According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on July 14, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who had just conducted a series of diplomatic activities in Southeast Asia, accepted an interview with the central media and talked about his first dialogue with

2024/06/2919:47:32 military 1084

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on July 14, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who had just conducted a series of diplomatic activities in Southeast Asia, accepted an interview with the central media and talked about his first meeting with the new foreign ministers of Australia, Canada, and South Korea. During the dialogue, Wang Yi called on Australia not to participate in containing China.

After Australia’s new government came to power, its closeness to the United States and its rejection of China have become clear at a glance. The Labor government still insists on requiring China to lift the so-called "trade sanctions" before Australia-China relations can improve. There is no need to elaborate on how the relationship between China and Australia has deteriorated to the point where it is today. There is no need to explain too much when China formulates trade policies for foreign goods exported to China in accordance with laws and regulations. Those who clear themselves will clean themselves up, and China has acted with integrity. Australia, on the other hand, has frequently sent military planes to cause nuisance around China since May, as if it was stimulated. Australia also criticized China and said that China "threats" Australia's "security", further damaging China-Australia relations.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on July 14, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who had just conducted a series of diplomatic activities in Southeast Asia, accepted an interview with the central media and talked about his first dialogue with - DayDayNews

html On May 26, an Australian P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft entered the airspace near China's Xisha Islands for close reconnaissance. China repeatedly warned, but Australia turned a deaf ear and pressed forward step by step. The People's Liberation Army organized joint naval and air forces to expel the Australian military aircraft and safeguarded the country's territorial sovereignty and dignity. However, the Australian side confused right and wrong, fabricated lies, and claimed that it had been "intercepted" by the People's Liberation Army military aircraft. Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles claimed that the "chaff" and "small aluminum chunks" released by the People's Liberation Army military aircraft caused "interference" to the Australian military aircraft, and called the move "very dangerous." In the name of "freedom of flight", they actually committed an illegal invasion and were expelled by the People's Liberation Army. They were far away from our territory in despair. I don't know how Australia has the confidence and face to publicize its embarrassing scandal to the international community.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on July 14, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who had just conducted a series of diplomatic activities in Southeast Asia, accepted an interview with the central media and talked about his first dialogue with - DayDayNews

China warns Australia to immediately stop similar dangerous and provocative actions and strictly restrict the actions of its naval and air forces, otherwise it will bear all serious consequences arising therefrom. But Australia seems to be "unable to shed tears without seeing the coffin." According to a report from the Russian Satellite News Agency on the 13th, an Australian Navy frigate "Parramatta" recently entered the East China Sea waters of my country. Obviously, Australia has done so again this time. Unruly. Australia claimed to have had a "fierce encounter" with the People's Liberation Army, and Australian defense personnel said that China warned Australia that they were entering "Chinese territorial waters." Judging from the past situations in which the People's Liberation Army drove away foreign ships and aircraft, the Australian warship must have shown an unscrupulous intention to infringe on China's territorial sovereignty, which would lead to a strong response from the People's Liberation Army and what the Australian side calls "the most intense confrontation" Condition".

Regarding the actions of the Australian military, China clearly warned Australia to immediately stop similar dangerous and provocative actions and strictly restrict the actions of its naval and air forces, otherwise it will bear all serious consequences arising therefrom. However, the Australian Defense Minister disagreed. In a recent interview, Marles said that he had long expected to have "interactions" with the Chinese military and that this was not "surprising." He also said that Australia only hoped that these interactions would be "Professional and safe".

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on July 14, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who had just conducted a series of diplomatic activities in Southeast Asia, accepted an interview with the central media and talked about his first dialogue with - DayDayNews

Just on July 13, the People's Liberation Army expelled a US warship that invaded China's territorial waters in the Xisha Islands. The Australian military has also had a lot of activities in the South China Sea recently, and it seems to be in line with the United States. Australian Prime Minister Albanese just signed a joint statement with the leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum , stating that he will become more involved in regional security issues. U.S. Vice President Harris also made a similar statement at the meeting under the forum framework the day before. The United States and Australia have joined hands in the South Pacific.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on July 14, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who had just conducted a series of diplomatic activities in Southeast Asia, accepted an interview with the central media and talked about his first dialogue with - DayDayNews

Wang Yi pointed out that the root cause of the difficulties in China-Australia relations lies in the fact that the former Australian government insisted on treating China as an "rival" or even a "threat" and made a series of unfriendly actions towards China. China-Australia relations are currently turning for the better. If Australia does not exaggerate and exaggerate differences, does not participate in containing China, and engages in constructive exchanges and practical cooperation with China, China-Australia relations can get back on track.

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