Satellite map, Mizhi County, northern Shaanxi, search for "Gaoxigou Village" in the loess hills with thousands of ravines. As the map zooms in, several groups of dark green jump out from the gullies, as bright as someone deliberately This area looks like it has been smeared with

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Satellite map, Mizhi County, northern Shaanxi, search for

Satellite map, northern Shaanxi, Mizhi County , search for " Gaoxigou Village " in the loess hills with thousands of ravines. As the map zooms in, several groups of dense green jump out from the gullies, bright and clear. It seems like someone deliberately applied paint on this area - this is Gaoxigou Village, known as "a model of ecological governance in the Loess Plateau", and retired soldier Jiang Liangbiao has been fighting for it for 41 years. Gaoxigou Village.

Longtou Mountain is one of the 40 mountains in Gaoxigou Village. Standing on it, you can have a panoramic view of the crisscrossing ditches, slopes, beams, hills and forks of Gaoxigou Village. On September 13, 2021, Jiang Liangbiao specially put on brand-new cloth shoes, stood on this hilltop, and reported the results of water and soil management in Gaoxigou Village to General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was visiting northern Shaanxi for inspection and investigation.

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"Gaoxigou Village is a model of ecological governance on the Loess Plateau. You have persisted in carrying out ecological civilization construction and advancing with the times to develop rural undertakings. You are on the right path."

General Secretary Xi's words warmed Jiang Liangbiao's heart. To this day: "With the General Secretary's affirmation and encouragement, we have gained stronger motivation for decades of perseverance!"

Locking the "hero green" on the yellow earth

Jiang Liangbiao, 66 years old, is a native of Gaoxigou is a man with a straight body, a strong build, and tanned skin from the sun all year round. He has the temperament given by the military camp and the loess land of northern Shaanxi intertwined with him.

In 1956, Jiang Liangbiao was born in this village in northern Shaanxi, which has a total area of ​​only 4 square kilometers but is dotted with 40 hills and 21 ravines. In 1975, 19-year-old Jiang Liangbiao joined the Communist Party of China. A year later, he responded to the country's call and joined the army with honor, spending four arduous but unforgettable four years of military service at the foothills of the Helan Mountains in Ningxia. In 1981, Jiang Liangbiao, who retired from the army and returned to his hometown, devoted himself to the cause of rural construction and education, and successively served as a member of the village party branch and village director. From 1995 to present, he serves as secretary of the Party branch of Gaoxigou Village.

From the military camp to the countryside, from soldiers to village cadres, from green grass to Huafa, without knowing it, Jiang Liangbiao has been fighting on the front line in the countryside for more than 40 years, deeply ingraining the roots of his life in the land of northern Shaanxi.

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Satellite map, Mizhi County, northern Shaanxi, search for

The village where Jiang Liangbiao grew up and worked for is not an ordinary village. It is a banner of water and soil management in northern Shaanxi, and is nationally known as the "Hero Village" and "Red Flag Village".

Gaoxigou Village is located 20 kilometers north of Mizhi County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. The village has 195 households and 600 people. The village is located in a deep ditch in the Jinji River Basin, a tributary of the left bank of the Wuding River. It is a typical hilly and ravine area of ​​the Loess Plateau and has a temperate semi-arid monsoon climate. Rainfall is insufficient throughout the year and is concentrated in summer, which can easily cause heavy rains and flash floods, resulting in serious soil erosion. In the past, Gaoxigou was "bare on the mountain, flooded in the ditch, suffered from famines for years, and had no harvest for nine out of ten years." Since the late 1950s, the hard-working and brave Gaoxigou people, led by the village party branch, have conquered the mountains. Controlling floods, filling ditches and building dams, and in the era when grain was the keystone, we actively converted farmland into forests and grasslands, and explored the "three-three system" model of simultaneously promoting agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry (cultivated land accounts for 1/3 and forestland accounts for 1/3). 3. Grassland accounts for 1/3), a desolate and barren small ravine was transformed into a "Little Jiangnan" with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Two generations of people have worked hard for more than 20 years. By the 1980s, they had basically realized that "the mud does not go down the mountain and the flood does not leave the ditch". "There is no mud covering 4 square kilometers in the Gaoxigou in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River ", creating the Loess Plateau. The miracle of ecological governance.

Jiang Liangbiao is the third generation and fourth party branch secretary in the village. When the baton was passed to Jiang Liangbiao in 1995, he was 39 years old, an age with the right balance between motivation and experience. "The masses have high expectations for me, hoping that I can lead everyone to lift up the old foundation of Gaoxigou and achieve new development."

Recalling the scene when he first became the village party branch secretary, Jiang Liangbiao still felt that there was a heavy burden on his shoulders. Weight: "As an old model of ecological construction in the country, Gaoxigou Village has won many honors. If there is no great development during our tenure, we will not be able to justify it. We must maintain the advancement."

Keep the green family fortune and make it greener green.Jiang Liangbiao led a group of people from the two committees of the village. They did not rest on the credit of the older generation. Instead, they held high the banner of "ecological civilization construction" in the new era and continued to plant, manage and protect green.

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"If one tree is destroyed, two must be replanted; if the deforestation area is large, it must be reported to the relevant departments for serious handling." In order to protect the woods and grasslands watered by the sweat and hard work of the older generation of Gaoxigou people, the village has established a We have established a strict management and protection system, set up special forest rangers, and adopted the management method of village cadres to list. We have implemented forest fire prevention, mountain closure and grazing ban measures for decades to prevent man-made damage and ensure that the mountains are managed and the forests are protected. The responsibility lies with the people. The pines and cypresses seedlings planted by the older generation have now grown into a dense forest under careful management and care, in which hares are hopping and birds are dancing in joy.

In 1999 and 2006, Jiang Liangbiao seized the opportunity of the national policy of "returning farmland to forests", concentrated his efforts on creating 777 acres of high-yield and high-quality farmland, and converted 20 acres of barren hills and low-yield slopes into forests and grasslands.

Consciously planting trees and grass has become a compulsory course for the 35 party members in the village. Every year, the village organizes people to plant trees and grass in the mountains, planting acres of "party member forests" and "branch forests." "Planting trees" is an "introductory course" for new party members. "To join the party, plant trees first." Newly developed party members in Murakami must plant at least 100 saplings and ensure a survival rate of more than 90% before they are qualified to join the party.

"We need to let new party members experience first-hand the hardships of old party members in planting trees and remind them not to forget the hardships of the past." Jiang Liangbiao said.

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The area of ​​cultivated land has further shrunk, while the area of ​​forest and grassland has expanded. Jiang Liangbiao further adjusted the "three-three system" model to the "three-two-one" model, that is, three parts of forest land, two parts of grassland, and one part of cultivated land. As of 2021, Gaoxigou Village has built a total of 2,300 acres of ecological forests, 1,000 acres of economic forests, and 126 check dams. The degree of water and soil control has reached 70%, and the forest and grass coverage rate has reached 70%. Among them, the forest and grass coverage rate has doubled compared with 1995.

"Terraces are built on the gentle slopes of the mountains, dams are built on the bottom of the ditches, forests are planted in the high mountains and distant mountains, orchards are built on the sunny slopes of nearby mountains, pasture is planted on the abandoned sloping land, and caraganas are planted on the steep slopes of the barren slopes." Stepping into today's Gaoxigou, There are continuous pines and cypresses on the high mountains, terraced fields on the hillside, sparkling water in the reservoir at the bottom of the ditch, the fragrance of rice and millet in the river in the dam, and cave dwellings scattered in the middle of the mountain. The 40 hilltops and 21 ditches have long since changed.

"He can lead everyone to maintain the governance achievements of three generations of Gaoxigou Village and make new developments on this basis. It is very admirable!" Gao Zhiqian, director of the Gaoxigou Village Committee, said sincerely.

The mountains are full of "enriching people with green"

"Planting trees alone has no income and cannot be saved. There must be high-quality fields to plant and stable income, so that we will not destroy forests and grass." Jiang Liangbiao thought about how to lead everyone To follow a win-win path of ecological and economic benefits, we must not only protect the ecological environment, but also lead the villagers to become rich.

Although it is a well-known "Red Flag Village", due to the geographical conditions of steep slopes and deep ravines, the villagers of Gaoxigou Village are not wealthy. "There are no leading enterprises in Gaoxigou Village, the farmland is scattered, and the quality of farmers varies." After objectively analyzing the situation in the village, Jiang Liangbiao and the party branch decided to list agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, tourism, and labor as the main sources of income increase for farmers. way.

Jiang Liangbiao actively introduced food crops and cash crops suitable for local cultivation to increase the income of villagers. Utilizing nearly 1.5 acres of high-standard farmland per capita, the village introduced 6 excellent crop varieties, including Denghai No. 9 corn, Jingu No. 21 millet, and virus-free potatoes , and adopted mulching film covering, large ridge and furrow planting, and soil testing and formula fertilization. Using agricultural cultivation technology, a small grain production base in northern Shaanxi was built, mainly producing millet . The village party branch also organized villagers to purchase agricultural machinery and equipment such as rotary tillers , seeders , and laminating machines to improve production efficiency.

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Taking advantage of the rich forage resources in Gaoxigou, Jiang Liangbiao vigorously developed the grass and livestock industry and explored scientific feeding. He led a group of people from the party branch to organize villagers to raise funds to buy back forage crushing and processing machinery, which was managed by dedicated personnel and processed by households in turn. The forage grass is crushed and silage is fed dry, and the straw is crushed and prepared once a year, which reduces the labor intensity, improves the utilization rate of the forage grass, and increases the amount of livestock raised.

The introduction and promotion of mountain apples has become an important industry for villagers to increase their income and become rich.

In 2006, Jiang Liangbiao participated in an agricultural technology training meeting and listened to a village party branch secretary from Luochuan County, Yan'an City share his experience in developing the local apple industry to increase villagers' income. "The apple cultivation in his village is good, and the per capita annual income of the villagers is tens of thousands of yuan. Can we learn from his teacher?" Jiang Liangbiao was a little tempted.

After the meeting, he invited agricultural technicians from Luochuan County to come to the village. After an inspection, he found that the soil in Gaoxigou was deep, loose, rich in organic matter and conducive to drainage. In addition, there was sufficient sunlight and a large temperature difference between day and night. Suitable for apple cultivation. In 2007, Gaoxigou began to try to plant apple trees, inviting experts to the village to give lectures, and organizing villagers to go out to observe and learn planting techniques such as pruning, thinning, and bagging. The party branch established a collective economic cooperative to lead the demonstration, introduce new varieties, and update Renovation of old orchards... Within a few years, alpine apple trees standing tall in the wind covered the hills and slopes of Gaojiagou, becoming the "new" green among the loess hills and ravines that carried the hope of getting rich.

55-year-old villager Gao Zhihong's family has 40 acres of orchards where he grows apples, pears, grapes, etc. and earns 100,000 yuan a year. His son also bought two large trucks and started transporting fruits, and the family became connected with fruits. Jiang Liangwen, a 66-year-old villager, grows 17 acres of apples and earned 60,000 yuan last year, which is “very good” and he is very satisfied.

Today, Gaoxigou Village has planted a total of 1,000 acres of economic forests such as mountain apples, registered the "Gaoxigou" agricultural product series trademark, built a standardized millet processing plant, and built an e-commerce live broadcast platform. The government implemented the "water and fertilizer integration" The drip irrigation project has also started to operate. This year's apple production is expected to increase by 20%. Everything is on track and thriving.

However, with agricultural products, sales have become Jiang Liangbiao's biggest concern. In order to help villagers sell, the village has fully implemented the "party branch underwriting" model, and Jiang Liangbiao is at the forefront. He still remembers that in 2017, apples in the village were facing slow sales. At a meeting, he met a village chief in the Hanzhong area and reached a purchase and sales cooperation. In the ice and snow, he transported a truck full of apples to Hanzhong to solve the problem. solved the sales problem.

has taken root at the grassroots level and dedicated itself to water and soil management and rural construction. Gaoxigou Village, the village party branch and himself led by Jiang Liangbiao have also received many honors:

Gaoxigou Village was rated as the "National Soil and Water Conservation Science and Technology Demonstration Park" , "National Civilized Village", "China's Most Charming Leisure Village", " National Water Conservancy Scenic Area ", etc.

The Gaoxigou Village Party Branch was rated as “the first grass-roots party organization in the country” in 2012.

Jiang Liangbiao was awarded the title of "National Outstanding Party Worker" in 2021 and went to Beijing's Tiananmen Square to attend the ceremony celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Gaoxigou Village has become a "Star Village", the village Party branch has become a "Star Party Branch", and Jiang Liangbiao has become a "star" in the "Star Village". Government departments, enterprises and institutions often invite him to give lectures and lectures. Every time , he did not forget to bring millet, grains, alpine apples and other agricultural products from Gaoxigou, and warmly invited everyone to taste them, hoping to take the opportunity to sell the products and broaden the market for the villagers' agricultural products.

"Although the party and the country have given us a lot of honors, we must not forget our original aspirations, be neither arrogant nor impetuous, transform ecological advantages into industrial advantages, continue to develop our industries, serve villagers well, strengthen the collective economy, and improve Villagers' income." Jiang Liangbiao spoke calmly, without any impatience in his tone.

dipped in "green" to write a new chapter

Entering the new century, with the continuous growth of national income, the tourism industry is booming, and rural tourism has suddenly emerged and is favored by people.With a superior ecological environment as a foundation, combined with special agriculture such as millet and alpine apples, Jiang Liangbiao and his party branch members aimed at the ecological leisure tourism industry and gradually built the entire village of Gaoxigou into an "agricultural ecological tourism area" .

Adhering to the fine tradition of "people's affairs should be discussed by the people", under the leadership of Jiang Liangbiao and collective decision-making, Gaoxigou Village organically combines and promotes rural infrastructure construction, residential environment improvement, and tourism construction and development.

"The older generation used to advocate 'treat the slopes first, then treat the nests', and they owed a lot of money on the living environment." If you want to develop tourism, you must not only "green" but also "beautify" road traffic, Living facilities, village appearance, etc. are all in urgent need of improvement.

Jiang Liangbiao divided rural construction into two stages based on the conditions of the village. The first stage is the foundation-laying stage at the beginning of the new century. Gaoxigou Village takes into account the village conditions and takes action according to its capabilities. It adopts the method of project introduction and self-financing by the masses to provide "access, electricity, communications, cable TV, and broadband network." The "five connections and five improvements" project of "renovating fences, improving toilets, improving stoves, improving water supply, and changing bad living habits", as well as the "three cleans for villages" (cleaning garbage, clearing silt, and clearing roadblocks), and "three cleans for households" The main line of the "Three Cleansing and Three Controls" project (controlling the messy piles of firewood, controlling the littering of excrement, and controlling the dilapidated walls and courtyards) has greatly improved the living environment.

In 2006, Gaoxigou Village was named the "National Agricultural Ecological Tourism Demonstration Village".

On this basis, the second phase of rural construction and tourism development continues to advance. A newly built industrial sightseeing road around the mountain connects Miaoliang Mountain, Ma'anshan, Guojialiang, Longtoushan, etc., with a length of 17.5 kilometers; a new ecological park of 338 acres; Longtou The mountain viewing platform, the Gaoxigou Soil and Water Achievements Museum, the Party Building Exhibition Room, the Party Style and Integrity Education Base, the Comprehensive Cultural Square for Villagers, and the Agricultural Products Exhibition and Sales Center have been built successively; 15 tourist attractions have been developed.

Jiang Liangbiao led his team and the masses to raise more than 20 million yuan to establish the Gaoxigou Village Tourism Reception Service Company, cultivate 56 tourism reception households, organize multiple trainings and studies, invest in improving reception conditions for reception households, and transform villagers on-site into Tourism practitioners convert agricultural products such as millet and alpine apples into tourism commodities.

Here, tourists can not only enter the forest area to pick apples, apricots, grapes and other seasonal fruits on their own, but also experience living in cave dwellings, eating farm meals, doing farm work, and listening to Gaojiagou Village's mountaineering A heroic story of water control. The arrival of a large number of tourists has also brought considerable profits to Gaoxigou Village.

In recent years, the tourism industry alone has helped villagers in Gaoxigou Village increase their per capita income by more than 400 yuan. Driven by the tourism economy, the village's planting and breeding industry has also made great progress. In 2020, hundreds of thousands of kilograms of fruits, grains, poultry, etc. produced in the village were all sold out without leaving the village. That year, the per capita disposable income of the village reached 18,800 yuan, exceeding the per capita disposable income of the county by 5,834 yuan. . In 2021, despite the impact of the epidemic, the village will still receive 80,000 tourists.

More and more villagers are eating "ecological rice" and "tourist rice". Villager Gao Jinwu started running a farmhouse in 2010. With his excellent cooking skills, it has developed into a "five-star tourist reception" in Gaoxigou Village. Household", the highest annual net income exceeded 80,000 yuan.

With General Secretary Xi’s visit to Gaoxigou in September 2021, more tourists came to the village, and Jiang Liangbiao, who was received by the chairman, also became the “most wanted person” for tourists. In order to allow tourists to come with joy and return with satisfaction, Jiang Liangbiao volunteered to serve as the village's "first tour guide". Whether it is government reception or ordinary tourist groups, Jiang Liangbiao does his best to receive and explain, so that tourists can understand the development of Gaoxigou While enjoying history, you can also feel the unique charm of "Little Jiangnan in Northern Shaanxi".

Since this year, Jiang Liangbiao has received an average of 3-4 groups of tourists every day. He also needs to do a good job in various tasks and construction of the village. "There are no Sundays or holidays. Secretary Jiang is more than 20 years older than me, but his daily workload and I am the same age, but he has faith, feelings, and dedication that are commendable." Zhou Wendong, a cadre of Bao Village in Gaoxigou Village, a member of the Party Working Committee of Yinzhou Subdistrict Office in Mizhi County, and director of the Gaoqu Convenience Service Center, lamented.

Niu Juan, who now works at the Mizhi County Government Service Center, once served as a "college student village official" and has been stationed in the village in Gaoxigou for 10 years. She was also moved by Jiang Liangbiao's dedication and responsibility: "As long as it is beneficial to the development of the village, he will They are not afraid of difficulties and try every means to find a 'breakthrough'."

"The older generation of Gaoxigou people have managed mountains and rivers and laid a rich green foundation. We must manage the ecology on the basis of managing and protecting greenery and consolidating the advantages of ecological resources. It should be organically combined with the development of characteristic industries to explore the coordinated development of ecology and economy and drive the masses to increase their income and become rich," Jiang Liangbiao said.

"One minute to eat, a gust of wind to walk, and a voice as loud as a bell." The 66-year-old Jiang Liangbiao still retains the marks of military training and acts vigorously and resolutely.

lives up to the green mountains and the people here. Forty-one years after his retirement, Jiang Liangbiao wrote the most beautiful chapter of his life on the greenest 4 square kilometers of the Loess Plateau with his passionate soul and green ink. (Text/Huang Lifang)

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