During the military recruitment season, some rumors begin to spread secretly, such as "it costs money to be a soldier" and "there is a shady secret in the physical examination." In fact, recruitment has a set of strict standards, organizational processes and disciplinary requirem

2024/07/0109:15:32 military 1312
During the military recruitment season, some rumors begin to spread secretly, such as

During the military recruitment season, some rumors begin to spread secretly, such as "it costs money to be a soldier" and "there is a shady secret in the physical examination." In fact, recruitment has a set of strict standards, organizational processes and disciplinary requirements, involving multiple links, departments, and stages. It is subject to real-time supervision by military and local disciplinary inspection and supervision departments at all levels and social integrity recruitment supervisors.


Rumors: Soldiers cost money

Various conscription rumors not only damage the authority of the military service agencies, but also seriously hurt the hearts of many young people who have military dreams. Many young people and their parents who have been drafted have been "shocked" by rumors: No one in our family has money. Want to be a soldier? It is better not to think about it!

The truth: It does not cost a penny to join the army

You don't need to find someone or rely on connections to join the army. , Anyone who asks for property through various means is a liar. Relevant behaviors not only seriously interfere with the order of the recruitment work and tarnish the image of the army, but will also be severely punished by law!


Rumor: Money can buy "internal indicators"

The formal procedures are obviously efficient and orderly, but some young recruits and parents are caught by criminals Due to their eagerness to join the military and their lack of understanding of recruitment policies and procedures, they thought that scammers could obtain "internal indicators."

The truth: There are strict procedures for military recruitment.

If a young man passes the physical examination and political examination and joins the army, the swindler will claim that thanks to his efforts, the so-called relationship-finding expenses will fall into his own pocket, with no profit; If you fail to pass the project or have low academic qualifications and are eliminated, or have not joined the army, the scammers will come up with fake bank transfer records or forged mobile phone chat records, claiming that the money has been sent, and cannot be returned in full, but only part of it, or even disappear, leaving the money unavailable. recover. Heilongjiang Province has no recruitment plan or colleges for targeted training of sergeants. "Training institutions" and "academies" that claim to have "internal indicators to join the army" after graduation are all liars! The majority of young recruits and their parents must keep their eyes open and do not be fooled. If you delay your future, you will regret it!


Rumor: Selling graduation certificates "for military service" online will help you successfully enlist in the army

Some "educational institutions" sell graduation certificates "for military service" through WeChat groups and other channels, claiming that "it will make it easier for students not to go to school" People who have gone to school, but have not attended high school or technical secondary school can comply with the national military recruitment policy and successfully pass the military recruitment. "You can check the student status file ", and the price is high. Some "training institutions" and even some "academies" conduct false recruitment promotions by producing and distributing recruitment brochures that are very similar to military recruitment brochures, with words such as "join the army", "enlist in the army" and "become a sergeant directly after graduation" printed on the cover. , it also incorporates military elements such as military emblem , and the application conditions even require a political assessment form, etc. This is used as a gimmick to ask for high tuition fees and trick candidates into "joining the army" after enrolling.

The truth: When registering for military recruitment, you must truthfully fill in your student status and academic qualifications

The fact is that the national military recruitment registration system is linked to the Xuexin Network, and academic qualifications can be automatically reviewed; recruitment offices at all levels will coordinate with the education department to review the academic qualifications of young people who are drafted one by one. Review, check the authenticity of certificates and student status files. Those who can check online (college students, technical college students, etc.) need to check and confirm online. Do not believe the lies that fake graduation certificates can get you through, and fill in your student status and academic qualifications truthfully when registering.

The Heilongjiang Provincial Recruitment Office reminds you: Do not be fooled by "soldiers" who say you have to pay to join the army just because you are eager to join the army. You should promptly report any violations or violations to the local recruitment office.

The reporting method is as follows:

During the military recruitment season, some rumors begin to spread secretly, such as During the military recruitment season, some rumors begin to spread secretly, such as During the military recruitment season, some rumors begin to spread secretly, such as

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

Editor: Hu Fengchen

First instance: Wang Lin

Second instance: Fang Shuang

Third instance: Zhang Qiang

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