Swordsman Chu Three Musketeers Three Musketeers ● Author: Swordsman Chu Title Picture: Tang Dynasty How many people are like the swordsman, it took a long time in June to find out that their wages increased compared to the previous month. Although the increase is not much, it is

2024/06/3012:57:33 military 1039

Swordsman Chu Three Musketeers

Swordsman Chu Three Musketeers Three Musketeers ● Author: Swordsman Chu Title Picture: Tang Dynasty How many people are like the swordsman, it took a long time in June to find out that their wages increased compared to the previous month. Although the increase is not much, it is  - DayDayNews

Three Musketeers

●Author: Swordsman Chu

Title picture: Datang

How many people are like the swordsman, it took a long time in June before they discovered that their wages had increased compared to the previous month. Although the increase is not much, it is enough to surprise a whole day.

This added part is called heatstroke prevention and cooling fee.

Because the additional heatstroke prevention and cooling fee only accounts for a small part of the salary, it is not eye-catching. Of course, if you look at it from another angle, if you don’t find it, it means the base is still good.

There is a saying that no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat. It is better than nothing. It's not a matter of money, but spiritual care.


Why do you look like this?

Many people have started to receive heatstroke prevention and cooling fees since they first joined the army, but they have never paid attention to or understood what it is.

"You only see my appearance, but you cannot read my heart."

The so-called heatstroke prevention and cooling fee refers to the benefits that employers pay in cash or in kind to employees who work in summer for heatstroke prevention and cooling.

Although it has few words, it contains a lot of information.

First, the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee is not exclusive to military personnel, but also to local personnel. hopes that after receiving the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee, the soldiers’ inner pride will not be diluted.

Second, the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee is not available all year round, but only in summer. The summer here in is not based on the Beginning of Summer in the solar terms, but mainly depends on the weather temperature.

The third is heatstroke prevention and cooling fees and high temperature subsidies, which are not the same concept. The heatstroke prevention and cooling fee is for employees working in summer. Everyone has a share. It has nothing to do with whether the working environment is in a high temperature.

The so-called high temperature subsidy is the remuneration paid by the employer to workers who work in hot weather, and is part of the salary. Of course, the current high temperature weather in many areas also has strict standards.

What the heatstroke prevention and cooling fees and high temperature subsidies have in common is that they are paid in stages. Generally speaking, both are issued from June 1st to September 30th each year, a total of 4 months.

Fourthly, from a nature point of view, the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee is a welfare. The unit has the autonomy to pay more or less. high-temperature subsidies are wages, and the implementation of standards is more mandatory and must be paid on time and in quantity.

Fifth, the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee can be paid in kind instead of cash. Soldiers used to give out watermelons in summer because of this rule. High temperature subsidies must be paid in cash and cannot be replaced with items such as heatstroke prevention and cooling, otherwise it is illegal.

Swordsman Chu Three Musketeers Three Musketeers ● Author: Swordsman Chu Title Picture: Tang Dynasty How many people are like the swordsman, it took a long time in June to find out that their wages increased compared to the previous month. Although the increase is not much, it is  - DayDayNews


So what is the situation with the heatstroke prevention and cooling expenses for military personnel?

In terms of distribution time, soldiers are spread all over the world, and there will be small differences in different locations. For example, in areas in the south where it gets hot earlier, the onset time will be faster; in areas in the north where it gets hot later, the onset time will be slower.

In terms of distribution standards, the standards are unified for people in the same category. Volunteers and supply system trainees are charged 30 yuan per person per month. Officers and non-commissioned officers, 120 yuan per person per month.

In terms of payment categories, military personnel have heatstroke prevention and cooling fees. However, high temperature subsidies were not found among the 16 allowances and subsidies for military personnel.

Regarding the cost of heatstroke prevention and cooling, understanding and feelings vary from person to person.

Some people think that the amount of the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee is small, everyone has a share, and it is highly symbolic, so it does not matter if it is paid or not. When June wages were paid, many people didn't even know they had an extra income, which is evident from this casual attitude.

Furthermore, the living and working conditions of the troops have been greatly improved. Office and study places are all air-conditioned, so heatstroke prevention and cooling are not a problem.

Some people think that the cost of heatstroke prevention and cooling is too small and does not live up to its name.Nowadays, prices are skyrocketing. A bottle of pure water costs 3-4 yuan, and a larger watermelon even costs 30-40 yuan. A mere 30 yuan or 120 yuan does not solve the problem.

Comparison is the only way to be convincing. Netizens also listed the high temperature subsidy standards across the country for reference -

The Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security adjusted the high temperature subsidy standard to 300 yuan per person per month on June 1, 2021, an increase of 100%, which is 10 times that of conscripts. 2.5 times for officers and non-commissioned officers.

Zhejiang Province made it clear in 2018 that the standard for high-temperature subsidies is 300 yuan per person per month for outdoor workers; 200 yuan per person per month for indoor workers.

To be honest, comparing military heatstroke prevention and cooling fees with local high temperature subsidies is a misunderstanding. The two are not the same concept at all.

The law stipulates that only workers who work outdoors in hot weather can enjoy high-temperature subsidies, unlike those who receive heatstroke prevention and cooling fees.

If we compare the heatstroke prevention and cooling expenses of military and local governments alone, the gap is not as big as imagined. For example, Tianjin's payment standard is 176.1 yuan in 2019, Hubei's 2022 hottest June in the past 60 years is 200 yuan, and Guangdong's is 150 yuan. Does

surprise many people? !

Swordsman Chu Three Musketeers Three Musketeers ● Author: Swordsman Chu Title Picture: Tang Dynasty How many people are like the swordsman, it took a long time in June to find out that their wages increased compared to the previous month. Although the increase is not much, it is  - DayDayNews


Behind a "small" misunderstanding about the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee, it reflects the great expectations for the protection of military benefits.

First, it is distributed in accordance with laws and regulations. The salary of military personnel is of great concern; the welfare of military personnel is highly anticipated. In terms of military benefits, for a long period of time in the past, there were problems such as poor arbitrariness and high randomness in payment, which affected military morale to a certain extent.

Take holiday expenses as an example. There is no accurate estimate of what kind of payment will be made, how much it will be, and whether it will be paid this year or not. Now, with the advancement of reform, these problems have been eradicated. The heatstroke prevention and cooling fee is a living example. Although the amount is not large, it must be paid no matter how small it is.

The second is to establish a capital increase mechanism. In the early days of , a large wave of policy and system dividends came to us, such as military parent support subsidies, spousal honorary payments, moving subsidies, and adjustments to the separation subsidy system between two places. Later, military education fees increased and were supplemented, which caught people off guard. , breaking the old impression of "all regulations are implemented immediately and all welfare benefits can be delayed" in the past, which is refreshing.

Although the current heatstroke prevention and cooling fee is small, the payment standard was established in 2012. It has been a full 10 years. It can be appropriately fine-tuned to "ground the atmosphere and eat fireworks."

Third, it has a comparative advantage. Only by forming comparative advantages can military personnel's remuneration guarantee remain competitive and attractive. From the perspective of heatstroke prevention and cooling fees, there is a certain gap, but it is not as far behind as the inherent impression. We still need to work hard.

The fourth is to implement different positions. The positions in the army vary widely. The protection of military treatment must not only solve the problem of "unequal", reflecting equal pay for equal work, and have standards to follow; it must also solve the problem of "unrest", reflecting the principle of more reward for more work, and precise implementation.

Taking heatstroke prevention and cooling as an example, we can consider integrating with local standards and establishing a "dual-line operation" mechanism of heatstroke prevention and cooling fees and high temperature subsidies. The heatstroke prevention and cooling fee is for all on-duty personnel, and it does not matter if it is lower; the high temperature subsidy is provided to grassroots officers and soldiers undergoing outdoor combat readiness training, and they cannot be wronged.

Anyone with military experience knows that summer is an excellent time to train and prepare for war. Outdoor training in different subjects is a natural " whetstone " for tempering the will to fight and the ability to win; various complex subjects and high-intensity training that spans day and night, flying at dawn, flying into the evening, etc. are generally chosen in summer and at night. Training is commonplace.

Swordsman Chu Three Musketeers Three Musketeers ● Author: Swordsman Chu Title Picture: Tang Dynasty How many people are like the swordsman, it took a long time in June to find out that their wages increased compared to the previous month. Although the increase is not much, it is  - DayDayNews

In the hot summer, grassroots officers and soldiers exert more physical and energy losses than usual, and the hardship is even greater than in other positions.

"Don't let the hard-working people suffer!"

The words of an old leader of a certain flying group often haunt the swordsman.

This is also the biggest reason and motivation for us to adjust and improve the military benefits and security system!

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