Everyone should be very familiar with the daily use of computers. But do you know the components of a computer? 1. Calculator The main function of arithmetic unit in computer hardware is to calculate and process data and information. The arithmetic unit includes the following par

2024/06/2316:16:32 news 1830
Everyone should be very familiar with the daily use of

computers. Do you know the components of a computer?

1, operator

The main function of the operator in computer hardware is to calculate and process data and information. The operator includes the following parts: general register, status register, accumulator and key arithmetic logic unit. The arithmetic unit can perform arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and logical operations (AND or NOT).

Everyone should be very familiar with the daily use of computers. But do you know the components of a computer? 1. Calculator The main function of arithmetic unit in computer hardware is to calculate and process data and information. The arithmetic unit includes the following par - DayDayNews

2, graphics card

The graphics card is an important component that connects the monitor and the PC motherboard. It plugs into the expansion slot on the motherboard. It is mainly responsible for converting the display signals sent by the host to the monitor into general electrical signals, so that the monitor can understand what the PC is asking it to do. There is also memory on the

display card, which is called "display memory". Its amount will directly affect the display effect of the monitor, such as the clarity and richness of colors, etc.

3, the controller

, the controller and the arithmetic unit together form the central processing unit (CPU). The controller can be regarded as the brain and command center of the computer. It allows the various components of the computer to complete instructions in an orderly manner by integrating and analyzing relevant data and information.

4, disk and disk drive

disk is one of the external memories of the PC and is divided into two types: hard disk and floppy disk. What the two have in common is that they both use magnetic media to store data, so they are called "disks". In order for a PC to use a disk, the disk must be placed in a special device, that is, a disk drive.

Everyone should be very familiar with the daily use of computers. But do you know the components of a computer? 1. Calculator The main function of arithmetic unit in computer hardware is to calculate and process data and information. The arithmetic unit includes the following par - DayDayNews

5, output device

Output device is also a key device for computer human-computer interaction. Its characteristic is that it can display computer information in the form of a screen, which is very intuitive. Common output devices include monitors, printers, voice and video output devices, etc.

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