On the evening of the 13th local time, US President Biden, who was visiting Israel, said in an interview with local TV media Channel 12 that the United States would not rule out the use of force as a last resort against Iran.

2024/07/0121:29:32 military 1166

On the evening of the 13th local time, US President Biden , who was visiting Israel, said in an interview with local TV media Channel 12 that the United States would not rule out the use of force as a last resort against Iran..

On the evening of the 13th local time, US President Biden, who was visiting Israel, said in an interview with local TV media Channel 12 that the United States would not rule out the use of force as a last resort against Iran. - DayDayNews

Note that the key word in Biden's sentence is "use of force." This is the Biden administration's naked threat to a sovereign country to "use force." According to the U.S. definition of special military operations against Russia, Russia's use of force against Ukraine is aggression. Is Biden's "use of force" statement a threat to invade Iran? ? If Biden really fulfills his threat to Iran, is it an aggression against Iran? If so, should the international community condemn the United States? Should the United Nations warn the United States?

1. The logic of Iran’s nuclear weapons?

Yes, Iran wants to possess nuclear weapons . The United Nations Charter Since all countries are considered equal, the United States is the first country to possess nuclear weapons. In addition to the "Five Permanent Members", India, Pakistan, and Israel are also nuclear-armed countries. It is a nuclear-armed country. Then, why can't Iran possess nuclear weapons? Moreover, Israel is issuing nuclear threats to Palestine, Iran, Syria, and Lebanon every day in the Middle East. Why doesn't Iran want to have nuclear weapons? ?

On the evening of the 13th local time, US President Biden, who was visiting Israel, said in an interview with local TV media Channel 12 that the United States would not rule out the use of force as a last resort against Iran. - DayDayNews

2. The international community’s logic of nuclear restriction

Iran has reasons to possess nuclear weapons and is willing to possess nuclear weapons. However, for the sake of global security, the more countries that possess nuclear weapons, the less secure it will be if the leader of a certain country suddenly launches a nuclear bomb. When is used as a grenade, is in trouble! Therefore, the international community must limit nuclear proliferation and prevent more countries from possessing nuclear weapons. I mean the international community with the United Nations as the core, not the United States as the core. The Western society that calls itself the international community has the right to issue policies to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. The United Nations has a specialized agency to prevent nuclear proliferation, as long as it can work without interference

3. The hegemonic logic of the United States

. The United States has long used subjugation and double standards. It has not only turned a blind eye to countries and allies that are useful for its hegemonic expansion, but has even taken the initiative to proliferate it. For example, it has taken extreme measures against countries it considers to be its opponents, such as the recent incident of supporting Australia's nuclear weapons. Suppression, using economic sanctions , political isolation, and military threats are counterproductive. The more the United States suppresses, the stronger the countries being suppressed are willing to embrace nuclear weapons. In fact, both the Iranian nuclear issue and the North Korean nuclear issue are both. The problem is created by the United States. According to the gangster logic of the United States, it is to let the opponent country "make mistakes" so that the United States can "legitimately" attack its opponent. This is the basis for Biden's "reasonable" threat to "use force" against Iran. This logic - first let the other side feel the existential crisis to trigger its desire to possess nuclear weapons. Once the other side starts to develop nuclear weapons , the United States will impose greater sanctions or even use force on the opponent country in the name of United Nations prevention and proliferation. Iran and North Korea were forced to develop nuclear weapons by the United States in this way.

The United States constantly uses its control over the United Nations nuclear defense agency to kidnap the United Nations and imposes double standards on nuclear proliferation. How can this be a sincere attempt to limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons? They are clearly using this topic to occupy a moral high ground to attack their rival countries! Isn't Biden's "use of force" threat so justified based on Iran's willingness to "acquire nuclear weapons" and its violation of United Nations resolutions? However, if you peel off this layer of painting, wouldn’t the aggressive nature of the United States be fully exposed?

On the evening of the 13th local time, US President Biden, who was visiting Israel, said in an interview with local TV media Channel 12 that the United States would not rule out the use of force as a last resort against Iran. - DayDayNews

4. China’s anti-nuclear logic

China is a country that has independently developed nuclear weapons under the attack of the United States. China knows firsthand that if China does not possess nuclear weapons, the United States will unscrupulously launch the " Korean War " against China around China, as evidenced by the Vietnam War later. During the Korean War, the United States threatened to use nuclear weapons against China more than once. The nuclear weapons China possesses were forced by the United States. Of course, for the sake of global security, China supports the United Nations in limiting the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Therefore, China actively participates in negotiations on the North Korean nuclear issue and the Iranian nuclear issue.But China's logic is to protect their national security and reduce Iran and North Korea's subjective willingness to acquire nuclear weapons, which is completely different from the path taken by the United States. In multiple rounds of negotiations on the Iranian and North Korean nuclear weapons, China's plan was almost successful. However, the United States insisted on a policy of maximum pressure and increased sanctions in spite of United Nations resolutions, which in turn strengthened Iran and North Korea's willingness to acquire nuclear weapons. Therefore, China opposes exerting extreme pressure on countries that are willing to acquire nuclear weapons and advocates ensuring the security and people's livelihood of these countries first.

5. How should Russia take advantage of this opportunity?

For Russia, this is undoubtedly a good counterattack opportunity. Russia might as well learn from the United States' approach to Russia in the United Nations and use public opinion to attack the United States. The United States has issued war threats against Iran for three purposes: first, to threaten Iran and prompt it to act according to the will of the United States; second, to frighten the Middle East and make Middle Eastern countries obey the orders of the United States, especially to remind Saudi Arabia to obediently increase oil production in cooperation with the United States' sanctions on Russia. Get it together with Iran; third, Iran actually provides drones to Russia. To the United States, this is a hostile act, so it uses this to warn Iran. The United States has recently been exaggerating the results of its war in Syria, all for the same purpose. Russia should make full use of Biden's remarks to push the international community to condemn the United States' acts of aggression. Russia should ask the United Nations to conduct a systematic reckoning with the United States' foreign aggression over the years. Russia must publicly declare that the purpose of Russia's special military operations is to prevent the expansion of U.S. hegemony. If the international community can play the same role, that is, liquidate U.S. aggression, Russia will immediately stop military operations against Ukraine.

On the evening of the 13th local time, US President Biden, who was visiting Israel, said in an interview with local TV media Channel 12 that the United States would not rule out the use of force as a last resort against Iran. - DayDayNews

6. The United Nations should speak out

The United Nations should overcome the practice of double standards towards the United States and Russia. Biden’s threats to use force must also be condemned. The United Nations must persist in opposing all aggressive wars and threats of aggressive wars. According to reports, the United States is pushing the European Union to launch the seventh round of sanctions against Russia. The United Nations must strictly control the abuse of sanctions and punish relevant countries. Sanctions focus on destroying a country's economy. The ultimate recipients of sanctions are civilians. This is consistent with the nature of a war of aggression. it's the same.

Biden's trip to the Middle East continues to expose hot spots. In addition to threatening to "use force," Biden issued the "Jerusalem Joint Statement" after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Lapid, jointly targeting Iran, saying that the two countries Commitment to "never allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons." Moreover, they also engaged in camp confrontation, became addicted to the "Gang of Four", and created something like "I2U2". " New York Times " quoted analysts as pointing out that the "I2U2" developed by the United States, India, Israel and the United Arab Emirates is considered a "supporting project" of "QUAD". The Biden administration seems to be trying to integrate the Indo-Pacific and the Middle East to curb China's influence in Asia and the Middle East.

suggested that the United Nations launch a debate on the abuse of extreme sanctions and indiscriminate alliances (actually forming cliques), prohibit some countries from using sanctions and alliances as weapons, and prohibit the unilateral use of sanctions, military threats and other means to attack rival countries. In fact, sanctions are a double-edged sword. Not only do the people of the countries subject to sanctions suffer, but they also backfire on the people of countries that impose sanctions indiscriminately. The high inflation in the United States and Europe is proof of this. We have just received news that the U.S. Treasury Department issued a statement stating that the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued a general license to approve transactions related to agricultural products, fertilizers, seed materials, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment with Russia. The U.S. Treasury Department explained that the Russian agricultural and medical sectors are not targeted by U.S. sanctions and listed the transactions involved, including human and animal food, mineral and organic fertilizers, seeds for sowing, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. It is clear that the United States and Europe can no longer bear the backlash of sanctions and are adjusting their sanctions against Russia.

On the evening of the 13th local time, US President Biden, who was visiting Israel, said in an interview with local TV media Channel 12 that the United States would not rule out the use of force as a last resort against Iran. - DayDayNews

The United Nations cannot turn a blind eye to the hegemony of the United States. The consequences of allowing the expansion of American hegemony are extremely serious, which is to bring the earth into destruction. Biden is too unscrupulous, arbitrarily issuing war threats to a sovereign country, and forming small cliques to create a new Cold War at will. Such hegemonic behavior must be curbed by the international community.Only by eliminating the United States, the source of war, will there be peace in the world. Otherwise, how can we talk about peaceful development?

Note: The author of this article is Mou Lin, a core member of "Qin'an Strategic Think Tank", and is an original work of this platform . In the new year, I wish everyone can join hands to defeat the epidemic, curb hegemony, and move towards a better future together.

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