The 18th "Fujian" aircraft carrier has two large elevators and three electromagnetic catapult runways. It has relatively high requirements for carrier-based fighter jets. The strength of the aircraft body must be able to meet and be suitable for the take-off requirements of elect

2024/07/0106:25:33 military 1671
html On June 17, with a full load displacement of more than 80,000 tons, the 18th "Fujian" aircraft carrier, the largest in the history of China's naval equipment development, was launched, with the accompanying J-15T, J-15D, and Z-20 , Kongjing-600, especially the J-35 carrier-based aircraft, have become the subject of widespread reports by domestic and foreign media.

18 "Fujian" aircraft carrier has two large elevators and three electromagnetic catapult runways. It has relatively high requirements for carrier-based fighter . The strength of the body must be able to meet and adapt to the requirements of electromagnetic catapult technology for take-off.

In this context, the "Sea V" stealth carrier-based fighter J-35, the upgraded version " Falcon " painted in navy gray blue, has successfully achieved its first flight test, and will be carried out after it is launched. The 18th "Fujian" aircraft carrier has been outfitted, sea-tried and received. The fastest one will be commissioned in 2024 and the slow one will be commissioned at some point in 2025, laying a solid foundation.

The 18th

J-35 is an upgraded version of Shenfei foreign trade version FC-31. It was originally built as an export-type twin-engine medium-sized stealth fighter. After being spotted by the Chinese naval aviation, it obtained the military J-35 number. , it must be built to compete with foreign F-35B/C joint attack/ fighter jets with stealth capabilities.

Now, Shenyang's aviation scientific researchers and skilled technical workers are building the 3.0 version of the "Falcon" so that it can not only eject and take off from the 18th "Fujian" aircraft carrier, but also can be launched from the 16 "Liaoning" , 17. The "Hai-V" stealth carrier-based fighter jet takes off by ski jump from the "Shandong" aircraft carrier.

The 18th

For Shenfei people, the good news is that it continues to come. Not only the Chinese naval aviation carrier-based aircraft unit has taken a fancy to the J-35, but also the Chinese air force has also taken a fancy to the J-35, the Middle East Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other countries It has also developed a strong interest in purchasing the J-35. It is reported on the Internet that in addition to purchasing the J-35, Saudi Arabia also intends to obtain an authorization license from Shenyang Aircraft Co., Ltd. and introduce a pulsating production line for the J-35.

J-35, a senior technician from the design unit, disclosed in a public interview with domestic reporters that the J-35 is expected to develop four derivative models. In addition to the carrier-based aircraft and air force type, which are considered by netizens, there are also two-seat trainer/attack type and foreign trade export type.

The 18th

Shenfei's self-contained and multi-model ability is even better than that of chengfei's J-20, which is also a stealth fighter , and has the advantage of being a latecomer.

is of great significance to Shenfei people who were criticized by netizens for simply imitating MiG and Sukhoi fighter . It may be a bright future, which will greatly boost the heroic spirit of Shenfei people and express their feelings. The sluggish block will eventually usher in the day when it will be proud and proud.

The J-35, the black-painted version 1.0 of its predecessor FC-31, completed its first flight as early as October 2001. For more than 10 years, under Shen Feiren's continuous training, various performance indicators and technical parameters have undergone tremendous changes. It has surpassed the single-engine F-35B/C, which is also a stealth fighter , and will soon become the world's largest naval aircraft carrier. The second stealth carrier-based aircraft to be commissioned.

The 18th

According to the relevant information collected on the Internet, the J-35 has now been equipped with a domestically produced WS-19 engine. Compared with the Russian-made RD-93 of the black 1.0 version of the "Falcon", the thrust-to-weight ratio has been greatly increased to level 12.

This boosts the maximum flight speed of the J-35 from Mach 1.8 of the black 1.0 version of the "Falcon Eagle" to Mach 2.1. It leaves the famous foreign single-engine F-35B/C with a maximum flight speed of Mach 1.6, far behind.

The maximum combat radius of the J-35 has been increased from 1,200 kilometers in the original version to 1,350 kilometers, exceeding the F-35B/C with a maximum combat radius of 900/1,100 kilometers; it has a built-in magazine in the belly and can carry 4-6 " "Perak"-15 long-range air-to-air missile has powerful air combat capabilities.

The 18th

It can also carry miniaturized precision-guided munitions to carry out sea and ground strikes. In addition, under the premise of obtaining a certain amount of air control rights and sacrificing partial stealth performance to allow external loads on the wings, the maximum bomb load will reach 7.8 tons, which also exceeds the F-35B/C carrier-based aircraft with a maximum bomb load of about 7 tons.

Chinese netizens believe that it won’t be long before they witness the “Hai V” type, the J-35 with stealth capabilities, flying on the Chinese Navy’s No. 16 “Liaoning”, No. 17 “Shandong” and No. 18 “Fujian”, becoming As the main carrier-based fighter jets of these three aircraft carriers, the Chinese naval aviation force will become the most powerful carrier-based aircraft force in the world.

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