Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m

2024/07/0118:33:34 military 1766

In 2015, the United States suddenly released a long-prepared "1959 Nuclear War Plan". This nuclear war plan had been planned by the United States as early as 1956 and was intended to be used in a war that might break out three years later. , and the purpose of making this plan is to reduce the nuclear threat faced by the United States itself.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country where the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both military powers in the world at that time. , they all took the lead in developing the atomic bomb ,

after several years of research and development, and the two countries successively possessed nuclear strike technology in the early days of the founding of New China. The Soviet Union has rightly become the primary opponent of the United States. There are many large bombers. Although the range of bombers may not be able to cross the ocean to bomb over the United States, they are more than enough to deal with Western European countries that are united with the United States.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union

Under the international situation at that time, it was not certain when a war would be launched. Therefore, in order to prepare for the possible war in advance, the United States had preset the number of nuclear strikes and the degree of bombing in various parts of the Soviet Union. But what everyone didn't expect was that China was also included in this nuclear war list.

The U.S. military has even marked every province in our country, covering a total of 117 cities in our country, and actually plans to use 870 nuclear bombs! It's simply insane. So why does the United States put China on this nuclear war list? Is the city where any of you viewers are on this list?

Next, let me reveal to you the truth behind this nuclear war plan that has been hidden for decades. If you are interested in this type of video, you may wish to follow and add it to your favorites, so that you can review past content and watch exciting content for the first time.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews959 U.S. Nuclear War Plan

The United States took the lead in developing nuclear bombs

The United States as a world hegemon is not groundless, but has real strength. It is the first country in the world to successfully develop an atomic bomb, and is still in the second world of In the war , atomic bombs were used against Japan. The release of this "big killer" directly caused a bloody storm on the battlefield. Each atomic bomb destroyed a Japanese city.

The atomic bomb is also one of the nuclear weapons . It has become the "leader" in the world. The United States has acted more arrogantly and domineeringly, and has increased the scale and output of nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union, as the biggest opponent of the United States, has seen The United States has developed large-scale weapons of destruction, and is unwilling to lag behind others and has begun to increase investment in the research and development of weapons and equipment.

According to historical records, the United States had a total of three atomic bombs during World War . However, in just eight years, the number of atomic bombs produced in the United States has exceeded 1,000, an increase of more than 300 times compared to before. Such development and production speed that shocked countries around the world.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Atomic bomb explosion

But the United States seems to feel that this is not enough, and has intensively begun to study hydrogen bombs that are more powerful and have a wider explosion range. Although the United States was the first to successfully develop a hydrogen bomb, the first successful test explosion in the world was the Soviet Union, which was a latecomer.

According to the Soviet Union’s research on hydrogen bombs, it was found that compared with the atomic bombs exploded in World War II, the power of hydrogen bombs can reach thousands of times. In order to greatly enhance their country's military strength, it can be said that they did countless preparations and research during the development of the hydrogen bomb.

Because of the strong military strength displayed by the Soviet Union and the United States, both countries regarded each other as their biggest rivals, so the United States began to deploy nuclear bombs in various areas of the Soviet Union. At the same time, the United States not only regarded the Soviet Union as an opponent that it could quickly eliminate, but also deployed nuclear bombs in important strategic areas of European countries.

In 2015, the United States suddenly released a long-prepared "1959 Nuclear War Plan". This nuclear war plan had been planned by the United States as early as 1956 and was intended to be used in a war that might break out three years later. , and the purpose of making this plan is to reduce the nuclear threat faced by the United States itself.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country where the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both military powers in the world at that time. , they all took the lead in developing the atomic bomb ,

after several years of research and development, and the two countries successively possessed nuclear strike technology in the early days of the founding of New China. The Soviet Union has rightly become the primary opponent of the United States. There are many large bombers. Although the range of bombers may not be able to cross the ocean to bomb over the United States, they are more than enough to deal with Western European countries that are united with the United States.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union

Under the international situation at that time, it was not certain when a war would be launched. Therefore, in order to prepare for the possible war in advance, the United States had preset the number of nuclear strikes and the degree of bombing in various parts of the Soviet Union. But what everyone didn't expect was that China was also included in this nuclear war list.

The U.S. military has even marked every province in our country, covering a total of 117 cities in our country, and actually plans to use 870 nuclear bombs! It's simply insane. So why does the United States put China on this nuclear war list? Is the city where any of you viewers are on this list?

Next, let me reveal to you the truth behind this nuclear war plan that has been hidden for decades. If you are interested in this type of video, you may wish to follow and add it to your favorites, so that you can review past content and watch exciting content for the first time.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews959 U.S. Nuclear War Plan

The United States took the lead in developing nuclear bombs

The United States as a world hegemon is not groundless, but has real strength. It is the first country in the world to successfully develop an atomic bomb, and is still in the second world of In the war , atomic bombs were used against Japan. The release of this "big killer" directly caused a bloody storm on the battlefield. Each atomic bomb destroyed a Japanese city.

The atomic bomb is also one of the nuclear weapons . It has become the "leader" in the world. The United States has acted more arrogantly and domineeringly, and has increased the scale and output of nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union, as the biggest opponent of the United States, has seen The United States has developed large-scale weapons of destruction, and is unwilling to lag behind others and has begun to increase investment in the research and development of weapons and equipment.

According to historical records, the United States had a total of three atomic bombs during World War . However, in just eight years, the number of atomic bombs produced in the United States has exceeded 1,000, an increase of more than 300 times compared to before. Such development and production speed that shocked countries around the world.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Atomic bomb explosion

But the United States seems to feel that this is not enough, and has intensively begun to study hydrogen bombs that are more powerful and have a wider explosion range. Although the United States was the first to successfully develop a hydrogen bomb, the first successful test explosion in the world was the Soviet Union, which was a latecomer.

According to the Soviet Union’s research on hydrogen bombs, it was found that compared with the atomic bombs exploded in World War II, the power of hydrogen bombs can reach thousands of times. In order to greatly enhance their country's military strength, it can be said that they did countless preparations and research during the development of the hydrogen bomb.

Because of the strong military strength displayed by the Soviet Union and the United States, both countries regarded each other as their biggest rivals, so the United States began to deploy nuclear bombs in various areas of the Soviet Union. At the same time, the United States not only regarded the Soviet Union as an opponent that it could quickly eliminate, but also deployed nuclear bombs in important strategic areas of European countries.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

World War II

In addition, air force bases were established in many countries, and these actions were all in preparation for conquering the world in the future. Originally in 1946, the United States wanted to drop an atomic bomb over the Soviet Union in advance before the Soviet Union developed an atomic bomb. The American authorities clearly understood that as long as a war broke out between the United States and the Soviet Union, it would be a protracted and large-scale battle. To a certain extent, the war will spread to many countries.

Therefore, in order to achieve a quick victory and achieve the effect of hitting the target with one hit, the United States analyzed the internal areas of the Soviet Union and finally decided to drop 50 atomic bombs in a total of 24 cities with a relatively advanced domestic industrial base, a relatively developed economy, and a large population base. Directly destroy the industrial facilities and economic lifeline that the Soviet Union was proud of to achieve the purpose of severely damaging its opponents.

In mid-March 1947, the United States and the Soviet Union each led a group of allies to form hostile forces, and the half-century-long Cold War officially began on a global scale. Subsequently, the United States produced more and more atomic bombs, and the number of nuclear bombs planned to be dropped on the Soviet Union also increased. The number of atomic bombs expected to bomb 24 cities increased from 50 to 130 to bomb more than 70 cities, including the Soviet Union. important transportation routes and important facilities.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Atomic bomb explosion

Strike range Join China

In the 1950s, the Soviet Union’s military strength had greatly developed. Under these conditions, the Soviet Union’s “status” in the hearts of the United States was naturally increasing. Heavy, went from dropping more than 100 atomic bombs on more than 100 areas of the Soviet Union to a war plan that later dropped more than 730 nuclear bombs on the Soviet Union in just two hours.

But what surprised the United States was that before they could implement the bombing plan, the Soviet Union took the lead in successfully developing an atomic bomb, so they had to suspend the plan.

The term Cold War means that during this period, the United States and the Soviet Union did not have a large-scale conflict or dispute. Although the two did not have a large-scale armed conflict, it does not mean that the international situation is safe and sound. of. On the contrary, due to the confrontation between the two major powers in the world, the entire international atmosphere is very anxious, and conflicts and wars between various small countries are almost constant.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union

The War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, which is familiar to Chinese people, took place during this period. It was precisely because of this war that the myth that the U.S. military had never been defeated was completely shattered by our country's volunteer army , and the United States was forced to sign an armistice. Agreement, the United States, which has always been arrogant and domineering, naturally keeps this account in mind, so it is also a major source of the United States' large-scale retaliation plan.

It was precisely because of the performance of our soldiers in the Korean War and the Vietnam War that the United States realized our country's true military strength, and later became even more wary of our country's coordinated operations with the Soviet Union. Therefore, the US authorities believed that China might become the next Soviet Union in forty years. Under this vigilance and fear, when they later revised their plan, they changed the target "Soviet Group" to "Sino-Soviet Group" .

During the Korean War, China, which was waiting to be reborn, was actually able to defeat the United States, a powerful military power. This gave all oppressed and exploited people around the world a glimmer of hope. After that, many people fighting for the nation appeared in the world. Independent actions, but these people who fought tenaciously for freedom, in the eyes of the United States, were provocations from the communist countries headed by the Soviet Union.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

In addition, there is also imperialism's natural hatred of communism. The US authorities began to believe that the Soviet Union would launch an "aggression" action against the United States in the near future. So in January 1954, U.S. official Dulles declared in a public speech that they would choose their own way to retaliate against the invasion of communist countries.

At that time, both the United States and the Soviet Union already possessed nuclear weapons, and Dulles's words actually openly informed the world that the United States would use nuclear weapons to counterattack the Soviet Union's invasion.

plan to attack the target

In June 1956, the U.S. military officially submitted a combat plan. This combat plan was the "1959 Atomic Bomb Requirements Study". This plan was as long as 800 pages and was regarded as the top secret of the country by the United States at the time. stand up.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Nuclear strike plan

As long as a war breaks out between the United States and the Soviet Union, the United States can drop atomic bombs according to the cities listed in the plan, and the "demand" in the question is based on the size and importance of the current city to calculate what is needed for a successful bombing. Number of atomic bombs.

This plan has nearly three hundred pages, listing more than a thousand cities between East Berlin and Beijing, and intends to use 3,500 atomic bombs to bomb these areas. In these areas, the United States The ones that took the most attention and planned to hit hardest were St. Petersburg and Moscow of the Soviet Union.

The focus of the bombing in this U.S. combat plan can be said to be the most strategic city in the Soviet Union. It not only has a huge population base and industrial facilities, but is also a military powerhouse of the Soviet Union. The purpose of the United States is to destroy nearly three dozen cities in the Soviet Union. One-third of the population and nearly half of the existing industrial equipment were completely destroyed, which dealt a heavy blow to the Soviet Union's industrial production capacity. This meant that the Soviet Union's overall strength would suffer a devastating blow.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

The Soviet Union

The United States showed no mercy to the Soviet Union, and naturally it would not leave any room for China. Among the more than 300 pages of attack targets, had 117 targets for nuclear strikes against China. Of these 117 In the city, the United States planned to use 870 atomic bombs for bombing.

From this list, we can understand that the United States’ selection of bombing targets and the number of nuclear bombs it plans to use are not filled in casually, but are conclusions reached after careful consideration and calculation. The vast majority of nuclear bombs in China Important and advanced cities are prominently listed.

Including but not limited to Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and other cities. These cities are still at the forefront of the plan. They are almost all industrial cities with high population density and rapid development in my country. For example, Beijing, the capital of our country, this city with a long history and ancient charm was bombed by the United States using 26 atomic bombs, of which 23 were dropped in Peking and Fengtai, and the remaining 3 were dropped in Nankou Town.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Part of the target of the plan

Shanghai was an important trading city at the time for New China, which was in urgent need of development. It was also the central city of my country's industry and economy and played a vital role in China's overall economic development, and the United States seemed to understand The role of Shanghai, In the combat plan, 82 atomic bombs were planned to be used in Shanghai alone, and the key areas for bombing were also marked in Longhua, Hongqiao, etc.

In addition, the plan also includes the entire Northeast region of our country. Most of our country's industrial facilities are concentrated in the Northeast. Because it is rich in mineral resources, many factories are built nearby. This is why Japan launched a war of aggression against China. Starting from the Northeast, it is for the local industrial base and resources.

The United States is also paying close attention to this place. It plans to drop 159 atomic bombs in Liaoning Province alone. Not only that, in this bombing list, the most populous provinces such as Henan and Jiangsu are also listed, and the claws of the nuclear strike plan have also extended to provincial capitals and development towns.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews


It can also be seen that the United States has no humanitarian idea of ​​not harming innocent people.They not only want to destroy the country's military bases and industries, but also include large population provinces in the plan, trying to The effective forces of our country were completely wiped out.

The power of the Mark 6 atomic bomb

Next, let’s take a look at the weapons that the United States plans to use. What they plan to throw at China is the Mark 6 atomic bomb. This type of atomic bomb is 3 meters long and weighs nearly 7 tons. You may not be aware of its power. We know it very well, just compare it with the two atomic bombs that the United States dropped on Japan.

When the atomic bomb "Little Boy" was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, nearly 70% of the Japanese within a kilometer of the center of the explosion died at the time of the explosion. Even if the remaining 30% did not die on the spot, the harmful effects of the explosion were Even under the influence of the gas, it could not survive for a week. According to incomplete statistics, the explosion of this atomic bomb caused a total of 160,000 Japanese deaths.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

bombed Japan

However, the power of this "Little Boy" was only one-tenth of the Mark 6 atomic bomb. Not only that, the explosion of "Little Boy" was carried out in the air 550 meters above the ground, and was different from the ground explosion. The hazards of air explosions are much smaller than those of air explosions.

clearly stated in the plan "1959 Atomic Bomb Demand Study" that if an atomic bomb is dropped, it must reach the ground and explode. If an atomic bomb ten times more powerful than "Little Boy" is really dropped on China, what consequences will it cause? Just how serious the damage could be.

The explosion of a "little boy" killed hundreds of thousands of people in Japan. More than 800 nuclear bombs from the United States will kill hundreds of millions of Chinese people and turn countless cities into ruins. Even if there are people in bombed cities who are lucky enough to survive.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Japan after the bombing

However, the high concentration of nuclear radiation produced by the atomic bomb explosion will cause great damage to the human body. This crazy plan of the United States almost wants to completely destroy the entire China. In fact, there are many sinister intentions of the United States hidden in this plan.

For example, among the targets of this combat plan, most of the labels for cities in our country add "China" as a suffix after the city name, but only the cities labeled in the three northeastern provinces do not use this As a rule, what is added after the city name is the abbreviation of Manchuria.

It can be seen from this that in the eyes of Americans, China's sovereignty and territorial integrity have not been respected at all. Seeing this, viewers can tell what they think of the crazy plan of the United States in the comment area, or they can type "It is the last word to be strong!"

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

US military nuclear bombs

Soviet visit suspension plan

What makes people feel a little relieved is that, The "1959 Atomic Bomb Requirements Study" formulated by the United States was only a study in the end and was not really put into practice. When the time came for the United States to plan a nuclear strike, the relationship between the two countries not only did not develop to the point of using nuclear weapons to bomb each other, but there were even signs of easing.

This is because the leader of the Soviet Union at the time Khrushchev was very enlightened. He did not want the two countries to continue the cold war and develop into an irreversible tragic situation. Instead, he wanted to ease the current relationship with the United States. If possible Everyone will be happy if we work together and develop together.

So Khrushchev took the initiative to wait for an opportunity to communicate with the US authorities and expressed his desire to ease the relationship between the two parties. Because of the large-scale war that had broken out before, the United States was gradually powerless. Coupled with the severe domestic economic situation, Not wanting to create further complications, the U.S. authorities were also happy to see the consequences of the Soviet Union's behavior.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews


On September 15, 1959, the Soviet Union made its first official visit to the United States in history. It was Soviet leader Khrushchev who attended the visit. Khrushchev who arrived in the United States was not only attracted by the United States The leaders visited industrial and agricultural facilities and held talks with Eisenhower for three consecutive days, during which the two sides had in-depth exchanges on international issues.

Although this conversation did not directly promote the transformation and development of things, it ultimately made the two military powers realize that both sides can explore ways to solve problems through peaceful discussions, and that the purpose is not necessarily achieved only by using atomic bombs.

In fact, Khrushchev's visit to the United States was invited by the United States. This sent a signal to the outside world that the United States had recognized the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union as the world's superpowers, and they had been in a stalemate since the Cold War. The relations between the two countries finally showed signs of easing, so this visit was considered by Soviet scholars to be the most successful visit in history.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Khrushchev’s visit to the United States

At the same time, during this visit, Khrushchev’s performance also shocked the American people. Previously, in order to criticize his opponents, many American media like to refer to the leadership of the Soviet Union when reporting on Soviet affairs. Man is portrayed as a "red devil".

However, during the visit, they saw a completely different side of this "devil". He once asked to visit Disney and kindly wanted to go on a date with Marilyn Monroe . These funny and people-friendly performances made everyone realize that this leader is not as hateful as the rumors say.

As a result, most American people began to have doubts about the view that the American media had been emphasizing that Khrushchev was a "threat from the Soviet Union." As a result, the more influential domestic commentators and peace advocates also Doubts arose about the once highly promoted large-scale nuclear strike plan.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Khrushchev's visit to the United States

They believe that the United States has experienced many years of war and now is the time for stable development. Unless the United States is really attacked by the Soviet Union, the United States absolutely cannot risk the same death by attacking the Soviet Union. Or China launches a massive nuclear strike.

At the same time, the United States was preparing for a large-scale retaliation plan. On the other hand, the Soviet Union had the energy to gain some benefits from small-scale conflicts in other areas. "Comprehensive nuclear war" is simply not realistic, so this plan is also Has been put on hold.

New China gradually became stronger

Two years later, Kennedy became the new leader of the United States. In order to continue to maintain his nuclear superiority on a global scale, he once again focused on developing and upgrading new nuclear weapons. However, his idea of ​​​​large-scale retaliation is not the same as that of the previous leader. Instead, he changed it to a "flexible response", that is, he no longer targets important cities in other countries, but instead becomes a "flexible response" to other countries. An important military base of the country.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews


But not everything will develop in the established direction.NixonAfter becoming the leader of the United States in 1969,The international situationhas undergone tremendous changes.First of all, the Soviet Union, which was previously the most wanted to attack, has now It has nuclear power comparable to that of the United States. Secondly, China is also "doing big things in silence" and has developed intercontinental missiles in just a few years of development.

The strength of opponents has increased significantly, and the US authorities have had to change their previous strategies and adjust to "realistic deterrence". As the name suggests, it uses the existing nuclear power of the United States to threaten the Soviet Union. In this way, the Soviet Union does not dare to start a fight with the United States. war.

You may all have questions about why there is only the Soviet Union in this strategy. The reason is that Nixon believes that based on the distribution of industry and population in our country, it is not easy to completely destroy China. Therefore, China will be removed from the The concept of the "Sino-Soviet bloc" was stripped out. Not only that, but the fact of a nuclear strike against China was also classified to minimize the possibility of a full-scale nuclear war with China.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

This plan was developed after Nixon

. As the relationship between the United States and China changed, China's position in the United States' "nuclear strike order" continued to change. However, the disintegration of the Soviet Union , this once largest opponent completely disappeared. Now, China is increasingly valued by the United States.

In the "SIOP-99" formulated by the U.S. military, a total of 2,500 targets were set, including more than 300 in China and 2,000 in Russia. The remaining more than 100 targets were scattered among what the U.S. considered "rogues." "country", Even so, the U.S. military still wants to continue to spread its targets against China, because in the eyes of Americans, the strong development potential that China has shown now makes them more afraid than the Soviet Union in the past.

Although in today's society, the United States has been emphasizing the importance of controllability and flexibility in the use of nuclear weapons, in fact they have not really given up the plan to use nuclear weapons to carry out large-scale retaliation, but have been secretly looking for suitable opportunities.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

China's first atomic bomb exploded successfully

This shows how wise and far-sighted our country's leaders were in their decision to develop nuclear weapons at all costs after the founding of New China. We are not developing our own nuclear weapons to suppress other countries, but to prepare for possible invasions, so that our country will not become a passive party in a forced war, and the security of our people will not be compromised by other countries. Around the country.

The emergence of any advanced weapon should not be a tool for any country to invade other countries or harm the interests of other countries, but a tool for us to enhance national strength and maintain this hard-won peace. Well, this issue’s content is coming to an end here. If you like it, don’t forget to like and collect it. If viewers have any comments on our article, you are also welcome to make corrections in the comment area.

plan to attack the target

In June 1956, the U.S. military officially submitted a combat plan. This combat plan was the "1959 Atomic Bomb Requirements Study". This plan was as long as 800 pages and was regarded as the top secret of the country by the United States at the time. stand up.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Nuclear strike plan

As long as a war breaks out between the United States and the Soviet Union, the United States can drop atomic bombs according to the cities listed in the plan, and the "demand" in the question is based on the size and importance of the current city to calculate what is needed for a successful bombing. Number of atomic bombs.

This plan has nearly three hundred pages, listing more than a thousand cities between East Berlin and Beijing, and intends to use 3,500 atomic bombs to bomb these areas. In these areas, the United States The ones that took the most attention and planned to hit hardest were St. Petersburg and Moscow of the Soviet Union.

The focus of the bombing in this U.S. combat plan can be said to be the most strategic city in the Soviet Union. It not only has a huge population base and industrial facilities, but is also a military powerhouse of the Soviet Union. The purpose of the United States is to destroy nearly three dozen cities in the Soviet Union. One-third of the population and nearly half of the existing industrial equipment were completely destroyed, which dealt a heavy blow to the Soviet Union's industrial production capacity. This meant that the Soviet Union's overall strength would suffer a devastating blow.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

The Soviet Union

The United States showed no mercy to the Soviet Union, and naturally it would not leave any room for China. Among the more than 300 pages of attack targets, had 117 targets for nuclear strikes against China. Of these 117 In the city, the United States planned to use 870 atomic bombs for bombing.

From this list, we can understand that the United States’ selection of bombing targets and the number of nuclear bombs it plans to use are not filled in casually, but are conclusions reached after careful consideration and calculation. The vast majority of nuclear bombs in China Important and advanced cities are prominently listed.

Including but not limited to Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and other cities. These cities are still at the forefront of the plan. They are almost all industrial cities with high population density and rapid development in my country. For example, Beijing, the capital of our country, this city with a long history and ancient charm was bombed by the United States using 26 atomic bombs, of which 23 were dropped in Peking and Fengtai, and the remaining 3 were dropped in Nankou Town.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Part of the target of the plan

Shanghai was an important trading city at the time for New China, which was in urgent need of development. It was also the central city of my country's industry and economy and played a vital role in China's overall economic development, and the United States seemed to understand The role of Shanghai, In the combat plan, 82 atomic bombs were planned to be used in Shanghai alone, and the key areas for bombing were also marked in Longhua, Hongqiao, etc.

In addition, the plan also includes the entire Northeast region of our country. Most of our country's industrial facilities are concentrated in the Northeast. Because it is rich in mineral resources, many factories are built nearby. This is why Japan launched a war of aggression against China. Starting from the Northeast, it is for the local industrial base and resources.

The United States is also paying close attention to this place. It plans to drop 159 atomic bombs in Liaoning Province alone. Not only that, in this bombing list, the most populous provinces such as Henan and Jiangsu are also listed, and the claws of the nuclear strike plan have also extended to provincial capitals and development towns.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews


It can also be seen that the United States has no humanitarian idea of ​​not harming innocent people.They not only want to destroy the country's military bases and industries, but also include large population provinces in the plan, trying to The effective forces of our country were completely wiped out.

The power of the Mark 6 atomic bomb

Next, let’s take a look at the weapons that the United States plans to use. What they plan to throw at China is the Mark 6 atomic bomb. This type of atomic bomb is 3 meters long and weighs nearly 7 tons. You may not be aware of its power. We know it very well, just compare it with the two atomic bombs that the United States dropped on Japan.

When the atomic bomb "Little Boy" was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, nearly 70% of the Japanese within a kilometer of the center of the explosion died at the time of the explosion. Even if the remaining 30% did not die on the spot, the harmful effects of the explosion were Even under the influence of the gas, it could not survive for a week. According to incomplete statistics, the explosion of this atomic bomb caused a total of 160,000 Japanese deaths.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

bombed Japan

However, the power of this "Little Boy" was only one-tenth of the Mark 6 atomic bomb. Not only that, the explosion of "Little Boy" was carried out in the air 550 meters above the ground, and was different from the ground explosion. The hazards of air explosions are much smaller than those of air explosions.

clearly stated in the plan "1959 Atomic Bomb Demand Study" that if an atomic bomb is dropped, it must reach the ground and explode. If an atomic bomb ten times more powerful than "Little Boy" is really dropped on China, what consequences will it cause? Just how serious the damage could be.

The explosion of a "little boy" killed hundreds of thousands of people in Japan. More than 800 nuclear bombs from the United States will kill hundreds of millions of Chinese people and turn countless cities into ruins. Even if there are people in bombed cities who are lucky enough to survive.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Japan after the bombing

However, the high concentration of nuclear radiation produced by the atomic bomb explosion will cause great damage to the human body. This crazy plan of the United States almost wants to completely destroy the entire China. In fact, there are many sinister intentions of the United States hidden in this plan.

For example, among the targets of this combat plan, most of the labels for cities in our country add "China" as a suffix after the city name, but only the cities labeled in the three northeastern provinces do not use this As a rule, what is added after the city name is the abbreviation of Manchuria.

It can be seen from this that in the eyes of Americans, China's sovereignty and territorial integrity have not been respected at all. Seeing this, viewers can tell what they think of the crazy plan of the United States in the comment area, or they can type "It is the last word to be strong!"

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

US military nuclear bombs

Soviet visit suspension plan

What makes people feel a little relieved is that, The "1959 Atomic Bomb Requirements Study" formulated by the United States was only a study in the end and was not really put into practice. When the time came for the United States to plan a nuclear strike, the relationship between the two countries not only did not develop to the point of using nuclear weapons to bomb each other, but there were even signs of easing.

This is because the leader of the Soviet Union at the time Khrushchev was very enlightened. He did not want the two countries to continue the cold war and develop into an irreversible tragic situation. Instead, he wanted to ease the current relationship with the United States. If possible Everyone will be happy if we work together and develop together.

So Khrushchev took the initiative to wait for an opportunity to communicate with the US authorities and expressed his desire to ease the relationship between the two parties. Because of the large-scale war that had broken out before, the United States was gradually powerless. Coupled with the severe domestic economic situation, Not wanting to create further complications, the U.S. authorities were also happy to see the consequences of the Soviet Union's behavior.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews


On September 15, 1959, the Soviet Union made its first official visit to the United States in history. It was Soviet leader Khrushchev who attended the visit. Khrushchev who arrived in the United States was not only attracted by the United States The leaders visited industrial and agricultural facilities and held talks with Eisenhower for three consecutive days, during which the two sides had in-depth exchanges on international issues.

Although this conversation did not directly promote the transformation and development of things, it ultimately made the two military powers realize that both sides can explore ways to solve problems through peaceful discussions, and that the purpose is not necessarily achieved only by using atomic bombs.

In fact, Khrushchev's visit to the United States was invited by the United States. This sent a signal to the outside world that the United States had recognized the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union as the world's superpowers, and they had been in a stalemate since the Cold War. The relations between the two countries finally showed signs of easing, so this visit was considered by Soviet scholars to be the most successful visit in history.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Khrushchev’s visit to the United States

At the same time, during this visit, Khrushchev’s performance also shocked the American people. Previously, in order to criticize his opponents, many American media like to refer to the leadership of the Soviet Union when reporting on Soviet affairs. Man is portrayed as a "red devil".

However, during the visit, they saw a completely different side of this "devil". He once asked to visit Disney and kindly wanted to go on a date with Marilyn Monroe . These funny and people-friendly performances made everyone realize that this leader is not as hateful as the rumors say.

As a result, most American people began to have doubts about the view that the American media had been emphasizing that Khrushchev was a "threat from the Soviet Union." As a result, the more influential domestic commentators and peace advocates also Doubts arose about the once highly promoted large-scale nuclear strike plan.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

Khrushchev's visit to the United States

They believe that the United States has experienced many years of war and now is the time for stable development. Unless the United States is really attacked by the Soviet Union, the United States absolutely cannot risk the same death by attacking the Soviet Union. Or China launches a massive nuclear strike.

At the same time, the United States was preparing for a large-scale retaliation plan. On the other hand, the Soviet Union had the energy to gain some benefits from small-scale conflicts in other areas. "Comprehensive nuclear war" is simply not realistic, so this plan is also Has been put on hold.

New China gradually became stronger

Two years later, Kennedy became the new leader of the United States. In order to continue to maintain his nuclear superiority on a global scale, he once again focused on developing and upgrading new nuclear weapons. However, his idea of ​​​​large-scale retaliation is not the same as that of the previous leader. Instead, he changed it to a "flexible response", that is, he no longer targets important cities in other countries, but instead becomes a "flexible response" to other countries. An important military base of the country.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews


But not everything will develop in the established direction.NixonAfter becoming the leader of the United States in 1969,The international situationhas undergone tremendous changes.First of all, the Soviet Union, which was previously the most wanted to attack, has now It has nuclear power comparable to that of the United States. Secondly, China is also "doing big things in silence" and has developed intercontinental missiles in just a few years of development.

The strength of opponents has increased significantly, and the US authorities have had to change their previous strategies and adjust to "realistic deterrence". As the name suggests, it uses the existing nuclear power of the United States to threaten the Soviet Union. In this way, the Soviet Union does not dare to start a fight with the United States. war.

You may all have questions about why there is only the Soviet Union in this strategy. The reason is that Nixon believes that based on the distribution of industry and population in our country, it is not easy to completely destroy China. Therefore, China will be removed from the The concept of the "Sino-Soviet bloc" was stripped out. Not only that, but the fact of a nuclear strike against China was also classified to minimize the possibility of a full-scale nuclear war with China.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

This plan was developed after Nixon

. As the relationship between the United States and China changed, China's position in the United States' "nuclear strike order" continued to change. However, the disintegration of the Soviet Union , this once largest opponent completely disappeared. Now, China is increasingly valued by the United States.

In the "SIOP-99" formulated by the U.S. military, a total of 2,500 targets were set, including more than 300 in China and 2,000 in Russia. The remaining more than 100 targets were scattered among what the U.S. considered "rogues." "country", Even so, the U.S. military still wants to continue to spread its targets against China, because in the eyes of Americans, the strong development potential that China has shown now makes them more afraid than the Soviet Union in the past.

Although in today's society, the United States has been emphasizing the importance of controllability and flexibility in the use of nuclear weapons, in fact they have not really given up the plan to use nuclear weapons to carry out large-scale retaliation, but have been secretly looking for suitable opportunities.

Because this plan was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the nuclear war plan, the first country that the United States wanted to carry out a nuclear strike was naturally the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States were both m - DayDayNews

China's first atomic bomb exploded successfully

This shows how wise and far-sighted our country's leaders were in their decision to develop nuclear weapons at all costs after the founding of New China. We are not developing our own nuclear weapons to suppress other countries, but to prepare for possible invasions, so that our country will not become a passive party in a forced war, and the security of our people will not be compromised by other countries. Around the country.

The emergence of any advanced weapon should not be a tool for any country to invade other countries or harm the interests of other countries, but a tool for us to enhance national strength and maintain this hard-won peace. Well, this issue’s content is coming to an end here. If you like it, don’t forget to like and collect it. If viewers have any comments on our article, you are also welcome to make corrections in the comment area.

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