With the convening of the new NATO summit, its strategic concept document, which is updated every ten years, was also released. This document is an important document guiding NATO's strategic transformation in the next ten years. This release has attracted much attention.

2024/07/0105:15:32 military 1596

With the convening of the new NATO summit, its strategic concept document, which is updated every ten years, has also been released. This document is an important document guiding the strategic transformation of NATO in the next ten years. This release has attracted much attention. According to relevant news, this document defines Russia as the "most important and direct threat." At the same time, the document also mentions China for the first time and defines China as a so-called "systemic challenge."

With the convening of the new NATO summit, its strategic concept document, which is updated every ten years, was also released. This document is an important document guiding NATO's strategic transformation in the next ten years. This release has attracted much attention. - DayDayNews

NATO released a new strategic concept

In this document, NATO emphasized what it plans to do in the next ten years, which is crisis prevention management, deterrence defense and security cooperation. It can be seen from these words that the main purpose of NATO seems to be defense, but is this really the case? In fact, since its establishment, NATO has always flaunted itself as a defensive organization. However, judging from its consistent style, it has always exerted strategic influence on the outside world.

In NATO's first strategic document, its main purpose is to expand the European security space. How is it expanded? It means absorbing the former Soviet Union countries and some countries in Eastern Europe into NATO.

With the convening of the new NATO summit, its strategic concept document, which is updated every ten years, was also released. This document is an important document guiding NATO's strategic transformation in the next ten years. This release has attracted much attention. - DayDayNews

In this document, the concept of getting out of defense also appeared. Simply put, it means transforming passive defense into active intervention. Moreover, it also stated that military operations can be carried out directly without the consent of the United Nations. It can be seen from these that NATO is not a defensive organization at all.

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, NATO can be said to have directly become the absolute main force in supporting Ukraine , and has also regarded China and Russia as imaginary enemies, thereby getting rid of the brain-dead state after the end of the Cold War . In addition, NATO has also reached out to areas outside the North Atlantic, hoping to encircle China and Russia by wooing countries such as Japan and South Korea.

With the convening of the new NATO summit, its strategic concept document, which is updated every ten years, was also released. This document is an important document guiding NATO's strategic transformation in the next ten years. This release has attracted much attention. - DayDayNews

NATO Cold War mentality is deeply rooted

In fact, the hostility between China and Russia emphasized in this new strategic concept document is completely in line with the defense Warsaw Pact during the Cold War, and they both want to provoke confrontation between the camps. It can also be seen from this that the Cold War mentality has penetrated deeply into the minds of Western countries. The United States, as the head of NATO, plays a key role in this. It is not difficult to find that in recent years, through confrontation with Russia, the United States is penetrating into European countries and wants to gain control of Europe.

With the convening of the new NATO summit, its strategic concept document, which is updated every ten years, was also released. This document is an important document guiding NATO's strategic transformation in the next ten years. This release has attracted much attention. - DayDayNews

It can be seen from every expansion of NATO that the expansion of NATO will have a serious impact on the regional situation and the international situation. It can also be seen from this that the new NATO strategic concept document mentioned China, and its next actions are very likely to revolve around China, which is likely to cause turmoil and conflicts in Asia. China should be more vigilant about this. , always pay attention to NATO's movements.

Some information source: Chengdu Radio and Television

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