"Sky News Australia" reported on the 11th that Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Marles, who took office less than two months ago, flew to Washington to meet with US Defense Secretary Austin and claimed that "high-tech weapons are more important than nuclear s

2024/06/2715:03:32 military 1562

Australia’s new defense minister claimed that “high-tech weapons are more important than nuclear submarines”, casting a shadow over the AUKUS alliance. The picture shows the USS Missouri nuclear submarine (SSN 780). (Illustration/DVIDS)

"Sky News Australia" reported on the 11th that Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles, who took office less than two months ago, flew to Washington to meet with US Defense Secretary Austin (Lloyd Austin) and claimed that "high-tech weapons are more important than nuclear submarines", casting a shadow over the AUKUS anti-China alliance composed of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

According to reports, Malus will visit the United States from the 11th to the 14th. The main goals include meeting with Austin to discuss how to deepen cooperation between the AUKUS alliance and the plan of the United States and the United Kingdom to provide nuclear power to Australia to attack the submarine ; however, Marlers pointed out that he believes that high-tech weapons such as hypersonic missiles may be more important to Australia's national security than nuclear submarines.

"Sky News Australia" pointed out that the new Australian government, which has just taken office recently, is trying to find ways to fill the gap in combat capability before the new nuclear submarine is put into service, because even if the plan is approved, the relevant construction operations may still take at least 20 years. The existing "Collins-class" diesel-electric submarines face the problems of excessive obsolescence and insufficient mission capabilities.

But Marles also emphasized the security cooperation between Australia and the United States over the years, including the United States-Australia and New Zealand Defense Treaty (ANZUS), which has been signed for more than 70 years; he said that in the changing strategic environment, such long-lasting The importance of sexual partnership is far greater than before, and it will be critical for Australia, the United States and other allies and partners to jointly maintain the existing international order.

"The EurAsian Times" pointed out that Marlers' speech sounded the alarm for Australia's nuclear submarines, and this plan is a representative cooperation project formed by the AUKUS alliance. It also makes people doubt whether the new Australian government will Interested in rebuilding relations with mainland China. (Source: Taiwan's "China News Network")

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