41 living old Red Army veterans Wu Jiucheng, Haian, Jiangsu "Nantong Old District" 2020-04-1715:42:51 Wu Jiucheng was born on September 5, 1915, and was originally from Wujiashe, Lizhuang Village, Qutang Town, Haian County. During his childhood, the Wu family was impoverished, an

2024/06/2907:38:33 military 1271

41 Wu Jiucheng, a living veteran of the Red Army in Hai'an, Jiangsu

"Nantong Old District" 2020-04-1715:42:51

41 living old Red Army veterans Wu Jiucheng, Haian, Jiangsu

Wu Jiucheng was born on September 5, 1915. He was originally from Wujiashe, Lizhuang Village, Qutang Town, Haian County.

In his childhood, the Wu family was impoverished, and his parents took care of their five sons. When he was 13 years old, his father died of a serious illness because he had no money for medical treatment. His mother could not support her five brothers and remarried. From then on, the brothers had to run away from home and go their separate ways in order to survive. While wandering, he came to Xiaoyanzhuang, Benjia Lane, Xixiang, Rugao, and was adopted as his "adopted son" by You Defu, a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty. He made tea, carried water, and did some housework within his ability.

One day in early April 1930, the founding meeting of the Red Fourteenth Army was held in the square north of Benjia Lane. 16-year-old Wu Jiuzheng was carrying a straw basket to watch the excitement. After the meeting, at his strong request, he became an honorary soldier. red army warriors. Although Wu Jiuzheng was short in stature, he was very clever and was incorporated into the first division and second regiment of the 14th Red Army. Due to his dexterity, he became familiar with the performance of various weapons within a few days. He could load, unload, and apply oil in one go with his eyes closed, which earned him the appreciation of platoon leader Xu Rong of Liujia Bridge in his neighbor's hometown. Wu Jiuzheng successively participated in Laohuzhuang, "Eight Side Encirclement and Suppression", "Huangqiao August 3rd Uprising", Luzhuang, Mojiaduo, Tangjiaju, Huanghezhuang, Jiongjiaduo, Gugaozhuang, Jiangduo, Ji There have been dozens of battles in Home City, Guangling Town , etc. In a battle to attack Lujiazhuang, he served as a pioneer in the sharp knife squad. During the night battle, in order to seize the commanding heights, he met the enemy on a small bridge while racing. He was unexpectedly stabbed by the enemy, and his comrades who were traveling with him were killed. He was rescued immediately. Due to the lack of medical care and medicine in the army at that time, his wound soon became infected and suppurated. His comrades had to apply it with cotton ash from burned earth. After more than a year of nursing, the wound healed. However, he never stopped fighting during this time. To this day, Wu Jiuzheng still has a deep scar under his right armpit. By mid-September, the Red Army was forced to disband, and Red Army soldiers hid in groups of three or five in people's homes. Wu Jiuzheng brought five people to the scholar's house in Benjia Lane. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by the enemy and followed him. Wu Jiuzheng blocked the door and asked the other five people to leave through the back door. When the enemy opened the front door and chased the five people who had left through the back door, Wu Jiuzheng escaped through the front door again.

He ran to Xingang Shijiedai under Bawei, Jingjiang, 90 miles away, and found his uncle Wu Zhensong. After his uncle introduced him, he became the apprentice of tailor shop master Shen Sanduo. Later, he was found to have informed the police, and the master sent him to Shanghai. I found my senior brother Cai Qiaozheng and stayed at the "Yanzijiao" clothing store run by Yin Zhijiao (from Yinjiaduo, Taixing, my hometown) for five or six years. In 1940, the New Fourth Army crossed the Yangtze River and marched eastward to Rutai. The situation in northern Jiangsu improved fundamentally. Wu Jiuzheng returned to Jiangbei from Shanghai and was recruited as his son-in-law by the Communist Party branch secretary Yin Zhiru. Later, he followed his mother-in-law back to his natal home Jiangduo Town Settled down and made a living as a tailor. After the New Fourth Army marched eastward, Wu Jiucheng also took the initiative to help the New Fourth Army make military uniforms, and also took risks to help our underground party pass information. According to the instructions of the leaders of the Rugao Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Yin Chunquan, Xie Jianqi, Ye Zhengjian and other comrades of the Rugao City Red Army Research Association, after nearly a year of careful, careful and careful investigation and evidence collection, confirmed that Wu Jiucheng was a missing member of the Red Army. The 14th Red Army Research Association issued the document on July 2, 2016. With the approval of the provincial and national Ministry of Civil Affairs, on August 11, 2016, the People's Government of Jiangyan District, Taizhou City officially approved: It agreed to identify Comrade Wu Jiuzheng as a "lost member of the Red Army" and enjoy relevant treatment.

41 living old Red Army veterans Wu Jiucheng, Haian, Jiangsu

htmlThe 106-year-old Wu Jiucheng has good energy, a strong body, a loud voice, and a good memory. He is just a little hard-of-hearing. He likes to hold the flag of the Fourteenth Red Army and wear the military uniform of the Fourteenth Red Army. Hat, likes to sing "The East is Red", likes to hum Chiang Kai-shek's minor tune , and likes to talk about his participation in the 14th Red Army ninety years ago.


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