"The First Book on Practicing Eloquence" Author: Yin Yamin Douban rating: 5.4 China Golden Microphone Gold Medal winner Yin Yamin presents the essence of 35 years of eloquence know-how! We will focus on teaching you the most commonly used eloquence skills in the Chinese context:

2024/07/0208:09:32 news 1945

"The first book on practicing eloquence"

Author: Yin Yamin

Douban rating: 5.4

China Golden Microphone Gold Medal winner Yin Yamin35 years of eloquence know-how is presented at its best!

focuses on teaching you the most commonly used eloquence skills in the Chinese context: How to get closer to strangers? How to enhance relationships with acquaintances? How to effectively persuade the other party? How to speak good words to the other person's heart? How to smile while speaking? How to boost morale with words? How to use words to turn enemies into friends? How to win support with words? How to master the method of speaking well? How do you respond to compliments from others? How to respond to criticism from others? How to turn criticism into praise?

"It would have been nice to say so at that time"

Author: Yi Ting Zhengkang

Douban rating: 6.4

Have you ever encountered these cold scenes: after greetings, you don’t know how to answer, and you laugh hard and the atmosphere is stiff; in the elevator When meeting your boss, you are afraid of saying the wrong thing Talking, every second is torturous; giving advice with good intentions, but others do not appreciate it but hurts the friendship; having a lively conversation, but being rejected by a "good person card"...

In fact, you don't need to be good at eloquence to reply intelligently, which will make you arrive. There is good popularity everywhere! "I Just Said That Way" can help you effectively eliminate your nervousness and fear of strangers, and no longer regret saying the wrong thing, allowing you to have success in the workplace, succeed in love, live a happy life, and make a huge difference in your life experiences!

"Logical Persuasion"

Author: Chen Hao

Douban score: 8.1

For many people, whether it is communication with friends, life exchanges, company management, or business negotiations, having effective persuasion skills is the key to happiness index improvement and career development. important factors. But more often than not, people’s usual method of persuasion is to rush to pour out everything in their minds to the other party without integrating information scientifically, and neither party can convince the other party. This is why there are so many ineffective communications in real life.

"Logical Persuasion" starts from a practical perspective, uses specific examples, and integrates relevant knowledge of logic theory to explain the art of persuasion. It is hoped that people who use the book can flexibly use the methods taught in the book in the process of daily communication with others, constantly accumulate practical experience, form their own unique way of thinking in language and logic, express their insights in a way that everyone can understand, and become a A real master of persuasion.

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