Note from Lao Zhan: I haven’t talked about the Russo-Ukrainian war for a long time, because this war has dragged on for too long and was completely unexpected. As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, will it bring down NATO?

2024/07/0302:52:33 military 1272

Lao Zhan small note:

I haven’t talked about the Russia-Ukraine war for a long time,

because this war has been dragged on for too long,

completely unexpected.

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, will it bring down NATO ? The views expressed in the

article are not necessarily correct.

is reproduced here to provide a perspective on the problem.

The Russia-Ukraine war brought down NATO?

Read Caihui

The following article comes from Han and Tang Glory, author Xu Jijun

Entering 2022, the world has finally entered the opening stage of the "Century of Great Changes".

If many people did not understand the meaning of "big changes" before, the connotation is now very clear.

The "big changes" in the world are the renaissance of Chinese civilization, the improvement of China's national strength, changing the balance of global power patterns, and thus triggering a series of changes in the global situation.

Since 2018, the United States has brazenly launched a trade war, technological blockade war, military containment and provocation against China, and has poisoned the world with biological virus war. This is the beginning of a big change.

1. Causes and Effects of the Russo-Ukrainian War

On February 24, 2022, Russia sent troops to launch the Russo-Ukrainian war. A total of fifty countries, including the United States, the European Union, NATO, and the United States' subordinate countries around the world, have joined in providing assistance to Ukraine and imposing sanctions on Russia. The world has once again entered the era of camp confrontation.

When the Russo-Ukrainian war began, most people did not expect the twists and turns of the war. Some people even today still cannot guess the outcome of the war.

It is currently generally accepted that the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war was blatantly promoted by the United States and NATO. Even if Russia does not send troops, this war will break out. Since 2015, the United States and NATO have helped train the Ukrainian army, and it had been six years by the time the war broke out! NATO's base for training Ukrainian troops is located in Lviv, an important town in western Ukraine.

The Ukrainian army has been comprehensively improved in terms of training level and military equipment. Therefore, after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, the Ukrainian army's performance in this battle exceeded that of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014.The situation was immeasurable.

After the Lviv training camp was hit by a Russian missile , on April 29, the US Department of Defense announced that the United States had begun additional training for the Ukrainian armed forces at US military facilities in Germany. The training builds on preliminary artillery training Ukrainian troops have received elsewhere, which also includes operational aspects such as radar systems and armored vehicles .

The United States is determined to implement the strategy of "fighting to the last Ukrainian " to the end!

In the Russo-Ukrainian War, although many NATO countries in the United States did not directly send organized troops to participate in the war, more than 10,000 NATO armed forces entered the Ukrainian army in the name of mercenaries and served as officers to perform combat missions.

After being trained by the United States and NATO, the Ukrainian army has the ability to rely on the NATO information command platform to fight. It has used drones, missiles, and special operations to cause huge losses to the Russian army. Many generals of the Russian army were killed, and the Moskva was sunk, leaving the Russian army stunned in the early stages of the war.

With the sinking of the Moskva as a key node, the Russian army woke up from a dream and no longer shrank. They used missiles in large numbers against targets throughout Ukraine and concentrated their superior forces and firepower in the east. With a firepower that was forty times greater than that of the Ukrainian army, they successively captured In Mariupol , a seaport industrial city, the Azov Battalion was wiped out at the Azov Steel Plant. In the subsequent battle of Donetsk, the Ukrainian army was unable to resist. The Ukrainian army voluntarily withdrew from Lchansisk after a slight resistance, mainly because it was frightened by the Russian army's encirclement and annihilation war in the east.After successively losing key cities in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, Russia successfully completed the minimum war mission: complete control of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions!

In previous analyses, Han and Tang have always emphasized that as long as Ukraine does not surrender, Russia will not stop its offensive. The war is cruel and ruthless. If the Russian army does not take the initiative to attack, it will give the United States and NATO time to rearm the Ukrainian army. Once the Ukrainian army counterattacks, Russia will suffer greater losses.

At present, Zelensky has ordered the Ukrainian army to concentrate on regaining territory along the Black Sea coast, claiming that it will use one million troops to launch a major counterattack.

There is no room for Russia to stay in this kind of battle. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength! The Russo-Ukrainian war is very likely to turn into a battle of life and death, a battle of annihilation of the country!

Of course, the outcome is already determined: if we want to decide between life and death, Russia will live and Ukraine will die. If the country must be destroyed, it must be Ukraine.

Note from Lao Zhan: I haven’t talked about the Russo-Ukrainian war for a long time, because this war has dragged on for too long and was completely unexpected. As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, will it bring down NATO? - DayDayNews

2. Interests of all parties

In 2014, after the color revolution in Ukraine, it all turned towards the United States. Many Americans came to Ukraine to serve as ministerial officials and took substantial control of the country. A puppet regime like

is basically impossible to represent the interests of the Ukrainian people, nor will it be responsible for Ukraine's national destiny.

Under the control and instigation of the United States and NATO, Ukraine began to expand, thinking that it could join NATO or challenge Russia with its back.

Even after five months of being beaten, Ukraine is still talking wildly about counterattacking Russia. This is really unconvincing.

At all times and in all countries, those who overestimate their capabilities will pay a heavy price. Ukraine's self-aggrandizement and mistaken alliance with gangsters have made it the biggest loser in this geopolitical crisis. Faced with Russia's superior military strength, which can choose the direction of attack at any time, Ukraine can only sit back and wait for death. The occasional counterattacks are like scratching the surface and cannot change the situation.

Ukraine’s ending has been decided, it depends on how you die, all the struggles are a joke.

The United States used the Russia-Ukraine war to harvest the EU. First, it promoted the return of capital to the United States; second, it sold high-priced natural gas to the EU and took advantage of the opportunity; third, it cut off the energy trade between the EU and Russia, reduced the EU's dependence on Russia, and at the same time deepened The EU's dependence on the United States; fourth, it continues to consume Russia, threatens Europe with Russia, and takes the opportunity to coerce more countries to join NATO, causing NATO to expand eastward and northward again.

The EU cooperated with the United States in promoting the Russo-Ukrainian war. First, national security and political economy were fully controlled by the United States and lacked autonomy. Second, the EU expanded. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it absorbed the three Baltic countries and Poland , Czech and other Eastern European countries to join. , the degree of unity is not as good as before; third, France and Germany are in different beds, and their opinions are not unified. France is more inclined to reconcile with Russia. Germany is originally highly dependent on Russia for energy, but it also wants to use the Russia-Ukraine war to break free from the shackles of the United States and achieve military normalization.

Once upon a time, the European Union, as the world's most outstanding inter-regional international organization, not only far surpassed the United States in terms of economic strength, but also had strong international influence.

But now, the EU continues to sink, and eventually becomes a pawn for the United States to suppress China and Russia. It is really sad that it has been reduced from a chess player to a pawn.

Britain’s attitude in the Russo-Ukrainian War was highly consistent with that of the United States. Since exiting the EU, the UK's only goal in Europe is to once again mess up the continent, drag its old enemies France, Germany, and Russia into war, continue to use its offshore balancing strategy, and play the role of a conspirator.

Japan’s attitude is highly similar to that of the UK. However, Japan is only a colony of the United States, and its status is far inferior to that of Britain.As a chess piece of the United States, Japan will follow the United States to confront China and Russia. The most likely possibility is that Japan will become a chessboard. It is not impossible for Japanese Islands Lu Shen.

India chose to be neutral this time due to its decades-long military alliance with Russia, but took the opportunity to import Russian oil and resell it to Europe, making a lot of money and giving Russia a lot of support!

As far as Russia is concerned, the United States and NATO are sharpening their knives and preparing to attack the city at any time. Should you passively wait for the enemy to take action, or take the initiative?

In fact, regardless of whether Ukraine acted first or not, the Western media that controls the hegemony of world public opinion will definitely shift the responsibility to Russia. Russia will definitely face the same sanctions and siege!

In this case, why not take the initiative to deal with the enemy?

is nothing more than a showdown with the United States, Europe and the Western world, and no longer pursues integration into the so-called "international mainstream civilized society" dominated by the Western world!

Without the participation of China and Russia, can the United States and Europe represent the international mainstream? That's the joke.

The fact is that Russia has shown its cards, overturned the card table, and the United States and Europe have also taken action. Without further ado, let’s compete and see the real story.

Note from Lao Zhan: I haven’t talked about the Russo-Ukrainian war for a long time, because this war has dragged on for too long and was completely unexpected. As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, will it bring down NATO? - DayDayNews

3. Costs and Dividends

The secret plan of the United States, the European Union, and NATO is actually a clear plan: to use the Ukrainian proxy war to bring down Russia.

However, after the Cold War, the United States and NATO easily defeated countries such as Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. It was so smooth that they seemed to have forgotten the consequences of confrontation with the superpowers.

The consequences have already appeared: in less than five months since the Russia-Ukraine war started, the EU has already lost 400 billion euros!

However, Russia is not afraid of the economic sanctions of the United States and Europe. The oil ruble turned out to be the most powerful currency of the year!

According to the Russian Central Bank preliminary assessment, the Russian Federation's foreign trade surplus from January to May 2022 increased by more than 2.7 times compared with the same period in 2021, reaching 124.3 billion US dollars. From January to May 2022, the current account surplus of the Russian Federation's balance of payments continued to grow, reaching US$110.3 billion, an increase of nearly 3.5 times compared with the same period last year.

Such economic performance has obviously enjoyed the dividends of the war! No wonder the support rate among Russians for Putin launching a Russia-Ukraine war is as high as 80%!

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union self-destructed, and the United States won by chance. From then on, the superstitious finance and ideology succeeded, but this was just a dream. In this world, military strength ultimately has the final say!

Since the Russia-Ukraine war, more than 50 countries have united to impose sanctions on Russia. They did not wait for the Russian economy to collapse, nor did they see Putin step down. I couldn't bear it any longer!

EU countries collectively sanctioned Russia and cut off Russia’s oil and natural gas transactions. The direct consequence is that the price of natural gas and electricity rise, and we are forced to restart coal power, burn wood for heating, eat less pork, eat less bread... eat less, eat less, eat less... It is hard to imagine that this is happening in the 21st century Western European !

NATO originally had thirty member states, but it still had no chance of winning against Russia. Now it has added Sweden Finland to join. With the addition of these two countries, will the chance of winning increase? It can only be understood that the number of members involved in the robbery has increased.

In fact, only weak ones like hyenas and wild dogs will attack in groups.

A real tiger does not need to form a group, it is extremely easy for one or two to join forces and sweep away the hyenas!

Note from Lao Zhan: I haven’t talked about the Russo-Ukrainian war for a long time, because this war has dragged on for too long and was completely unexpected. As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, will it bring down NATO? - DayDayNews

4. The fate of politicians

Previously, on June 22, the pro-US government of Bulgaria, a dual member of the EU and NATO , which had been in power for only six months, was ousted in the National Assembly with a vote of no confidence.

After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, pro-American Prime Minister Petkov ignored the country's economic difficulties and blindly followed the trend of the United States and imposed severe sanctions on Russia. Bulgaria relies heavily on Russian energy, but refuses to comply with Russia's "Ruble Settlement Order", resulting in 90% of natural gas supply being cut off. Petkov strongly supports Ukraine militarily and also wants to strengthen NATO's presence in Bulgaria.

For this reason, the opposition criticized the Petkov government for "only looking after its own interests and those of the United States."

Petkov denounced those who opposed him as "Russian agents" and accused the main opposition party "Ennahda" of being "a channel for Russian interests in the country."

No matter who is a foreign agent, sacrificing the interests of his country for other countries, of course he should be kicked out!

On July 7, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was forced to withdraw due to the party door scandal at the beginning of the year and the subsequent sexual harassment incident of Conservative MP Chris Pincher, coupled with multiple factors such as high inflation and poor epidemic prevention and control. Announced that he would resign as leader of the ruling Conservative Party and prime minister, but claimed that he would stay in office until a new leader is elected.

The Johnson government acted slowly in the face of the new crown epidemic, and the UK became the hardest hit area by the first wave of the epidemic. The British inflation rate reached a 40-year high of 9.1% in May, the highest inflation rate among the G7 countries.

However, Johnson refused to leave, which aroused even greater opposition! Then more scandals will be exposed, and it is estimated that he will be forced to leave early!

The absurd thing is that Johnson’s reputation in the international community is really bad! Guy Verhofstadter, the former Brexit coordinator of the European Parliament, said that Johnson's term is ending in a "shameful way" and "the relationship between the EU and the UK has been greatly affected by Johnson's choice to leave the EU."

CNN stated that nearly 60 government officials resigned, and Johnson finally had to give up and continue to be in power.

A spokesman for the Russian President’s Office said, “Johnson really doesn’t like us, and we don’t like him either.”

Johnson was elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 2019. He has been hated by almost everyone for three years in power. This can be regarded as a miracle in world politics.

On July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died after being shot during a speech in Nara. He was 67 years old. Gunner Toru Yamayama served in the Maritime Self-Defense Force for three years before retiring in 2005. Tetsuya Yamama's mother joined the cult organization the Unification Church when he was in junior high school and donated huge sums of money to the family bankruptcy.

On the afternoon of July 11, Tomihiro Tanaka, president of the Japanese branch of the Korean Unification Church, admitted that the mother of Tetsuya Yamama, who was suspected of murdering former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, was a believer in the church.

Shinzo Abe gave a video speech at an event of the Unification Church in September 2021. Abe’s grandfather Nobusuke Kishi once visited the head of the Unification Church in Japan.

Japan's Liberal Democratic Party has always publicly supported the Unification Church. Toru Yamama discovered Abe's relationship with the Unification Church, so he was dissatisfied with Abe and began to murder him.

Drinking and pecking is not destiny, if you do unrighteousness, you will die!

Shinzo Abe is openly anti-China internationally and implements far-right policies at home. As the political leader of Japanese militarism, he spares no effort to promote Japan's normalization of the country, amend the constitution, and give Japan the power to wage war abroad.

These political choices will all lead Japan to the direction of complete destruction.

died as worthy as a feather. This is the end of Abe!

On July 10, Kaya Karas, an important supporter of Ukraine and Prime Minister of Estonia , announced her resignation. Karas took office on January 26, 2021, and has been in power for less than a year and a half.

Karas, as a pro-American and anti-Russian representative, once shouted, "Although natural gas is important, freedom is priceless."

Currently, Estonia's high inflation is very serious, reaching 14.8%, second only to Lithuania's 15.6% . Inflation has caused food prices to soar, gasoline prices to skyrocket, and a natural gas shortage crisis.

Estonia is a small country with a population of only 1.3 million, a total area of ​​only 45,000 square kilometers, and a defense force of only 6,600 people. Like Lithuania, it has become the most active country in opposing Russia. It really does not know that its death is coming.

On July 10, German media reported that the Social Democratic Party held an internal gathering before the parliament adjourned, with about 1,000 participants, including German Prime Minister Scholz and members of Congress. At this party, at least nine girls were drugged into coma. As an important host and participant of the party, Scholz cannot absolve himself of the blame.

After the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out, Germany announced sanctions on Russian energy, and an energy crisis occurred in the country.

After the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out, the Ukrainian ambassador to Germany repeatedly mocked and insulted the German president, government and the public. The Russo-Ukrainian War not only brought an economic burden to Germany, but also seemed to have found a bossy adoptive father!

Whether the German political arena will be turbulent due to this sex scandal, and whether the opposition will take the opportunity to launch an attack, it is necessary to continue to follow up and observe.

Scholz, a politician who has been in office for less than half a year, is already facing a precarious situation.

The shadow of economic recession in the United States is approaching step by step, oil prices are still close to historical highs, and the mass shooting incident on July 4, Independence Day, triggered heated debates about gun control.

On July 8, US President Biden read out prompt words such as "Quotation is complete" and "Repeat this line" from the teleprompter during his speech, triggering the reaction of Tesla CEO Musk and others. of ridicule.

"Whoever controls the teleprompter is the real president," Musk wrote on Twitter.

html At the end of June, when Biden held a press conference in Madrid, he mistakenly mentioned "Sweden" as "Switzerland". During the NATO summit, Biden appeared shockingly dumbfounded and became the focus of heated discussion in international public opinion.

It is so dramatic for a superpower like the United States to elect such a suspected Alzheimer's disease patient to control the highest power!

html On July 9, the latest poll released by the " New York Post " showed that US President Biden's support rate plummeted to 30%, a new low, and the proportion of people dissatisfied with him was as high as 57%.

The 2022 midterm elections for the U.S. Congress are in full swing, and Biden’s crotch-stretching performance will undoubtedly bring down the Democratic Party.

As expected, Biden is about to become a lame president and will achieve nothing during the remaining term.

In the 2024 presidential election, Biden will undoubtedly lose. Even if you win by chance, whether you can maintain your current health is the biggest problem.

Of course, from the perspective of the Chinese people watching, the author is happy to see Biden win re-election and continue to be in power!

is, after all, the King of Sleep, an Alzheimer’s patient, isn’t it nice to slowly drain away the energy of America?

5. Put down the butcher knife

Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, the United States, as a superpower, has been completely irresponsible, endlessly launching wars against weak countries, wantonly provoking geopolitical conflicts, and creating disasters and refugees around the world.

After entering the 21st century, the United States established hundreds of biological virus research bases around the world, using living people to conduct virus experiments locally, and using migratory birds and insects to spread viruses.

The source of many sudden infectious diseases caused by unknown viruses around the world points to the virus laboratory in the United States.

is driven by greed and madness, and has become a label that the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish Capital Alliance cannot tear off.

The new crown epidemic, the Russia-Ukraine war, the food crisis, and the frequent heavy rains and floods, the so-called four horsemen of the apocalypse followed one after another.

Human society is facing severe challenges and crises, and the road ahead is unpredictable!

When will those American and European politicians who have been backlashed by reality repent?

If the lessons from the Russia-Ukraine war were more tragic, it might be a good idea.

hopes that American and European politicians will put down their butcher knives and embrace the light.


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