In 1951, General Xu Shiyou, then commander of the Shandong Military Region, took the time to return to his hometown to visit his mother and fellow villagers. He left home to practice martial arts when he was 8 years old, and later became a soldier. He has not been home for nearly

2024/07/0121:31:32 military 1637

In 1951, General Xu Shiyou, then commander of the Shandong Military Region, took the time to return to his hometown to visit his mother and fellow villagers.

In 1951, General Xu Shiyou, then commander of the Shandong Military Region, took the time to return to his hometown to visit his mother and fellow villagers. He left home to practice martial arts when he was 8 years old, and later became a soldier. He has not been home for nearly - DayDayNews

He left home to practice martial arts when he was 8 years old, and later became a soldier. He has not been home for nearly 30 years. During this period, he had intermittently communicated with his family through several letters, but during the war years, due to frequent wars and changing places, he soon lost contact with his family.

Xu Shiyou returned to his hometown and caused a sensation in the entire county. Because everyone thought that he had become a high official after following the Red Army, but he had not been in contact for so many years and should have been sacrificed. This time he returned home in fine clothes, and the villagers were shocked and surrounded his home.

A few days later, Xu Shiyou left his hometown and returned to the army. He took away two people, one was his mother whom he longed for, and another old man.

In 1951, General Xu Shiyou, then commander of the Shandong Military Region, took the time to return to his hometown to visit his mother and fellow villagers. He left home to practice martial arts when he was 8 years old, and later became a soldier. He has not been home for nearly - DayDayNews

Everyone knows that Xu Shiyou is famous for his filial piety, and after his death, all senior party, government and military leaders were cremated, but he was the only one who was buried. He is not trying to be special, but wants to accompany his mother. His reason is very simple. He did not take good care of his mother during his lifetime, but he will always stay by her side after his death. This shows how admirable his filial piety is.

So, who was the other person he took away? What is the relationship between this old man and him? Everything has to start from the beginning.

In 1928, Xu Shiyou served as the captain of the county sword team and organized riots. After the failure, he was wanted and ran into the mountains to hide, and later joined the Red Army.

In 1930, Xu Shiyou was seriously injured while fighting the enemy, his intestines leaked out of the body, and he passed out. Although he was rescued by his comrades, he was seriously injured and could no longer follow the troops. Therefore, the army arranged for him to return to his hometown to recuperate, and then come back after recovering from his injuries.

In 1951, General Xu Shiyou, then commander of the Shandong Military Region, took the time to return to his hometown to visit his mother and fellow villagers. He left home to practice martial arts when he was 8 years old, and later became a soldier. He has not been home for nearly - DayDayNews

Xu Shiyou was escorted home by several comrades in arms and began to recuperate. However, the news that he returned to his hometown to recuperate was reported by a traitor in the same village, and the militia immediately came to arrest him. A fellow villager informed Xu Shiyou in advance, and Xu Shiyou covered his wounds that had not yet healed and hid in the house of an uncle in a neighboring village.

The militia group went to Xu Shiyou's house and failed, but the traitor quickly reported that Xu Shiyou might be hiding in his uncle's house, and led people to surround his uncle's house and shouted at Xu Shiyou to come out quickly.

Xu Shiyou was injured and had difficulty moving. In an emergency, his uncle hid him in the attic on the roof. This place is very hidden. The people who broke into the courtyard from the vigilante group searched for a long time but could not find them. So, he forced his uncle to surrender.

The uncle insisted that Xu Shiyou had never been to his home. The people from the vigilante group became angry and hung his uncle up and beat him severely. However, his uncle insisted that Xu Shiyou had never been to his home.

In 1951, General Xu Shiyou, then commander of the Shandong Military Region, took the time to return to his hometown to visit his mother and fellow villagers. He left home to practice martial arts when he was 8 years old, and later became a soldier. He has not been home for nearly - DayDayNews

At this time, when the people from the militia saw that his uncle did not speak, they hung up Xu Shiyou's aunt and beat her severely.

My aunt had a violent temper. Not only did she not say where Xu Shiyou was hiding, she also cursed the vigilante groups for causing harm to the people. Not only were the members of the militia unable to find Xu Shiyou, they were scolded so badly that they became so angry that they beat their aunt again and killed her directly.

At this time, Xu Shiyou's wound had not healed. Just now, his uncle carried him up to the attic, and the wound opened again. He fainted from the pain.

When he woke up, he found out that his aunt had been beaten to death by a vigilante group. Xu Shiyou cried loudly, but his uncle scolded him and said to him: "If you want to carry out revolution in the future, you will shed blood and sacrifice. Don't be so worthless. If you are captured by the militia, your aunt's death will be in vain." .

In 1951, General Xu Shiyou, then commander of the Shandong Military Region, took the time to return to his hometown to visit his mother and fellow villagers. He left home to practice martial arts when he was 8 years old, and later became a soldier. He has not been home for nearly - DayDayNews

Xu Shiyou felt that he had implicated his aunt, and he couldn't stop crying. It took a while to calm down. From then on, he remembered the kindness of his uncle's family. This is the scene at the beginning of the article. While Xu Shiyou picked up his mother, he also took his uncle to Jinan for retirement.

Later, his mother's health was still good, but she really couldn't adapt to life in the city, so she returned to her hometown.Although his uncle also suggested that he could not adapt to the life in the city and wanted to go back to his hometown with his mother, because of his poor health and no one to take care of him at home, Xu Shiyou did not agree, but kept him by his side and served him till his death. .

In 1951, General Xu Shiyou, then commander of the Shandong Military Region, took the time to return to his hometown to visit his mother and fellow villagers. He left home to practice martial arts when he was 8 years old, and later became a soldier. He has not been home for nearly - DayDayNews

Xu Shiyou fought all his life, but in him we can see the filial piety of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, and even more, their feelings of repaying their kindness. Is such a red gene and tradition worthy of today? What about our learning and inheritance?

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