Military fans who follow the development of China's aviation industry know that AVIC has a famous "20" series of military aircraft, namely the J-20, Y-20, Z-20, etc. These military aircraft have long been in service.

2024/07/0210:48:32 military 1669

Military fans who follow the development of China's aviation industry know that AVIC has the famous "20" series of military aircraft, namely J-20, Yun-20, Z-20, etc. These military aircraft have long been in service.

And military aircraft such as the J-20, Y-20, and Z-20 have now become leaders in fighter aircraft, transport aircraft, and helicopters. They have contributed to the modernization of China's navy and air force and shortened the distance with the militaries of developed countries. He has made a huge contribution, there is no doubt about it.

Among the AVIC "20" series of military aircraft, only the stealth performance is strong. For the Chinese military's "Trinity" nuclear strike, the H-20, the most critical air-based strategic nuclear strike, the stealth strategic bomber, has not yet been seen. The official reports from the official and authoritative media on the list are a revelation to military fans who are concerned about the modernization of the Chinese Air Force.

Military fans who follow the development of China's aviation industry know that AVIC has a famous

At the beginning of this month, AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Group released a news-"Give me a cup of Wangqing H20". In addition, the person in charge of the China Flight Test Research Institute, located in Yanliang District, Xi'an City, also stated at the beginning of this month that China is planning to conduct a test flight of a key aircraft with "important strategic and historical significance."

Domestic and foreign media and netizens seem to have captured the relevant information with great reference value. All points are that the H-20 is the "national weapon" that the Chinese Air Force and the majority of military fans are eagerly waiting for - a stealth strategy. The bomber is about to launch its first flight test verification work. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as the biggest military news of the year. It is as significant to the Chinese military as the launch of the 18th "Fujian" aircraft carrier.

Military fans who follow the development of China's aviation industry know that AVIC has a famous

Domestic and foreign media have keenly captured the news that the H-20 is about to make its first flight at the Yanliang Test Flight Center. If it is true, it means that this airborne "big killer" and "killer trumpet" that has fascinated the military will soon be completed. The last piece of the puzzle in the "20" series of military aircraft. By then, the Chinese Air Force's long-term lack of long-range strategic bombers will be gone forever.

H-20 is a typical flying-wing aerodynamic layout bomber . It is provided with abundant power by 4 engines and has a maximum take-off weight of more than 200 tons. On the premise of carrying 45 tons of bombs, according to the famous foreign The "1945" military website judged that it still has a range of 12,000 kilometers and has intercontinental strike capabilities.

The reason why AVIC Group wants to develop the H-20 is that the latest H-6 series currently in service in the Chinese Air Force are the H-6K, H-6N and H-6J. Although they can carry KD-20 long-range cruise missiles, "Eagle" -12 heavy supersonic anti-ship missiles, etc., but the H-6 itself is a non-stealth bomber. With its own capabilities, it is extremely difficult to break through the island chain blockade and is intercepted by fighter jets and anti-aircraft missiles.

Military fans who follow the development of China's aviation industry know that AVIC has a famous

H-20 is a strategic bomber. It not only has excellent stealth performance, but also has a large range, large combat radius, and high bomb load. It has the characteristics of nuclear strike and conventional bombing, and is suitable for execution. Long-range intercontinental attack mission.

With its excellent stealth performance, the H-20 can penetrate the inland and sea-based air and missile defense networks of several island chains and carry out effective attacks on the North American continent. It is a strategic-level airborne long-endurance strike platform.

The H-20, once officially listed, will give the Chinese Air Force strategic "wings". From then on, the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers will no longer be out of reach. With the H-20, it is easy to hit high-value targets.

Military fans who follow the development of China's aviation industry know that AVIC has a famous

The H-20, which has a high bomb load, long endurance, and the ability to conduct covert attacks, has extremely powerful strategic deterrence capabilities. It is beyond the reach of these "quasi-strategic bombers" such as the H-6K, H-6N and H-6J, the latest H-6 series currently in service in the Chinese Air Force.

This is the strike capability of the H-20 as an airborne nuclear weapon. Once it is put into service, it will bring huge changes to the Chinese Air Force that is realizing strategic transformation. The shortcomings of space-based long-range strategic nuclear strike that the Chinese military originally lacked are Completely gone.

With the emergence of the H-20, in the field of strategic bombers, there is no technical gap between the Chinese Air Force and the United States and Russia, the two major bomber powers. They also have long-range strategic bombers and can even maintain control over other countries' bombers. This is the strategic significance of the H-20 to the Chinese Air Force.

Military fans who follow the development of China's aviation industry know that AVIC has a famous

From the then Air Force Commander General Ma Xiaotian's disclosure to the media that China was developing long-range bombers, to the AVIC Group's video commemorating the 60th anniversary of the founding of In the film, a large military aircraft with a curtain-like layout similar to the B-2 flying wing appears. The H-20 has been warmed up in the media for many years.

It’s time for the H-20 to reveal its “true face” in Lushan. This stealth strategic bomber has attracted the attention of domestic and foreign media, scholars, military fans, and military personnel. It seems that it is not far away from lifting the thick curtain. It's far away, readers may wish to wait and see.

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