Today is Saturday, the 18th day of the sixth lunar month, have a happy weekend, peace and joy [Morning Saying] One day, you will become a passer-by in the world. Therefore, be brave enough to love life and turn dull days into moments worth remembering.

2024/07/0114:39:32 news 1880

Today is Saturday, the 18th day of the sixth lunar month, have a happy weekend, peace and joy [Morning Saying] One day, you will become a passer-by in the world. Therefore, be brave enough to love life and turn dull days into moments worth remembering. - DayDayNews

Today is Saturday, the 18th day of the sixth lunar month. Have a happy weekend. Peace and joy.

[Morning Saying] One day, you will become a passerby in the world. Therefore, be brave enough to love life and turn dull days into moments worth remembering.

[Hot information - from the official account of See You This Morning]

1. YY learns to drive, headquarters is empty and it is difficult to refund fees: the police registered the victim, and the actual controller said he is willing to take responsibility;

2. Restore the post-2000 generation NTU special associate researcher Li Yuewen : Not a "prodigy", but very ambitious;

3. Super megacities launch weight loss and fitness, and to solve "big city diseases" need to meet multi-level needs;

4. Putin signed the law: allowing special economic measures to be taken when conducting military operations abroad;

5. Ministry of Culture and Tourism : 12 tourist attractions including the Hukou Waterfall on the Yellow River have been designated as national 5A-level scenic spots;

6. With an additional 500 million, the total amount of EU military aid to Ukraine will increase to 2.5 billion euros;

7. Five British Prime Minister contenders will launch a televised debate today, and intra-party voting will continue next week;

8. After holding shares in Meituan 16, it reduced its holdings by 21.07 million shares and Sequoia entered the exit period;

9. The latest research from the United Kingdom and the United States: Among children investigated for unexplained hepatitis, 90% of the cases were detected with adenovirus ;

10. Xiantu Intelligent completed 200 million yuan in Series B financing, and financing in the autonomous driving industry continues to be hot;

11. Wickremesinghe was officially sworn in as the interim president of Sri Lanka;

12. High temperature intermission, the highest temperature in Shanghai will drop to 34-36℃ in the next four days.

[Small program "This morning's oil price" real-time query]

Today is Saturday, the 18th day of the sixth lunar month, have a happy weekend, peace and joy [Morning Saying] One day, you will become a passer-by in the world. Therefore, be brave enough to love life and turn dull days into moments worth remembering. - DayDayNews

Today is Saturday, the 18th day of the sixth lunar month, have a happy weekend, peace and joy [Morning Saying] One day, you will become a passer-by in the world. Therefore, be brave enough to love life and turn dull days into moments worth remembering. - DayDayNews

[Today's note]

Today is Saturday, the 18th day of the sixth lunar month, have a happy weekend, peace and joy [Morning Saying] One day, you will become a passer-by in the world. Therefore, be brave enough to love life and turn dull days into moments worth remembering. - DayDayNews

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