According to Global Network, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the "2023 National Defense Authorization Act" with 329 votes in favor and 101 votes against on the 14th. This is tens of billions of dollars higher than Biden's previous budget, which shows that the United Stat

2024/07/0221:42:32 military 1475

According to Global Network report, The U.S. House of Representatives passed the "2023 National Defense Authorization Act" on the 14th with 329 votes in favor and 101 votes against. The content of the bill shows that in order to deal with the inflation crisis and the "threat" of Russia and China, the total national security budget can be increased to US$840 billion.

And this is tens of billions of dollars higher than the budget previously proposed by Biden . It can be seen that the United States is very willing to spend money on dealing with China and Russia. It is worth mentioning that this package of bills also includes Taiwan-related content.

The U.S. House of Representatives advocates "inviting Taiwan to participate in the 2024 Rim of the Pacific military exercises" and includes the "Taiwan Peace and Stability Act" in it, advocating the strengthening of the so-called "U.S.-Taiwan partnership."

Obviously, this move by the US House of Representatives is highly targeted, and the purpose is already clear, that is, it wants to act like a monster on Taiwan-related issues in order to curb China's development and strength.

According to Global Network, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this Taiwan-related evil law openly advocates inviting the Taiwan authorities to participate in military exercises and strengthen partnerships. It is undoubtedly sending the wrong signal to them and encouraging the "independence" ambitions of the separatists on the island.

We all know that the countries that can participate in the US Rim of the Pacific military exercise are allies of the United States and "brothers" in the trenches with the United States. But now the United States knows exactly what this move means, but still makes this choice. It is obvious that it wants to ignore the "one-China principle."

The situation in the Taiwan Strait, which was originally relatively stable, has become volatile due to the constant stirrings of the United States and its allies. However, under this situation, the United States continues to fan the flames, as if it is just watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

According to media reports, U.S. congressmen recently made a high-profile trip to Taiwan, met with Tsai Ing-wen and others, and discussed some so-called cooperation.

According to Global Network, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the

Although everyone knows that this US congressman’s trip is to gain some benefits from the Taiwan authorities, the Taiwan authorities are also willing to be taken advantage of because they can take this opportunity to strengthen ties with the United States and earn money for their "independence" gain political capital.

They want to show that the United States still cares about them in this way, but in fact, to the United States, they are just anti-China pawns.

Washington's fundamental purpose is to use the "Taiwan card" to exclude dissidents, always maintain its leadership position in the world, and prevent China from becoming stronger.

In addition, the United States' successive provocations are most likely intended to anger China and then put China at the forefront of international public opinion.

According to Global Network, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the

It is worth mentioning that the United States now not only puts the Democratic Progressive Party authorities on the front line of containing China, but is also constantly wooing China's neighboring countries, intending to form a trap on China and achieve double pressure.

Previously, the United States used the NATO summit held in Madrid to further win over Japan and South Korea. Recently, they have been hyping up the topic of the South China Sea and naming China, and made it clear that they will protect the Philippines . Their ambitions should not be too obvious.

However, objectively speaking, the possibility of the United States successfully wooing neighboring countries such as the Philippines or allowing Taiwan authorities to participate in the 2024 Rim of the Pacific military exercise is extremely slim.

First and most importantly, the United States has not yet fully passed the so-called "2023 National Defense Authorization Act."

According to Global Network, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the

As we all know, it has always been difficult for the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate to unify their opinions, and the fundamental reason for this is related to the dispute between the two parties in the United States. The contradiction between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party represented by Biden is intensifying. On many issues, they no longer distinguish between right and wrong. As long as the other party supports it, they must oppose it.

And this is one of the main reasons why the United States is currently in chaos and has constant internal troubles. Not to mention the final outcome of the bill in the Senate, you must know that Biden, as a senior politician, should understand what it means once he signs the bill.

If the bill is formally passed and implemented, the relationship between the United States and China will further deteriorate. Biden, who is about to undergo a major midterm election test, is obviously unwilling to cause trouble for himself on this matter.

And then again, the self-interested thinking of the United States is obvious to everyone. They will definitely not take advantage of the interests of the entire country because of the Taiwan authorities. This can be well reflected from Ukraine .

According to Global Network, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the

So there is no doubt that the Biden administration is simply trying to check and balance China through this move.

As the saying goes, "If you want a horse to run, you have to feed it." So it is obvious that the United States is giving Tsai Ing-wen's authorities a little sweetness to make them work harder to prevent cross-strait reunification.

At the same time, we should pay attention to the fact that the United States has been deploying the Pacific region, from Japan and South Korea participating in military exercises to wooing Pacific island countries, to now using the "Taiwan card." There is no doubt that Washington wants to maintain its hegemony in the Pacific region.

According to Global Network, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the

You must know that the United States has been resentful about the cooperation and security agreement signed between China and Solomon Islands before, believing that China has "stole" the status and interests that should belong to the United States.

But this is not the case. Pacific island countries have never been anyone’s backyard, and the United States has no right to restrict who they interact with. As the saying goes, things must be reversed at their extremes. Not only will the United States fail to deepen its influence in the region, but it will make countries in the region even more disgusted with it.

In general, no matter whether the United States is trying to win over other countries or trying to provide benefits to the Taiwan authorities, it is very difficult for the United States to succeed in its ultimate strategy. On the one hand, more and more countries have begun to see its true face; on the other hand, China is not easy to bully, and we will never give in on issues of national security and interests.

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