According to a Reuters report on the 14th, three sources told Reuters that Britain and Japan are close to reaching a cooperation to merge the two countries' "Tempest" and F-X fighter projects. The two countries plan to reach an agreement on a new joint project by the end of this

2024/06/3005:14:32 military 1730

According to Reuters reported on the 214th, three sources told Reuters that the United Kingdom and Japan are close to reaching a cooperation to merge the two countries' "Tempest" and F-X fighter projects. The two countries plan to reach an agreement on a new joint project by the end of this year, sources said.

According to a Reuters report on the 14th, three sources told Reuters that Britain and Japan are close to reaching a cooperation to merge the two countries'

Screenshot of Reuters report, the picture shows the prototype of the "Tempest" project

Reuters said that will be the first time after the war that Japan has sought participation in a military development project from a country other than the United States, and it will also be the first major cooperation between Japan and the United Kingdom. It even exceeded the earlier expectations of both countries.

A source said that Britain and Japan will reach an equal partnership and the project will cost tens of billions of dollars.

Reuters stated that it has never been reported before that the "Tempest" fighter project led by BAE Systems Company and the F-X fighter project led by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will be merged before the end of this year.

Another source said that the UK will give priority to the European market, while Japan will be responsible for the Asian market. He said that cooperative development of

will share development costs, while seeking exports will increase production to reduce the price of each aircraft.

Reuters also emphasized that the change in Japan's military industrial policy was driven by former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who died in an attack not long ago, and the current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida also stated that Japan will significantly increase "defense funding."

In response to the above news, Japan's Ministry of Defense responded, "We hope to decide how to cooperate before the end of this year and are considering various possibilities." The British Ministry of Defense did not respond.

According to estimates by Japanese Ministry of Defense officials, the total cost of the F-X fighter project will reach US$40 billion, of which US$700 million in research and development funds have been allocated this year. The "Tempest" fighter jet project led by BAE Systems had planned to receive a government budget of 2.5 billion pounds by 2025.

column editor: Zhao Hanlu Text editor: Fang Ying Source of title picture: Visual China Picture editor: Zhu Xuan

source: Author: Global Times

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