2022 can be said to be an extraordinary year. This year is the most serious challenge we have faced since the epidemic. Many companies have laid off employees. Many domestic property owners have united to send notices to banks to stop loan repayments. Real estate projects have no

2024/07/0202:53:32 military 1462

2022 can be said to be an extraordinary year. This year is the most serious challenge we have faced since the epidemic. Many companies have laid off employees. Many domestic property owners have united to issue notices to banks to stop loan repayments. Real estate projects have not The loan will not be repaid when work resumes. Now all aspects of the economy are facing huge challenges, and the number of college graduates this year has exceeded 10 million. It is best for these three types of people to choose to be soldiers, otherwise they will regret it if they miss it. It is recommended to understand.

2022 can be said to be an extraordinary year. This year is the most serious challenge we have faced since the epidemic. Many companies have laid off employees. Many domestic property owners have united to send notices to banks to stop loan repayments. Real estate projects have no - DayDayNews

1. Fresh graduates who will graduate in the fall of 2022 and have not yet found a job.

Now go to the National Recruitment Network to register as a soldier. The registration deadline for the autumn recruitment is August 10. At present, some provinces have begun to arrange physical examinations for the first batch of youth applicants, and there may be a second batch later. Therefore, it is better to sign up as soon as possible, otherwise you will have no hope when the quota is filled.

2022 can be said to be an extraordinary year. This year is the most serious challenge we have faced since the epidemic. Many companies have laid off employees. Many domestic property owners have united to send notices to banks to stop loan repayments. Real estate projects have no - DayDayNews

For ordinary graduates, it is really difficult to find a satisfactory job if they are not very proficient in their professional knowledge and are not from a " double first-class " university. If you are relatively capable, you will have already found a job during the spring school recruitment. I haven't found a job yet, so don't hesitate at this time. It is a wise move to join the army and serve the country.

2022 can be said to be an extraordinary year. This year is the most serious challenge we have faced since the epidemic. Many companies have laid off employees. Many domestic property owners have united to send notices to banks to stop loan repayments. Real estate projects have no - DayDayNews

There are two ways for fresh graduates to join the army, namely conscripts and direct recruitment of sergeants. Priority will be given to directly recruited non-commissioned officers if they have the right majors to join the army. This is because directly-recruited non-commissioned officers will receive salary directly when entering the army. The monthly salary is basically 5,000 to 7,000 yuan; and they will be assigned to corresponding positions according to the majors they studied in university. to give full play to their professional expertise. This is like finding a professional job. Working hard in the army can not only improve one's professional skills, but also enable long-term development in the army, and better contribute to the realization of the "dream of a strong country and a strong army."

2022 can be said to be an extraordinary year. This year is the most serious challenge we have faced since the epidemic. Many companies have laid off employees. Many domestic property owners have united to send notices to banks to stop loan repayments. Real estate projects have no - DayDayNews

2. Children from ordinary families.

Whether you are a boy or a girl, serving in the military is an opportunity to change your destiny. Nowadays, military recruitment is fair, just and open. Don't think that you are from an ordinary family and have no background. Even if you sign up to be a soldier, you will not be drafted. This idea is wrong. What we want to serve as soldiers are ambitious young people with a correct ideological attitude, correct outlook on life, excellent physical fitness, love for the motherland, not afraid of hardship, and willing to contribute.

Therefore, as long as you meet the conditions, you have a chance to enlist in the army. After joining the army, you must go all out and seize any opportunity to grow and change your destiny, such as training, going to the teaching team, becoming a sergeant, taking the non-commissioned officer school and the military academy exam, etc.

2022 can be said to be an extraordinary year. This year is the most serious challenge we have faced since the epidemic. Many companies have laid off employees. Many domestic property owners have united to send notices to banks to stop loan repayments. Real estate projects have no - DayDayNews

For children from ordinary families, it is enough to seize one opportunity in the army. For example, perform well in the army, train hard, master professional skills, have excellent military qualities, have a good mass base in the company, and be able to get the backbone of the company. recognition, which is sufficient to serve in the army for 12 years.

Having served in the army for 12 years is a turning point. After serving in the army for 12 years, you will meet the conditions for job transfer and resettlement. When you are unable to continue your promotion due to physical reasons or due to work unit staffing reasons, you can choose to change jobs and return to local development. You don’t have to worry about employment issues yourself, as the government is responsible for arranging work.

2022 can be said to be an extraordinary year. This year is the most serious challenge we have faced since the epidemic. Many companies have laid off employees. Many domestic property owners have united to send notices to banks to stop loan repayments. Real estate projects have no - DayDayNews

3. Young people who have feelings for their family and country must serve as soldiers.

As the saying goes, "If you join the army, you will regret it for two years, but if you don't serve, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Take advantage of your youth to go to the military camp to experience and practice, go to the hot military camp to display your talents, and go to the place where the motherland needs it most to contribute your strength. The age at which one can serve as a soldier is only a few years, basically between the ages of 18 and 22 or 24. Once he is overage, it means he has missed the opportunity to serve as a soldier.

2022 can be said to be an extraordinary year. This year is the most serious challenge we have faced since the epidemic. Many companies have laid off employees. Many domestic property owners have united to send notices to banks to stop loan repayments. Real estate projects have no - DayDayNews

Young people who have feelings for their family and country join the army to serve their country, and it is easier for them to make contributions in the army. Because they really love being soldiers and can devote themselves wholeheartedly to daily work and training.Therefore, it is easier to break through yourself and achieve success. Whether it is promotion to sergeant or officer, or meritorious service, promotion, etc., you will be better.

2022 can be said to be an extraordinary year. This year is the most serious challenge we have faced since the epidemic. Many companies have laid off employees. Many domestic property owners have united to send notices to banks to stop loan repayments. Real estate projects have no - DayDayNews

Based on the above analysis, The registration time for the 2022 autumn military conscription has begun to come to an end. Young people who are still hesitating must act quickly. Especially these three types of people must sign up to be soldiers. This may be an opportunity to change their destiny. They are college graduates who have just graduated this year but have not found a job, children from ordinary families, and young people who have feelings for their family and country.

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