from now on, no matter how many barriers you have had before,

, you are willing to re-examine your parents, be extremely filial and respectful, and within three months, you will see your child. , there will be a very obvious change in your attitude;

Of course, if you do all the above in reverse, the same results will come back to you!

And the time it takes to come back usually does not exceed three months.

There will be many more examples, they are all the result of mature seeds,

——Thinking Psychology of Caishenyuan Most people believe that ideas are the seeds of behavior, and behavior is the result of the seed!  For practitioners, thoughts are actions, which directly lead to success or failure! If you don’t believe it, you can do a little experiment: Whe - DayDayNews

Here, you need to understand this: this " seed growth law ",

does not correspond one to one. For example, you People who have helped you may never be able to help you,

And people who have helped you, you may never be able to help them;

By extension, people you have lent money to will usually not lend you money. , and so on.

But the positive or negative behaviors you do towards others will always come back to you from unexpected places, and usually come back doubled!  

Just like you want to get closer to a certain goal, but feel it is a little far away, it doesn’t matter, just plant the seed of hope and desire!

Seeds may be good or bad, but your consciousness, thoughts, and ideas cannot be bad.

This can avoid many bad results!

Let the universe work for you, let your subconscious mind work for you, and all you have to do, besides repeating what you like, is to firmly believe in yourself!

Then, success is only a matter of time!

——Thinking Psychology of Caishenyuan Most people believe that ideas are the seeds of behavior, and behavior is the result of the seed!  For practitioners, thoughts are actions, which directly lead to success or failure! If you don’t believe it, you can do a little experiment: Whe - DayDayNews

Follow me and heal you!

——Thinking Psychology of Caishenyuan Most people believe that ideas are the seeds of behavior, and behavior is the result of the seed!  For practitioners, thoughts are actions, which directly lead to success or failure! If you don’t believe it, you can do a little experiment: Whe - DayDayNews

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