Nuclear pollution will destroy people's health and have a huge impact on the environment, which can even last as long as 100 years. The explosion of two atomic bombs instantly killed hundreds of thousands of people in these two cities, destroyed a large number of buildings, and t

2024/07/0106:34:32 military 1203

As we all know, nuclear weapons have very high destructive power. What is terrible about them is not only the destructive power produced during blasting, but also the nuclear pollution nuclear radiation produced after blasting. Nuclear pollution will destroy people's health and have a huge impact on the environment, which can even last as long as 100 years. Just look at Japan's , Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. The explosion of two atomic bombs instantly killed hundreds of thousands of people in these two cities, destroyed a large number of buildings, and turned them into ghost towns for a time. After continuous baptism by nature, the population is slowly recovering now.

Nuclear pollution will destroy people's health and have a huge impact on the environment, which can even last as long as 100 years. The explosion of two atomic bombs instantly killed hundreds of thousands of people in these two cities, destroyed a large number of buildings, and t - DayDayNews

After World War II, many countries began to develop nuclear weapons. But it also poses a huge threat to peace. To this end, many countries have signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons , which aims to prevent nuclear proliferation and promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Nowadays, in addition to the five permanent members of the United Nations who can legally possess nuclear weapons, there are also some countries that illegally possess nuclear weapons, such as India, , Pakistan, , and North Korea. But there is one country that has nuclear weapons but refuses to admit it, that is Israel.

Nuclear pollution will destroy people's health and have a huge impact on the environment, which can even last as long as 100 years. The explosion of two atomic bombs instantly killed hundreds of thousands of people in these two cities, destroyed a large number of buildings, and t - DayDayNews

generally signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty , and all countries in the world must abide by the contents of the treaty. The five major countries that have developed nuclear weapons cannot provide nuclear weapons and nuclear technology to non-nuclear countries. Non-nuclear countries cannot possess nuclear weapons or develop nuclear bombs. If it violates the content of the treaty, it will be sanctioned, but Israel does not comment on the claim that it possesses nuclear weapons, and the United Nations has nothing to do with it.

Nuclear pollution will destroy people's health and have a huge impact on the environment, which can even last as long as 100 years. The explosion of two atomic bombs instantly killed hundreds of thousands of people in these two cities, destroyed a large number of buildings, and t - DayDayNews

We know that Israel is a highly developed capitalist country . Its economic and military strength is quite strong, and it ranks among the best in the Middle East. Some people speculate that Israel is likely to have hundreds of nuclear bombs hidden in its arsenal.

Nuclear pollution will destroy people's health and have a huge impact on the environment, which can even last as long as 100 years. The explosion of two atomic bombs instantly killed hundreds of thousands of people in these two cities, destroyed a large number of buildings, and t - DayDayNews

A long time ago, Israel built a research center, which was suspected to be specially used to study nuclear weapons. However, Israel has not joined the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and the International Atomic Energy Agency has not inspected this place, so only Israel knows whether there are nuclear weapons here.

Nuclear pollution will destroy people's health and have a huge impact on the environment, which can even last as long as 100 years. The explosion of two atomic bombs instantly killed hundreds of thousands of people in these two cities, destroyed a large number of buildings, and t - DayDayNews

In fact, in addition to suspected nuclear weapons, Israel also has the equipment to launch or carry nuclear warheads . First of all, Israel has relatively powerful ballistic missile technology. Secondly, Israel's Dolphin-class conventionally powered submarines are equipped with medium-range cruise missiles. This equipment is capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Therefore, many people believe that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, but it has neither admitted nor denied it, allowing outsiders to speculate.

Nuclear pollution will destroy people's health and have a huge impact on the environment, which can even last as long as 100 years. The explosion of two atomic bombs instantly killed hundreds of thousands of people in these two cities, destroyed a large number of buildings, and t - DayDayNews

Israel's non-committal attitude also brings a certain deterrent to the country. You have to think about it yourself. If you want to take action anyway, you can weigh it yourself. Historically, Israel has been bullied in the Middle East. It was only established in 1948. With the help of the United States, it gradually became stronger and became capable of developing its military and economy.

Regardless of whether Israel has nuclear weapons or not, it does not dare to use them easily. After all, once nuclear weapons are used, it means the outbreak of nuclear war , which is the third war. This is a consequence that no one can afford.

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