In 1937, Japan launched a war of aggression against China. On the one hand, the purpose was resources, and on the other hand, it was to occupy a relatively large land to prevent large-scale geological disasters and destruction on its own island nation.

2024/06/2910:45:32 military 1866

In 1937, Japan launched a war of aggression against China. On the one hand, the purpose was resources, and on the other hand, it was to occupy a relatively large land to prevent large-scale geological disasters and destruction on its own island nation. - DayDayNews

Japanese War of Aggression

In 1937, Japan launched a war of aggression against China. On the one hand, the purpose was resources, and on the other hand, it was to occupy a relatively large land to prevent large-scale geological disasters on its own island nation, which would lead to destruction.

The war of aggression against China at that time largely destroyed the interests of European and American powers in China, leading to the deterioration of relations between Japan and Europe and the United States, and Japan gradually being isolated in the world. The United States, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands imposed economic sanctions on Japan, cut off the import of war materials, and proposed the withdrawal of troops from China as a condition for resuming trade. As a result, Japan was seriously short of strategic supplies and found it difficult to support its war against China.

Japan is an extremely radical country. Among 100 countries, it is estimated that only one country will choose to go to war with China and Europe and the United States at the same time. Japan chose to seize European and American colonies in Asia for resources and provide energy security for the Chinese battlefield. In its plan to seize European and American colonies, the only thing Japan feared was the U.S. Pacific Fleet based on the Hawaiian Islands, so Japan decided to strike first.

In 1937, Japan launched a war of aggression against China. On the one hand, the purpose was resources, and on the other hand, it was to occupy a relatively large land to prevent large-scale geological disasters and destruction on its own island nation. - DayDayNews

Sneak attack on Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941, The Imperial Japanese Navy launched an undeclared war against the U.S. naval base in the PacificPearl Harbor. At the same time, it attacked Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma and in the Western Pacific. Philippines and other places launched attacks. On December 8, 1941, the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan, and the Pacific War broke out.

In 1937, Japan launched a war of aggression against China. On the one hand, the purpose was resources, and on the other hand, it was to occupy a relatively large land to prevent large-scale geological disasters and destruction on its own island nation. - DayDayNews

Pacific WarNaval Battle

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