A total of 26 countries participated in this "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise", with up to 25,000 troops assembled in the waters near Hawaii. The weapons lineup includes 38 surface ships, 4 submarines, marines from 9 countries and more than 170 fighter aircraft.

2024/07/0210:53:33 military 1972

The biennial "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise" debuted on June 29 and will continue until August 4. A total of 26 countries participated in this "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise", and as many as 25,000 troops were assembled in the waters near Hawaii. The weapons lineup included 38 surface ships , 4 submarines , marines from 9 countries and more than 170 military personnel. Fighter plane. Although the Taiwan authorities have repeatedly expressed their willingness to participate, they have still been excluded. However, General Paparo of the US Pacific Fleet threatened that although the purpose of this military exercise is not aimed at mainland China, it is indeed designed for the future situation in the Taiwan Strait. The focus is on practicing "protecting Taiwan" and honing the most important skills. and technologies, including amphibious warfare and long-range strike.

A total of 26 countries participated in this

It is reported that the countries participating in this "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise" include the United States, India, Japan, South Korea, Brunei , Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippines , Thailand, Singapore , Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand , Netherlands , Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Denmark , France, Chile , Colombia, Ecuador , Mexico , Peru , Israel and Tonga , a total of 26 countries Participate in exercises. In December last year, the U.S. Congress passed the "2022 National Defense Authorization Act" and clearly stated in the bill that the Pentagon should invite the Taiwan military to participate in this Rim-Pacific military exercise. However, due to the firm opposition of mainland China, the Pentagon did not invite the Taiwan military to participate.

A total of 26 countries participated in this

Recently, at a press conference held by Commander Paparo of the US Pacific Fleet, a Taiwanese media reporter asked, as the world's largest joint military exercise, if something happens in the Taiwan Strait, will the United States be willing to help defend it? Paparo said that Taiwan was not invited to participate in the "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise" out of consideration for the "sensitive political environment," but the United States is preparing for the worst possible outcome in the Taiwan Strait. According to Taiwan media reporters, it was expected that the Taiwan military was not invited to participate in the "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise". The security of the Taiwan Strait ultimately depends on itself, and cannot place hopes on others. He said to Paparo, " He expressed doubts about the statement that the United States is preparing for possible conflict in the Taiwan Strait.

What needs to be emphasized is that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. This is a historical and legal fact. The US government has repeatedly stated that it adheres to the "One China" policy, but it has never expressed support for cross-strait reunification and deliberately obscured the US's views on the mainland. China's stance on using military means to resolve the Taiwan issue, and did not say how it would definitely help Taiwan. Some scholars on the island said that although the United States talks about assisting in defense and has many methods, such as providing weapons support, providing economic sanctions, and even imposing sanctions on the mainland, it has never made it clear that it will send troops to assist in defense. This difference is very big. big. To put it bluntly, it does not mean that if Americans say they want to help, they will definitely do it, because the people's eyes are sharp.

A total of 26 countries participated in this

In March this year, a survey on the island showed that only 8.5% of people "strongly believe" that the United States will send troops to assist in defense, while only 27.8% of those who chose "fairly believe" chose not to believe that the United States would send troops to assist in defense. has soared to 55%, which shows that the people on the island have begun to wake up. Especially after the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, the United States has not sent a single soldier to Ukraine, which has made the people on the island soberly aware that the so-called "rock-solid" commitment of the United States is unreliable and cannot be Depend on. As former US Secretary of State Kissinger said, being an enemy of the United States is dangerous, but being a friend of the United States is fatal. For a long time, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have been inculcating that "if anything happens in the Taiwan Strait, the United States will definitely come to defend Taiwan." Now this statement of internal propaganda has been exposed by the "Ukraine situation" in the real world.

A total of 26 countries participated in this

Some analysts pointed out that the "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise" led by the United States is intended to demonstrate the leadership of the United States and attempt to unite its allies to militarily deter mainland China.If Taiwan is invited to participate again, the provocative meaning will be more obvious. In addition to exacerbating tensions between China and the United States and embarrassing some allies, it may also further intensify China-Russia joint military exercises in East Asia, the Pacific or around the first island chain. Counterattack. In fact, a considerable number of countries participating in the "Rim-Pacific Military Exercise" refuse to choose sides between China and the United States and maintain close cooperation with China. For example, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries hope more to play both sides between China and the United States. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong once publicly stated that the United States cannot change the United Nations' characterization of Taiwan on its own. At the Shangri-La Security Dialogue, Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo said bluntly that China is rising and should be respected by all countries.

A total of 26 countries participated in this

However, the United States continues to use various international occasions to hype the "China threat theory" and attempts to put pressure on mainland China by mobilizing various military and non-military means. Not only that, the Biden administration has also intensively sent legislators to visit Taiwan, and even sent ships and planes to trespass into the Taiwan Strait. Its basic purpose is to force the mainland to give up its rights protection actions in the Taiwan Strait. In response, the People's Liberation Army issued a signal to prepare for war. Earlier, a spokesman for China's Ministry of National Defense made it clear that the Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affairs, the reunification of the motherland must be achieved, and interference from external forces will never succeed. The Chinese People's Liberation Army is ready for war at all times and capable of fighting at any time, and takes all necessary measures to resolutely thwart external interference and separatist plots for "Taiwan independence" and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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